Some time ago, I took a general look at the rendering process of Flutter. Today, I will write an article to share how Flutter works. Start with runApp directly in the main file:
Here two methods are executed:
Binding the Root Component
The first method is bound to the root component. This will create a RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter object and a attachToRenderTree missions. RenderObejctTOWidgetAdapter this object connection RenderObejct Element and the two objects. This object inherits RenderObjectWidget, which is understandably the outermost component. Then we need to attach our actual root component. Its Container passes in the renderView variable,
This is the variable in RenderBinding that was initialized at initialization:
RenderView is a RenderObejct object. prepareInitialFrame :
Responsible for the layout and drawing of the first frame respectively. Here you add yourself to the list of components that need to be laid out. Similarly, paint is added to the list of components that need to be painted.
AttachToRenderTree Attach the renderView’s renderViewElement, if the renderView is null, then create:
This will create a RenderObjectToWidgetElement, then determine the scope of the need to be updated. If the Element already exists, mark it as needing a build
Here the root node is added, and then the mount method of the root Element is executed: createRenderObject and attachRenderObject are in the parent implementation
Here createRenderObejct returns RenderView and rebuild:
This is going to keep updating the Child node.
If _child is null:
This can be understood as the case of the root build node or as the case of the child node being deleted.
If _child is not null:
- If child is the new widget, the node is still there
Update slots, or old children if inconsistent - if
The object is different, the type and key are compared, and if they are the same, the slot is compared and updated, and the child is updated tonewWidget
- The rest of the time you just create a new one
Then call Element’s mount to add it to the component tree.
The process of rendering the Frame
ScheduleWarmUpFrame calls the handleDrawFrame method to handle each Frame:
This is only responsible for executing callbacks, which were added when RenderBinding was initialized:
Here’s the key logic:
Here buildOwner builds the scope and then calls the parent’s drawFrame implementation.
Let’s start by looking at what BuildOwner is. It’s a framework layer management class. This class determines which widgets need to be rebuilt and handles other tasks for the Widget tree. For example, maintain a list of components that are inactive. In short, assist Flutter to maintain an object in the component tree.
BuildScope is the concrete implementation that does this, determining the scope for component tree updates. The drity tagged elements are then built in order of component depth. There is a debugPrintBuildScope parameter that can be used to debug and print messages so that updates to the component tree are logged.
So this is sort traversal _dirtyElements and rebuild. Let’s look at the sorting rules:
It is represented by a graph:
Explain the logic of this passage:
The node depth of A is smaller than that of B, so a comes after B.
If B is less deep than A, then A comes before B.
If B needs to rebuild and A doesn’t, then A comes after B.
If A needs to be rebuilt and B doesn’t, then B comes after A.
In other words, nodes that need to be rebuilt are placed in front of nodes that do not need to be rebuilt, and nodes with small depth are placed behind nodes with large depth.
Of course, there are other setstates that can occur while this function is executing, so each Element is checked to see if the length of _dirtyElements has changed, and if it has, it will be reordered.
So why is it sorted this way? Here are the reasons:
- The value with the smallest depth takes precedence over the value with the largest depth: The normal rebuild logic of components is as follows
To, if the depth of the component row in the depth of the small component, then it is likely to occur frequently after the child component rebuild, continue to perform the rebuild of the parent component, this is obviously unreasonable, so the depth of the small component should row behind the depth of the large component. - The node that needs to be rebuilt is placed in front of the node that does not need to be rebuilt to ensure that the order of rebuild execution is correct. However, in this case, the data is rebuilt
It seems that there will not be any inside, after all, you need rebuild after dirty marks.
Now that we know what BuildOwner does, let’s take a look at the complex WidgetsFlutterBinding object of Flutter before rendering:
This object is an important binding class of the Flutter framework layer. It connects the Flutter framework layer to the Engine layer.
