This is the 4th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge

All about Hexo — My Hexo column

Zero foreword

Following the full transformation of your own personalized Hexo blog, this post focuses on buying domain names and how to bind and resolve them.

A purchase

Here I only recommend two platforms: Ali cloud official website and Tencent cloud official website, choose your favorite.

I bought is a very spicy chicken domain name, the first year is 9 dollars, but the continuation of the words have dozens of hundreds.

Tip: If you do get a domain you like, make it as long as possible. Otherwise you may regret it when you renew your domain name, and it can be a hassle if you need to file a new domain name. 👀

Domain name binding and resolution

  1. Open the domain name console after you buy, such as THE one I bought in Aliyun ( :

  2. Click parse to add the following record:

  3. The CNAME record value is set to the domain name, that is, your github home page username. Github. IO.

  4. A Set the record value to the IP address and run ping username.github. IO to obtain the value.

  5. Then you need to create a new CNAME file (without any suffix) in the source folder at the root of your blog and write your domain name:

  6. Finally find the Settings in your blog’s Github repository:

  7. Scroll down to Pages and fill in your domain name to save:

  8. Done, you can now access your website via your domain name 😀 for likes 🙊

Host records and record types

Take my domain name for example

The host records instructions
www The resolved domain name
@ Resolve the main domain name directly
* Generic resolution, matching all other domain names *
mail Resolve the domain name to, which is typically used to resolve mail servers
The secondary domain name For example, ABC. Heeh. xyz, fill in ABC
Mobile web site For example, m., fill in M
Record type instructions
A The IPv4 address used to specify the domain name (such as If you want to point the domain name to an IP address, you need to add A record.
CNAME If you want to point to another domain name and have another domain provide the IP address, you need to add a CNAME record.
MX If you need to set up a mailbox so that it can receive mail, you need to add an MX record.
TXT You can fill in anything here. The length limit is 255. Most TXT records are used for SPF records (anti-spam).
NS DNS records. If subdomain names need to be resolved by other DNS service providers, you need to add NS records.
AAAA Used to specify the IPv6 address (for example, ff06:0:0:0:0:0:0: C3) corresponding to the host name (or domain name).
SRV It records which computer provides which service. The format is service name, point, and protocol type, for example, _xmpp-server_TCP.
Explicit URL When you redirect from one address 301 to another, you need to add an explicit URL record (note: DNSPod currently only supports 301 redirects).
The recessive URL Similar to explicit urls, except that implicit urls do not change the domain name of the address bar.

All see here, a thumbs up bai 😆

These two days will update the blog SEO optimization ~ welcome to pay attention to exchange

More interesting articles: Mancuoj’s homepage – Articles – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)