“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Hi, this is my second year in the industry. According to the custom, I will record the end of each year.

With a tap on the keyboard, the text is like a duck to water. Find a few keywords to describe this year:

Work, anxiety, fitness, thinking, life, cats

A lot has happened this year. As an interesting young man, let’s start this post with a simple rap. 🏄 ♀ ️

A bad Rap?

Well, thank you for inviting me. I’m at home, just lying in bed, talking nonsense.

How do I feel this year? Half and half, I have more leisure time, but I am not happy to move, just lying flat?

Say to yourself,NO,NO,NO!

What do we do? How to do?

Anxiety today, mood tomorrow, depression, swell, explode ->

Join the coin circle, follow the Buddha system, win is free, defeat is a dream, accidentally harm ->

There’s no logic. It’s speculation. Go,Go,Go!

A thousand-fold exit, a winner, confident, a model, Oh yeah ->

Gai Zhonggai, White horse blue, Kun Kun Hao zi my brother, and a number of small animals, buy -“

Small leek, big leek, leek egg is a dish, and then a pot of leek soup, cut –

One day it’s coin, the next day it’s base, sad sad, poof, gone ->

What do we do? How to do?

On time, open the network:

I’m sorry for being the person I am. Young and a million in debt; Just entered the society, the family shattered; Harm!

Bow down, give up fantasy, honest move brick! Change change,Giao,Giao!

Open source, blog, exercise, see if I can do it or not!

Github dating expert, cilanhua 🥦 guardian, green pepper 🫑 ambassador, the first person to give up, oh yeah 🙂

Look at today, will regret? NO,NO,NO, this is life, live, once and for all.

Will regret, will be lonely, the best attitude, Love Life!

See tomorrow evening, will look forward to? Yes,Yes,Yes, this is life, live, once and for all.

Will be happy, will be happy, full of chicken blood, Love 3M Life!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, youyo, this is the year, chat!

He who makes careless bets for pleasure.

Above is purely random disorderly bet, although entertainment, but rap is false, life is not false, if there are similarities, absolutely plagiarism. Please transfer the money to my wechat account by then. Thank you.

Anyway, let’s talk a little bit about what happened this year and what I think, maybe a little boring.

But there are things you can do to help yourself by looking at other people’s thoughts.

Work and Technology

About the business

At the beginning of the year, my colleague said:

Don’t always think about optimization, after half a year, you will be disgusted with the present state, business is too tedious, it is estimated that you are numb.

Every day in the face of the old business code, rob Peter to pay Paul for a long time, will no doubt turn a blind eye to the old business, or first muddle through first, so as not to tear down the east wall collapsed the west wall.

This is a technical problem that most students, including myself, will encounter. Fortunately, I found a solution of my own:

  1. Understand the business and identify flaws in your narrow approach or the old way;
  2. Step by step replacement, it is important to stand on the shoulders of predecessors to do, rather than directly overturn all;
  3. Performance binding, making this thing your job and your future speedster;
  4. Best practices, cutting complexity into simplicity, creating shortcuts for complex businesses, make it a technical best practice.

There is no doubt that refactoring is a very complicated thing. If you just face the business, then from another Angle, think about whether there is a way to solve it elegantly, and also to experiment some new ideas and find a happy point. Being a tech is a craft, and trust me, as long as you find what makes you happy, it’s not a different kind of fun.

Here’s an example:

For example, in our project, where we have a suspension window function, the original technical solution uses a permissionless method of inserting a DecorView. However, the original design defects are too many to meet the business changes. At this point, there are two ways, one is to continue to use the scalp, build walls in the periphery; Or take this opportunity to reconstruct the floating window, deconstructing it into a floating window component, flexible. Therefore, I chose the latter and began to design it after referring to the experience of our predecessors:

FloatingX, WHICH I shamelessly call the best permissionless floating window on Android. So far, although there are only about 100 stars, it is still in the RC version, because the current design of the base layer is not very good, after the transformation, the official version will be released. However, during this process, I encountered some problems and received feedback from other users, which also made me see some different scenes. As far as technology is concerned, this is my happiness.

In our project, there are too many similar scenarios, so although there is not much work on new business, there is no idle time every day, and there are many things that cannot be solved first.

For me, the perspective of experience is always number one, and if it saves a lot of time in the future, then it’s worth it, regardless of whether the process of doing it actually makes me sick.

Finding the joy in your business and being able to adapt it with your favorite technology at the right cost, that’s the fun stuff, and trust me, that’s your best practice.

