Some time ago, I developed a small program, is my first small program, the development process will always encounter some strange and strange problems, but finally finally solved, today I summarize, review, after all, a good memory is better than bad writing, I hope to help you.
Small problem, big impact
1. Sometimes the hot update of wechat developer tools does not work, even the screen is blank, and recompilation does not work either; Sometimes a bit of style error, preview the entire screen is blank, the debugger does not say where the problem, directly give you do not display, recompile can not solve the problem; Merge branches, the debugger does not have the spam, in fact, the content does.
Open the project again after forcibly exiting
2. Require and import import files and templates sometimes do not take effect
Import paths can only be relative paths, for example if you want to reference utils/util.js, no matter how deep the component is, you need to slowly.. WXSS file @import can only use relative paths when importing files, so it will appear.. /.. /.. /.. /.. /.. /utils/fetch. Js. require can only be introduced in relative paths, such as const separateMall = require(‘.. /api/separateMall’);
3. The WXSS file is written according to ES6 specification, and an error is reported
Only ES5 is supported
4. The template {{}} cannot execute any method called
{{}} template can not even execute methods, can only handle simple operations such as + – * /, if the data needs to be Number, toFixed, etc., the need to pre-format in the.js file and then setData one by one, {{curspec.allprice. ToFixed (2)}} {curspec.allprice.
5. Button custom (width and height) style, invalid in WXSS setting
Note that if you set the width of the button in CSS (WXSS), the height is invalid. Must be set in HTML (WXML) style!!
6. Button does not have a way to remove the border or hide the border, border: none; border-width:0; Neither attribute is valid
button::after {
display: none;
Copy the code
7. The title of the navigation bar at the top of the applet is not centered. By default, the applet is left in Android and center in ios
Solution: custom navigation window: {backgroundTextStyle: ‘light’, navigationBarBackgroundColor: ‘# 666, navigationStyle: ‘custom’ }
To access H5, you need to configure the service domain name. To configure the service domain name, you need to place the verification file generated by wechat public platform in the root directory of the domain name. Ensure that the file access time is less than one second
- The assignment page is not re-rendered
The relationship between and this.setData is that this.setData stores a copy of, and the interface fetches data from the hosted copy of So if we change, we will not update the interface directly, because the copy in this.setData is not the original one. To re-render, use this.setData to assign
You have to code this and that to make it work
1. Define parameters for components and parent and child components
In the same directory as Pages, create a Components folder for storing different components. Right-click “Create Component” and enter the name (inputNumber) to automatically generate four types of files
Add a reference to the JSON file that needs to use the parent page of the custom component, and then use it, passing a function to the child
Arguments passed by the parent component can then be used or called back in the child page
The parent handles the callback function
2. Embed HTML code
Download the file from wxParse. After downloading the file, we need to use the wxParse folder in the directory and copy it into our project
In the app. WXSS global style file, introduce the wxparse. WXSS file
@import "/plug/wxParse/wxParse.wxss";
Copy the code
Introduce wxparse.js in the WXJS file we are going to (the embedded HTML code), and then reference it
wxParse.wxParse("content" , "html",news.content,this,0);
Copy the code
The reference function is defined as follows:
Introduce the wxparse.wxml file in our WXML (embedded HTML code)
<import src=".. /.. /plug/wxParse/wxParse.wxml" />
<template is="wxParse" data="{{wxParseData:content.nodes}}" />
Copy the code
3. Wechat authorized login
Logon process timing
Create a button tag on the page and set open-type to getUserInfo as follows:
<button class="login" bindgetphonenumber="login" open-type="getPhoneNumber"</button>Copy the code
Call the interface to get the login credentials (code). Exchange user login status information through credentials, including the unique identifier of the user in the current applets (OpenID), the unique identifier under the wechat open platform account (unionID, if the current applets have been bound to the wechat open platform account) and the session key (session_key) of this login, etc. The encryption and decryption communication of user data depends on session key. See applet Login for more details.
