1. New Date () is NAN on IOS
We often use new Date() to get the timestamp, for example
new Date("The 2017-08-11 12:00:00");
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But on IOS, this is done using the value obtained as NAN. New Date() on IOS does not support the character “- “. For example,
new Date("The 2017-08-11 12:00:00".replace(/-/g."/"));
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2. Some Android models use height and line-height equivalents to set vertical center, but the problem will be displayed on the high side
During development, when we want text to be vertically centered, we often set height and line-height values to do so. This method has no problem when seen on the PC side, but when tested on the real phone, it will be found that some Android models will have the problem of high text. Reason: It seems that some Android models have their own default line height, and the extra line height we set doesn’t work. Solution: Set line-height to normal, then use the padding to center it.
line-height:normal; padding:xxpx 0;
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3. The fixed and input
If you are new to mobile Web development, you may have heard that you should not use fixed positioning on pages with input tags, because the two will always have strange problems together. On iOS, when clicking on the input TAB to get focus and trigger the soft keyboard, the fixed position will temporarily become invalid, or it can be read as an absolute position. In a page containing scrolling, the fixed position node will scroll with other nodes. In fact, this problem is also very easy to solve, as long as the parent node of the fixed location can not be rolled, so even if the fixed location fails, it will not be rolled with other rolling nodes, affecting the interface. However, there are many other bugs that are difficult to solve. For example, the Android soft keyboard is invoked to block the input tag so that the user can’t see the string he or she has entered. IOS requires at least one character to scroll the corresponding input tag to the appropriate position. So to avoid these difficult potholes, try to replace fixed with Absolute or Flex on pages with form input.
4. Prevent web pages from zooming in and out on mobile phones.
Viewport is not set to zoom
<meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0, the maximum - scale = 1.0, user - scalable = 0" />
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5. Default inner shadow for iPhone and iPad input boxes
Element {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(}Copy the code
6. Some Android phones fail to have rounded corners
background-clip: padding-box;
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7. 300ms click delay on the mobile terminal
The solution
Set meta tags to disable zooming
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"> Copy the code
FastClick is a lightweight library developed by FT Labs to solve the 300-millisecond click delay problem in mobile browsers. The implementation principle of FastClick is that when the Touchend event is detected, the DOM custom event will immediately simulate a click event and block the browser click event after 300ms.
FastClick may cause problems
8. Click through the question
Fastclick is a perfect solution to this problem. Since the Fastclick source code doesn’t depend on other libraries, you can add it directly to the native JS
window.addEventListener( "load".function() {
FastClick.attach( document.body );
}, false );
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If B has A default click event, preventDefault() should be prevented by replacing the tap event with Touchend.
$("#aa").on("touchend", function (event) {// Event.preventDefault (); });Copy the code
9. Phone number identification
On iOS Safari (other browsers and Android don’t), numbers that look like phone numbers are processed as phone links, such as:
- The value is a seven-digit number, for example, 1234567
- A number followed by a plus sign is in the form of :(+86)123456789
- The number of the double connection cable is in the format of 00-00-00111
- The value is an 11-digit number, for example, 13800138000
Close to identify
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />
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Open to identify
<a href="tel:123456">123456</a>
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10. Email recognition
Android will recognize strings that match the format of the mailbox. We can use the following meta to control automatic mailbox recognition:
<meta content="email=no" name="format-detection" />
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Similarly, we can also use the label attribute to enable the function of holding down the email address to pop up an email:
<a mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
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11. Set common meta tags
Meta For some special attributes on mobile terminals, you can set them as required
<meta name="screen-orientation" content="portrait">//Android disables screen rotation<meta name="full-screen" content="yes">// Full screen display<meta name="browsermode" content="application">//UC application mode. After using the application mode, the page will be full-screen by default, with no long press menu, no tidy up, standard layout, and mandatory image display.<meta name="x5-orientation" content="portrait">//QQ forced portrait<meta name="x5-fullscreen" content="true">//QQ forces full screen<meta name="x5-page-mode" content="app">//QQ application modeCopy the code
12. Clear the shadow in the input box
On iOS, the input field has an internal shadow by default to close like this:
div {
-webkit-appearance: none;
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13. Default font color for input box
textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #c7c7c7;
textarea:-moz-placeholder {
color: #c7c7c7;
textarea:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: #c7c7c7;
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14. The user sets the size to be enlarged or reduced, resulting in a page layout error
Set font to disable zooming
body {
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100% ! important;
text-size-adjust: 100% ! important;
-moz-text-size-adjust: 100% ! important;
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15. Android generates a border when an element is clicked
On some Android systems, clicking on a link will create a border or translucent gray mask, which varies by manufacturer. The removal code is as follows
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(
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16. Audio and video automatically play on ios and Android
This is not a bug, because the automatic playing of audio or video in web pages will bring some confusion or unnecessary traffic consumption to users, so apple system and Android system usually prohibit automatic playing and JS trigger playing, which can only be triggered by users. Add automatic trigger play code
$('html').one('touchstart'.function() {
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17 iOS pull-up boundary pull-down blank appears
Hold your finger on the screen and pull it down to create a white area at the top of the screen. Hold your finger on the screen and pull, creating a white area at the bottom.
In iOS, holding a finger and dragging it up and down triggers the TouchMove event. This event triggers the entire WebView container, which will naturally be dragged, leaving the rest blank.
'touchmove'.function(e) {
if (e._isScroller) return
// Block the default event
passive: false})Copy the code
18 onkeyUp is incompatible with onKeydown
Input keyboard events keyup, keyDown, and so on are not well supported in IOS. Using input to listen for keyboard keyup events is not a problem in Android mobile browser, but the corresponding keyup event is not immediately corresponding after input method is used in IOS mobile browser
19 The IOS12 input box is difficult to click to obtain focus, and the soft keyboard cannot be played
Fastclick.js is compatible with IOS12, you can make the following changes in the fastclick.js source code or main.js
FastClick.prototype.focus = function(targetElement) {
var length
if (
deviceIsIOS &&
targetElement.setSelectionRange &&
targetElement.type.indexOf('date')! = =0&& targetElement.type ! = ='time'&& targetElement.type ! = ='month'
) {
length = targetElement.value.length
targetElement.setSelectionRange(length, length)
} else {
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20 IOS keyboard when the page does not fall back, the bottom will be blank
Scroll to the original position by listening for the keyboard to fall back
window.addEventListener('focusout'.function() {
window.scrollTo(0.0)})// Input input box pop-up soft keyboard solution.
var bfscrolltop = document.body.scrollTop
.focus(function() {
document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollHeight
.blur(function() {
document.body.scrollTop = bfscrolltop
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21. Cause of fixed failure in iOS
When the soft keyboard is invoked, the fixed element on the page becomes absolute, so when the page is scrolling on more than one screen, the invalid fixed element will follow the scrolling. The same problem applies to any soft keyboard (such as date and time selection, select selection, etc.) that is invoked, not just for type=text fields. Workaround: Instead of letting the page scroll, let the main section scroll by itself, set the height of the main section to 100%, overflow:scroll
<div class='warper'>
<div class='main'></div>
<div class="fix-bottom"></div>
</body>.warper { position: absolute; width: 100%; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; overflow-y: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; }. Fix -bottom {position: fixed; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }Copy the code