About Learning Ability

As for learning ability, I did not do well this year. The reason is that it is very easy to lie down this year. Entertainment occupies most of the time, and there is not much time for re-study every day.

I am not as enthusiastic about new technologies as before. On the contrary, I have seen and taken notes on some of the technologies I used this year, but when I saw them again this year, I forgot how to use them and had to dig out my notes and look at them again. On the whole, common new technology is also in practice, but when it comes to the principle, and hesitantly, not in-depth, compared with last year, down a lot.

About reading, at the beginning of the year, I like to read some books on the subway. I like history or biography, mainly because it is interesting. Also want to learn some methodology, life philosophy, and how, but these methodologies on my body is always useless, left eye, right eye, look very seriously, forget also seriously. Also had the heart of the notes, but still give up, you ask me to learn what, I answer, learn a lonely.

The most impressive is the biography of Steve Jobs, I think I will always remember the Lord, some ideas will always be accompanied and deep-rooted.

There must be some excellent people in this world and ordinary people like me, so excellent you do it, there must be some ordinary people, at least in reading this matter I would like to be ordinary, as long as I can feel the temperature of history.

I am a person who is not easy to concentrate. Fortunately, today’s mobile phones have the focus mode, so when I want to do something, I will turn on the work mode and start to do it, which improves my concentration to some extent. In the forced work for a period of time, and then at the appropriate time, switch to entertainment mode, start to entertain the brain.

If there’s a trick, then again, find the fun.

Living and Living

This is my second year in Beijing. I am no longer as new or creative as when I first came to the city. I have become a real [social person].

About diet

After moving to Haidian for half a year, I finally started cooking. Although my cooking skills are not so good, at least I finished my breakfast by myself.

In the morning, it is usually fried 2 eggs + 3-4 pieces of lunch meat + 2 pieces of lettuce, and then [lettuce and egg] with yogurt, it is also ok.

Different from the past, in the second half of the year, people began to pay more attention to the proportion of [vegetables], and the staple food is relatively less and less, even go out to eat, do not eat staple food. It can be said that if you don’t eat a few pieces of grass every day, your vitamin is not enough. 😂

About fitness

In the first half of the year, in order to treat rhinitis, do not know how many pairs of decoction to eat, are drinking stage no problem, stop not good. Bring about a doctor to ask me even, you zha again 😑.

Results after the second half of the year to start fitness, rhinitis himself good 😢. So later ask me how traditional Chinese medicine, I will tell you, traditional Chinese medicine to do body conditioning no problem, want to treat traditional Chinese medicine, I’m afraid is to think too much.

Conclusion: the body is the capital of revolution, many chronic diseases are caused by the body being too fat. In the month that is about to end this year, weight returned 125, 4 months dropped nearly 40 catties, pretty long, turn head to see the photo of the most time again, kind of sigh, this is a person, alas.

I don’t have much of a workout routine in general. It’s pretty easy. About 4-5 times a week, leg one day, arm + shoulder two days, chest two days, roughly like this, mixed, mainly depending on the state of the day:

In terms of eating, in order to reduce fat, we calculated calories crazily at first. Our company has a lot of fast food and used to eat it for a period of time, so we also calculated the related calories specially.

Xinjiang Fried rice noodles -988kcal

Noodles with vegetable sprouts in red oil -653kcal

Hot and dry noodles — 645kcal

Red oil wide powder -816kcal


PS: The consumer goods department remember to send me money to pay the publicity costs 😂

Also had eaten the same light food continuously, ate nearly 1 month, is also very firm, in this period, also often drink protein powder.

About protein powder, this is actually a supplement, 3 points practice 7 points eat no problem, if you can do every meal of beef, protein powder also naturally do not drink. I usually drink creatine 1 hour before working out, and then fill up some carbohydrate + protein powder. Of course, some people exercise after creatine and protein powder mixed with drink, also become.

About thinking

Sometimes I think, life is actually quite boring, sometimes also think of the past days, will sigh, will lose. But there is not too much fluctuation, and then by feeling, record the thoughts at this time.

This year, I always want to record something in some scenes, so the private messages or memos in wechat moments become the record of my feelings. As for me, I have grown up and become more accustomed to getting along with myself. When I first moved to Haidian, I always called my classmates to chat, just because I was bored and had no one to talk to. I was also very grateful to my classmates. But now, it’s better. It’s fun to be alone.

This year, I would like to talk about the topic of independent personality alone. In a strict sense, this characteristic is actually one of the most basic signs of people, but in fact, it is difficult for us to be independent in many cases. As far as I am concerned: If you think about it, there are so many times when you’re constrained by uncertainty, or passivity, or being so concerned about what other people think, that you suppress something, which is the ultimate psychological change.