Step 1: Get the code
Get the code at the initial time of the login page, otherwise the first attempt to get the information will sometimes fail:
success: result= > {
if (result.code) {
code: result.code
Copy the code
The second step is to get the OpenID and session_key according to the code, and then call the login interface with the OpenID
Click on the code for the button, get the encryptedData and IV to get the Openid, and then log in:
/ / login
login(e) {
isRequest: true
var errMsg = e.detail.errMsg;
if (errMsg === 'getPhoneNumber:ok') {
// Get encryptedData and iv
var iv = e.detail.iv, encryptedData = e.detail.encryptedData;
let param = {
app_type: 2,
this.getOpenid(param); }},// Obtain the openId and log in
getOpenid(param) {
const { code } =;
// Check if code is out of date
success: () = > {
if (code) {
// Get the user's openIdparam = { ... param,code: code, // Pass the code argument to get the user's openId
// Get the Openid. I wrapped the interface myself, so call it as follows
param, success: (result) = >{;let data =;
// When everything is ready, invoke the login interface
data: { mobile: data.decodeResult.phoneNumber, xcx_openid: data.openid }, success: (result) = > {
wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', App.globalData.userInfo = } }); }}}}),fail: () = > {
this.init(); }})}Copy the code
4. Wechat provides 5 jump modes
1, wx. NavigateTo (OBJECT)
Keep the current page and go to a page in the application
2, wx. RedirectTo (OBJECT)
Close the current page and switch to a page in the application.
3, wx. SwitchTab (OBJECT)
Jump to the tabBar page and close all other non-Tabbar pages
4, wx. NavigateBack (OBJECT)
Close the current page and return to the previous page or multi-level page.
5, wx. ReLaunch (OBJECT)
Close all pages and open to a page within the app.
When doing the returned function, note that navigateBack does not call the onload method. You can replace onload with the onShow method, which is automatically called every time the page loads
Modify the previous page data to make the return react, and here’s a solution
With navigateBack, you can skip to the page and setData
var pages = getCurrentPages(); // Get the current page
var prevPage = null;
if (pages.length > 1) {
prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2];// Get the previous page
msg:'Modified successfully' // Assign a value to a variable on the previous page
prePage.getPageData(); // Call the method on the previous page (load data)
wx.navigateBack({ // return to the previous page
delta: 1,})Copy the code
5. Wechat Pay
Call the interface of your server, call doWxPay with the return argument, and then deal with it accordingly
doWxPay(param) {
const _this = this;
// The small program initiates wechat payment
timeStamp:,// Remember that the timeStamp must be a string, otherwise an error will be reported
signType: 'MD5'.paySign:,
success: function (event) {},fail: function (error) {},complete: function () {}}); },Copy the code
6. Modify the default style of radio
/* The selected background style (red background with no border can be modified according to UI requirements) */
radio .wx-radio-input.wx-radio-input-checked {
border-color: #03a9f4;
background: #03a9f4;
/* Custom styles.... * /
radio .wx-radio-input {
height: 40rpx;
width: 40rpx;
margin-top: -4rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 2rpx solid #999;
background: transparent;
/* The selected check box style (white check box can be modified according to UI requirements) */
radio .wx-radio-input.wx-radio-input-checked::before {
border-radius: 50%; / * rounded corners * /
width: 40rpx; /* The size of the check box should not exceed the size of the background */
height: 40rpx; /* The size of the check box should not exceed the size of the background */
line-height: 40rpx;
text-align: center;
font-size: 30rpx; /* Check box size 30rpx */
color: #fff; /* The check box color is white */
background: #f00;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1);
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1);
Copy the code
7. Obtain the qr code with parameters
let url = decodeURIComponent(option.q);
Copy the code
8. To add Spaces
<! -- No matter how many Spaces are replaced by one --><view class='c1'><text>I'm C1 and I have four Spaces</text></view><! -- It turns out that adding bound space data is invalid --><view class='c2'><text>I'm C2. I have 4 Spaces</text></view><! -- If decode= is not included"true"NBSP is highlighted but cannot be converted to space --><view class='c3'><text>I'm C3 and I have four Spaces ah</text></view><! -- This is the correct operation, is also checked online operation, the disadvantage is to add how many Spaces will add how much; --><view class='c4'><text decode='true'>I'm c4 and I have four Spaces ah</text></view><! This is the operation I used initially. It is nice to be able to customize the length instead of using multiple lengths. Note, however, that only the text component can be used here, the other components have no effect --><view class='c5'><text >I'm C5 and I have four Spaces<text style='display:inline-block; width:150px'></text>ah</text></view>
