Life is short. I use Python

I believe many of you are already familiar with the word Python. When people talk about ARTIFICIAL intelligence, Python is the first language that comes to mind, and for more front-end students, Python has become their first choice to master a back-end language.

What is more ridiculous is that the finance department of our company joined the ranks of learning Python two days ago!!

Still pull me to her that XP system computer build environment, looking at this familiar prairie green, I was almost to somebody else that computer kowtow!

The advantage of Python

The popularity of Python can be described as “Python for all”.

This thing! There are three reasons:

Python has several major advantages over other languages:

  • Getting started Simple and powerful

  • The program is simple and fast

  • Code development is efficient

  • The grammar is elegant and easy to read

  • Baidu open source Deep learning framework: Paddle

  • Google open source machine learning framework: TensorFlow

  • The open source community’s main learning framework: SciKit-learn

Python also has great documentation, rich AI libraries, machine learning libraries, natural language and text processing libraries.

Application industry

Areas where Python can be used: back-end development, front-end development, crawler development, artificial intelligence, financial quantitative analysis, big data, Internet of Things, etc.

It’s appropriate in all of these areas.

The assistant has compiled some Python directions for you to see.

Core employment direction

“Other employment direction”, but ah, the salary of these directions also let a person become lemon essence in a second!

Free books

I have compiled some electronic books for Python learning. Please accept them

Recommended reading

I can’t do anything. I’m number one

I heard that you are not familiar with git commands?

20 Linux Commands to Stand out in an interview

Doesn’t the Maven command line smell good?

Your resume might say something like this

“Long press to identify the qr code below”, follow “Touch fish little assistant”, reply “Python Books”, you will get free books!

Scan code into the group, together to touch the fish ~~

Hope on the way to study, small assistant can help you a helping hand, all the way oh ~~~~