Let’s take a look at his succession structure:
In addition to inheriting its own BindingBase object, it also mixes in a large number of Binding objects. Handle different layers of logic separately, with clear responsibilities. They correspond to: gestures, queue scheduling, services, rendering, components, semantic trees, and drawing.
Continue with the drawFrame method that executes RenderBinding:
Here is the core flow of Flutter drawing:
Layout -> Composition -> Draw -> Parse semantics
Renderobjects marked dirty are sorted from smallest to largest in layout depth. Execute its _layoutWithoutResize function:
The layout and semantic update of the RenderObject is performed, and then marked as needed paint.
Here performLayout is implemented by the RenderObject of each implementation. MarkNeedsSemanticsUpdate is the semantic tree where the tag updates are.
PerformLayout is responsible for executing the layout. RenderObejct method. If you look at the subclasses in the IDE, they’re basically classes that implement RenderObjectWidget that use this. RenderObjectElement = RenderObjectElement
Its common superclasses are:
Leaf nodes, for exampleErrorWidget
It inherits this implementation, except to make sure that the width and height are pretty much the same, rightperformLayout
Multiple child nodes, for exampleWrap
Single child, for exampleSizeBox
RenderWrap’s performLayout is more complex:
First determine the size constraint based on the axial direction. For example, if it is horizontal, set a Box constraint whose maximum width is the maximum width of its own constraint.
Is the width and height of the summation child elements. If a row doesn’t fit, wrap it and add the vertical axis height. After finally traversing the child, determine the size:
The spacing is then adjusted for runAlignment and so on. I won’t go into detail here. In general, performLayout is similar to Android measure + Layout to determine the size and location of UI components. You can also see that the Wrap size is calculated based on the size of the Child, which is obtained by calling RenderObejct layout.
Layout method screenshot
I called performLayout, but I handled the boundary before calling it, which is also a RenderObject:
If parentUsesSize is false, the layout does not affect the parent layout and boundary is itself. Otherwise, the specific use of boundary. Boudary for the parent node is when dealing with the drity node. A judgment is made when the markNeedsLayout of the RenderObject is:
If boundary is not null, the parent node is notified to rearrange. You can also interpret this as the corresponding Android requestLayout process. However, this process avoids unnecessary repetitive layout and is more efficient.
Renderobjects requiring compositingBits are also sorted in order of depth. Then execute the _updateCompositingBits for each object. In this way, the child nodes can be ignored after the parent node is updated, avoiding multiple executions. VisitChildren is called, and the implementation of this function is provided by the corresponding RenderObject implementation.
When node has multiple children, _updateCompositingBits is called:
If isRepaintBoundary is true and needsCompositing changes, markNeedsPaint is executed, which adds the paint to _nodesNeedingPaint. If there is no isRepaintBoundary, then it will go all the way up to the parent and type drity until isRepaintBoundary is false.
This mechanism allows us to specify the RepaintBoundary properly during development, thus avoiding unnecessary redrawing logic.
To look directly at the logic of flushPaint:
This handles the layer of each node, where the _layer is ContainerLayer. This represents a composition layer with sublists. Attached indicates that the root node of the node is attached to the component tree. At that time would call PaintingContext repaintCompositedChild, otherwise, they call _skippedPaintingOnLayer:
This is to ensure that detached nodes are re-rendered when they are re-attached to the component tree.
This is where the repaint logic comes in. The _repaintCompositedChild method is called directly
Here the paint function is finally called:
This concludes the general Flutter rendering process. This part of the workflow has some implications for our development work:
- You can debug the layout tree, render duration and so on using the callbacks added to Flutter during rendering.
- You can use
In theBoundary
Concept to arrange our layout reasonably, avoid unnecessarylayout
Logic to improve application performance. - Through a number of components
And so on method rewrite reference, to achieve some special needs of customizationWidget
If I understand something wrong in the article, or you have a different understanding. Y also welcome comments, discussion and exchange.