Copy the code
9. Select photos to upload
// Select the photo
changeImage() {
const _this = this;
count:1.success(res) {
const tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths
url: `${App.api_root}/upload`.filePath: tempFilePaths[0].name: 'file'.header: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'.token: wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').token
file: tempFilePaths
success: (res) = > {
const data = JSON.parse(
Copy the code
10. Get the roll height
wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#id').boundingClientRect(function(rect){ // Node ID
rect.dataset // The dataset of the node
rect.left // The left boundary coordinates of the node
rect.right // The right boundary coordinates of the node // The upper boundary coordinates of the node
rect.bottom // Lower boundary coordinates of the node
rect.width // Width of the node
rect.height // Height of the node
Copy the code
11. Pull down refresh to display three small dots
Current file JSON file:
"usingComponents": {
"loadMore": "/components/loadMore/loadMore"
"enablePullDownRefresh": true
Copy the code
App. Json configuration
"window": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff"
Copy the code
Customize components to improve code reuse
1. Bottom popup component
Parent component JSON modified:
"usingComponents": {
"modal": "/components/modal/modal"}}Copy the code
The parent component HTML:
<modal id="cancelOrder" closeAble title="Title"> content < / modal >Copy the code
Js code:
options: {
styleIsolation: 'apply-shared'
data: {hideModal:true.// The state of the modal box is true- hidden false- displayed
animationData: {},//
properties: {/ / title
title: {type:String.value:' '
// Whether to display the × button
closeAble: {type:Boolean.value:false.// Whether to display the close button in the upper right corner}},methods: {// Display the mask layer
showModal: function () {
var that=this;
var animation = wx.createAnimation({
duration: 600.// The default duration of animation is 400ms. The larger the value, the slower the animation. The smaller the value, the faster the animation
timingFunction: 'ease'.// The effect of the animation defaults to Linear
this.animation = animation
that.fadeIn();// Call display animation
},200)},// Hide the mask layer
hideModal: function () {
var that=this;
var animation = wx.createAnimation({
duration: 800.// The default duration of animation is 400ms. The larger the value, the slower the animation. The smaller the value, the faster the animation
timingFunction: 'ease'.// The effect of the animation defaults to Linear
this.animation = animation
that.fadeDown();// Call the hidden animation
},() = >{
that.triggerEvent("hideModal"); })},400)// Perform the slide animation first, then hide the module
/ / animation set
animationData: this.animation.export()// The animation instance's export method exports the animation data to the component's animation property})},fadeDown:function(){
animationData: this.animation.export(),
return; }}})Copy the code
WXML code:
<view class="modals modals-bottom-dialog" hidden="{{hideModal}}" >
<view class="modals-cancel" bindtap="hideModal" catchtouchmove="preventTouchMove" ></view>
<view class="bottom-dialog-body bottom-pos" animation="{{animationData}}">
<view class="title" hidden="{{! title}}" >{{title}}</view>
<image src="/images/icon/guanbi.png" hidden="{{! closeAble}}" bindtap="hideModal" class="closeAble"></image>
<view class="body-content" catchtouchmove="preventTouchMove">
Copy the code
WXSS style:
/* Modal box */
.modals {
position: fixed;
z-index: 999;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
.modals-cancel {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1000;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
background-color: rgba(0.0.0.. 5); overflow:hidden ! important; } .bottom-dialog-body { border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0px 0px; position: absolute; z-index:10001;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
/* padding: 30rpx; * /
min-height: 100rpx;
background-color: #fff;
padding: 40rpx 20rpx;
position: relative;
width: calc (100% - 50rpx );
text-align: center;
line-height: 40rpx;
font-weight: 800;
border-bottom:1px solid #f5f5f5;
padding: 30rpx;
width: 30rpx;
height: 30rpx;
position: absolute;
right: 30rpx;
z-index: 1;
/* Initial position before animation */
.bottom-pos {
-webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
transform: translateY(100%);
Copy the code
To control the custom bottom popover, the parent component needs to give an ID (modal) in WXML, and the attached function in JS gets the ID: this.modal = this.selectComponent(#modal); Later, you can call the functions in the custom component for manipulation.