About finance

At present, I only bought funds with a ratio of 3-3-4, with medium-high risk 30%, low-risk 30% and stable 40%, which is relatively suitable for me at present.

Style-wise, advocate [price], this sentence may be quite a failure this year. The original target was 15%, but the result was ok in the middle of the year. Now, it is a little negative, and the result is not satisfactory due to the large environment. But in general, index funds are still the simplest and most crude choice for ordinary people like me at this stage. For me, if the total amount is controlled at an appropriate proportion, I think everything will be ok. In other words, if I determine the value of something in the future, the change there is not so drastic now, and my mentality will not be too fluctuated. Some things will be lost quietly, some things lost will secretly leave a tail.

About currency, I am a pure speculation with leek molecules, no evaluation, no positive feedback, buying is a disorderly operation.

But I believe in some things. If you don’t catch something when it’s in front of you, you’ll miss it. In turn, making a choice means that the chance of getting it wrong goes up exponentially. Losers generally sigh why did not have how how, in fact, when some things in front of us, how you choose, is the most important, for us ordinary people, to face any thing is the same. And knowing how to do that is not easy.

Pay attention to the changes behind things, less operation, more learning.

Smart device miscellany

My little room was filled with smart homes this year:

Pikachu’s: Automatic poop shoveling, automatic water dispenser, automatic dryer, automatic feeder, home security camera

Surrounding mi home: heater, humidifier, air purifier, intelligent socket, thermostatic kettle, xiao Ai and so on

These devices certainly save a lot of work. Corresponding, serve as rice flour, is that millet stock?

Let’s cut the crap and talk about something else. The market for pet peripherals is huge. Here’s what I think:

Take the pet automatic excrement removal equipment, there are 799 entry -2000 on the market at present, JD sells the most popular is the small pei series, from 1299 to 2000 this price. Then I found an agent, and the fixed price of the old 2000 model was basically 1200, so the profit of this hardware is actually very large. Besides, the hardware, deodorant, garbage bag and cat litter are all necessary products in the surrounding area, and the prices of these products are not cheap. Around a product, so as to feed out the other ecology.

In the second half of the year, crowdfunding cat tower 799 was also quite popular, once to the extent of salted fish price increase. Visible at present for automatic shovel excrement this, there is no first [red rice] line.

Talk about the environmental impact: having a cat in the pet hospital and other people chat, you can see, the person with the relevant equipment almost is not much, but also heard these, can be estimated that intelligent pet equipment that will definitely come close to the most familiar classmates, work instead of just a few people, may be in a few years, when they cat wouldn’t want to litter how to solve the problem.

Think about it carefully, the existing smart devices are all launched around a theme, that is, efforts to cast ecological wall, Mijia, Huawei, others, everyone is doing their own ecology, how about the real experience?

Take the camera as an example. In fact, I don’t use it many times, and most of the time I even turn it off. The advantage of Mi Jia lies in xiao Ai’s access and letting xiao Ai control these devices.

At this stage, intelligent equipment should be said to be in the 1.X stage, that is to say, manual work is handed over to a central control device to complete, each device can also rely on the gateway to execute the corresponding fixed logic.

What about 2.x? What are we going to experience differently?

I can’t think of it, really 😟, just think about the disadvantages of smart devices today:

  • Wifi dropped = artificial retardation
  • Home power = equipment scrapped


Look to the future

I wonder if you might hesitate about something? I’m going to show you a technique that I use a lot.

How do you make a decision about something you’re hesitant about?

Imagine yourself 20 years from now. What would you do if you looked at yourself 20 years ago? Cut back to the present, and I’m sure you’ll find a better answer.

Finally, before you do something, leave some room.

About 2022


  • Study and depth of Flutter
  • Application of design patterns to open source components
  • Audio and video entry, open source related components
  • Android tripartite library source comb
  • Making star break400
  • Video clip, can do simple video processing


  • Xi ‘an down payment
  • Pikachu is sterilized
  • read10This book
  • Go to thetwoAn unknown city

Words to myself


Now it is the evening of 5th, and I have finished the work intermittently. In fact, looking back, is my love for technology still there? It is still there, and it is becoming clearer and clearer.

Do you remember the dreams of your youth? Like a flower that will never wither, thanks for all the encounters and experiences of this year.

So, 2021, bye. 2022, hello, 👋🏻

Come on everybody 🙂

I’m Petterp, a third-rate developer who still loves it.