The GitHub page has been built normally using HEXO

Configure Hexo to automatically deploy Github Page based on github Action

Go to Mo Shuying’s personal website to check out the pure version

1. Set an access key for the warehouse

The first step is to generate a key, open the command line and generate a set of keys

ssh-keygen -f github-deploy-key -C "HEXO CD"
Copy the code

Skip the password and all, just hit enter three times

Then we’ll get two key files that we’ll use later

2. Upload the private key

Github repository address → Settings → Secrets → New Secret

Click on thenew repository secretNew Warehouse key

Name HEXO_DEPLOY_PRI Content Github -deploy-key All contents in the file

⚠ Do not easily disclose your private key ⚠

3. Upload the public key

Github does not support uploading multiple repositories to the same (deployed) public key

Different warehouse

If your Hexo code is not in the same repository as the page to be deployed

For example, if you have some content that is not convenient to expose for the time being, or if you don’t want to expose your Hexo code, you just want to deploy static pages (text, images, various styles and scripts used for the site theme) to Github pages without any other content

At this point you need to upload the public key to the repository you want to deploy

Name HEXO_DEPLOY_PUB contents ‘all contents in the file

Remember to check allow write permission

The same warehouse

This is similar to the previous step, except that the repository address uploaded is the same as your repository address, but you must make sure that you have the branch with the correct number in the configuration

Configuration is making the action

You can go to Github and go to Action -> New Workflow -> Set Up a Workflow Yourself You can also add a hexo-ci.yml file to the.github/ Workflow repository and put the following into that file.

Remember to put theblog_source_branch.username.[email protected]Replace it with your own

name: HEXO CI

    - <blog_source_branch>

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        node-version: [14.x]

      - uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Use Node.js The ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: The ${{ matrix.node-version }}

      - name: Configuration environment
          HEXO_DEPLOY_PRI: ${{secrets.HEXO_DEPLOY_PRI}}
        run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ echo "$HEXO_DEPLOY_PRI" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts git config --global "
       " git config --global "
            - name: Install dependencies
        run: | npm i -g hexo-cli npm i      - name: Deploy hexo
        run: | hexo clean && hexo generate && hexo deployCopy the code

Then commit this change

Configuration Hexo deploy

Open _config.yml in the repository to change the Git repository from HTTP to SSH. The branch that publishes the deployment file should be the same as the repository configuration branch

  type: git
  repo: [email protected]:moshuying/
  # example,
  branch: master
Copy the code

You’ve done everything! Push it once to see the effect.

References and recommendations

Hexo runs shader and Threejs

Hexo automatically builds with Github Action (in various forms)