2. Header components
Component principle specific reference small program custom navigation bar adaptation (perfect version), not described here
Parent component JSON modified:
"usingComponents": {
"navigation": "/components/navigation/navigation"
"navigationStyle": "custom"
Copy the code
Parent component WXML:
<navigation bind:back='navToBack' customBack="true" backIcon='/images/icon/fanghui_hei@2x.png' titleText ='My integral'>
Copy the code
Js code:
properties: {
background: {
type: String.value: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)'
color: {
type: String.value: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)'
mainColor: {
type: String.value: '#fff'
titleText: {
type: String.value: ' '
titleArray: {
type: Array.value: [].observer(newsProps) {
type: newsProps[0].type
titleImg: {
type: String.value: ' '
backIcon: {
type: String.value: '/images/icon/fanghui_hei@2x.png'
homeIcon: {
type: String.value: ' '
fontSize: {
type: Number.value: 16
iconHeight: {
type: Number.value: 19
iconWidth: {
type: Number.value: 58
customBack: {
type: Boolean.value:false}},attached: function () {
var that = this;
data: {
type: ' '// Currently selected by default
methods: {
// Calculate the height of the navigation bar by obtaining system information
setNavSize: function () {
var that = this
, sysinfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync()
, statusHeight = sysinfo.statusBarHeight
, isiOS = sysinfo.system.indexOf('iOS') > -1
, navHeight;
if(! isiOS) { navHeight =48;
} else {
navHeight = 44;
status: statusHeight,
navHeight: navHeight
setStyle: function () {
var that = this
, containerStyle
, textStyle
, iconStyle;
containerStyle = [
'background:' +
].join('; ');
textStyle = [
'color:' +,
'font-size:' + + 'px'
].join('; ');
iconStyle = [
'width: ' + + 'px'.'height: ' + + 'px'
].join('; ');
containerStyle: containerStyle,
textStyle: textStyle,
iconStyle: iconStyle
// Return the event
back: function () {
delta: 1})}},home: function () {
this.triggerEvent('home'{}); },/ / switch TAB
switchTab(e) {
const { type } = e.currentTarget.dataset;
Copy the code
WXML code:
<view class='nav' style="height: {{status + navHeight}}px; background-color: {{mainColor? mainColor:'#fff'}}">
<view class='status' style='height: {{status}}px; {{containerStyle}}'></view>
<view class='navbar' style='height: {{ navHeight}}px'>
<view class='back-icon' wx:if="{{backIcon}}" bindtap='back'>
<image src='{{backIcon}}'></image>
<view class='home-icon' wx:if="{{homeIcon}}" bindtap='home'>
<image src='{{homeIcon}}'></image>
<view class='nav-icon' wx:if="{{titleImg}}">
<image src='{{titleImg}}' style='{{iconStyle}}'></image>
<view class='nav-title' wx:if="{{titleText && ! titleImg}}">
<text style='{{textStyle}}'>{{titleText}}</text>
<view class='nav-title-tab' wx:if="{{titleArray && ! titleImg&&! titleText}}">
<view bindtap="switchTab" style='{{textStyle}}' data-type="{{item.type}}" wx:for="{{titleArray}}" class=" title-tab {{type===item.type? 'active':''}}">
<view style='height: {{status + navHeight}}px'></view>
Copy the code
WXSS style:
.nav {
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
left: 0rpx;
top: 0rpx;
z-index: 1;
.navbar {
position: relative;
.home-icon {
width: 28px;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
transform: translateY(-50%);
top: 50%;
display: flex;
.back-icon {
left: 16px;
.home-icon {
left: 44px
.back-icon image {
width: 44rpx;
height: 44rpx;
margin: auto;
.home-icon image {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
margin: auto;
.nav-icon {
position: absolute;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
left: 100px;
top: 50%;
font-size: 0;
/* Switch TAB */
.nav-title-tab {
width: 68%;
margin-left: 70rpx;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.title-tab {
position: relative;
padding: 10rpx;
.active::after {
content: ' ';
position: absolute;
width: 24rpx;
height: 6rpx;
bottom: 0rpx;
left: calc(50% - 12rpx);
background-size: 100% 100%;
background: url('data:image/png; base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABkAAAAGCAYAAAA2aTUtAAAA/klEQVQoU3WSSU7DQBBFX3VLSAwnS9bmCnARlnCaSLlMtrAgSEzCdozchb4rjY0UF q2qHlyv/i+bN80ZbXsHNMAFMAAH3PspmvW4d5h1QET3dsqhpZQes6/jue7iHD7Iecdm82S+Wt1jdov7N2YD7odjcT1WHsXjw2UR7VtSihjgmneU0pHzGznvz dfrPXCJ+/ALCVhVUiHaq9gMDHUVEApTikYESemdcSxS8ozZ1UmIrALZJUsCNncs6+bOawNLiJSUUqTkAbiZZiHLwiLNQkUDsrRsVnLaLt1rCQavuL/YYvDXw PmfwYcS/QTqOuz6f/BSPCvL+ZNx3LHdPv4A9RPu5WDz5hwAAAAASUVORK5CYII=');
Copy the code
3. Enter the password
"usingComponents": {
"inputFrame": "/components/inputFrame/inputFrame"}}Copy the code
Parent component WXML:
focus="{{ true }}"
Copy the code
Js code:
externalClasses: ['custom-class'].options: {
styleIsolation: 'shared'
properties: {
plaintext: Boolean.value: String.focus: Boolean.// divider
frameStyle: {
type: Number.value: 6}},data: {
_value: ' '.valueList: [].cursor: 99.isFocus: true.height:' '// Soft keyboard out, input box from the bottom of the distance
lifetimes: {
attached: function () {
this.setCursorPosition(); }},methods: {
init: function () {
var value =;
var plaintext =;
if(! plaintext) { value = value.replace(/./igm.The '*');
this.setData({ valueList: value.split(' ')}); },setCursorPosition: function () {
this.setData({ cursor: });
onClick: function (value) {
this.setData({ isFocus: value });
wx.onKeyboardHeightChange(res= > {
height:res.height*2+40})})},onInputChange: function (e) {
var value = e.detail.value;
var space =;
this.setData({ _value: value });
this.triggerEvent('change', value);
if (value.length >= space) {
this.triggerEvent('finished', value); }},onInputFocus: function () {
getValue: function () {
var number =;
return, number);
setValue: function (v) {
if (v == null) return;
v = String(v);
this.setData({ _value: v });
// bindkeyboardheightchange:function(v){
// const {height}=v.detail;
// this.setData({
// height:height*2+40
/ /})
// }}})Copy the code
WXML code:
<view class="input-frame custom-class {{ frameStyle }}" style="margin-bottom:{{height}}rpx"> <! -- hide --><input
value="{{ _value }}"
maxlength="{{ space }}"
cursor="{{ cursor }}"
focus="{{ isFocus }}"
/><! -- input --><view
class="input-item {{(! valueList.length&&index===0)||(valueList.length&&index===valueList.length&&valueList.length<6)? 'active':''}}"
wx:for="{{ space }}"
<view hidden="{{! valueList[index]}}" class="status-point"></view>
Copy the code
WXSS code:
.input-frame {
/* position: relative; * /
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
width: 94%;
margin: 0 auto;
.input-frame .input-item {
border-radius: 16rpx;
width: 100rpx;
height: 100rpx;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
.input-frame .active{
border-color: #f995a2;
.input-frame-input {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
/* left: -5000px; * /
/* .input-frame .input-item:not(:nth-last-child(1)) { border-right-color: transparent; } * /
/* divider style */
.input-frame.divider .input-item {
border-top-color: transparent;
border-right-color: transparent;
border-left-color: transparent;
margin: 0 7px;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.status-point {
display: inline-block;
width: 20rpx;
height: 20rpx;
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: black;
Copy the code
Online posts are mostly different in depth, even some inconsistent, the following article is a summary of the learning process, if you find mistakes, welcome to comment out ~