On July 27, the vice premier attended the National Summit forum on Specialized new small and medium Enterprises and clearly pointed out that “China’s economy will do well only when small and medium enterprises do well.” July 30, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee meeting pointed out, “to strengthen the chain of special action, the development of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises.”

With the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, efforts are being made to foster and support specialized and innovative companies. In Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, there is a low-key “specialized and special new” small giant enterprise — Nanxing Machinery Co., Ltd.

Recently, Nanxing Machinery Co., Ltd. formally signed a contract with Hengtuo High-tech Co., Ltd., hoping to achieve efficient communication and cooperation on mobile digitization of the group by virtue of hengtuo High-tech Co., Ltd. ‘s practical experience in digital transformation and the construction of mobile portal of the enterprise.

Nanxing Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Nanxing Equipment”), founded in May 1996, is a representative enterprise in China’s woodworking Machinery industry. The company is a national high-tech enterprise, a key high-tech enterprise of the National “Torch Plan”, a famous trademark enterprise of Guangdong Province, a famous brand enterprise of Guangdong Province, a Top 500 enterprise in Manufacturing industry of Guangdong Province, and a top 100 enterprise in equipment manufacturing industry of Guangdong Province. The company was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange in May 2015, becoming the first domestic furniture equipment manufacturer to be listed in a-share market.

Management status

With the rise of domestic furniture brand enterprises, as a manufacturer of major domestic panel furniture enterprises ushered in the development opportunities. With the rapid expansion of enterprise scale, the original extensive management mode is facing great challenges. Many problems exposed are mainly reflected in the following five points:

1. Due to numerous business systems, unified account management is difficult, and employees need to enter accounts repeatedly to log in in different systems;

2. Internal audit information is pushed by different systems, so the audit operation is tedious and extremely inconvenient;

3. Communication fault occurs between employees in the enterprise, and the information on PC terminal and mobile terminal cannot be synchronized in real time;

4. The release of enterprise news notice is scattered, lacking efficient, fast, accurate and convenient information release channels;

5. There are timeliness and security problems in external communication, and there is a lack of effective control platform.

The solution

In this cooperation, Hengtuo Hi-tech will deploy a digital mobile platform integrating instant messaging, application integration, enterprise mobile portal, digital base and service for Nanxing Equipment Group to realize the mobility of Nanxing Equipment Group. In addition to building enterprise portals and unified communication portals for internal employees and external suppliers, decentralized management, OA process approval and connection with third-party systems such as ERP and MES can also be realized. Provide enterprises with internal and external integrated mobile platform solutions, and achieve an integrated collaborative office ecology of unified organization, unified communication, unified data and information security.

Digital conversion value

I. Instant messaging platform

1, to meet the internal communication

2, to achieve communication security and instant delivery of messages

3. Rich types of communication

4, to meet the communication between internal and external users

Application integration platform

1. Fast mobile business system

2, support a variety of integration methods

3. Low cost of integrated development

4, there are rich interfaces to provide mobility

Enterprise mobile portal

1. The symbol of advancing enterprise digitization construction

2. Promote corporate culture

3. Unified push of notifications and announcements

4. Unified access to business system

5. Convenient access and operation for employees

Iv. Digital base

1. Strong platform expansibility

2. Support customized development

3. General functional ability

4. Forward-looking development technology

5. Lay the foundation for building the enterprise ecosystem

With the rapid development of woodworking machinery industry, Nanxing Equipment has realized the digital transformation of the group through agile response and rapid iteration. Nanxing equipment co., Ltd. and Hengtuo Hi-tech WorkPlus co., Ltd. have joined hands to enhance cooperation efficiency through industry integration, so as to realize real innovation, and also show us the new realm of “specialized and special new small giant enterprise” in woodworking machinery industry.

WorkPlus client cases

High-end manufacturing customer application sharing

The JoyChat app built by BMW Brilliance based on WorkPlus has been activated by more than 100,000 employees and has more than 40,000 daily active users since the project was launched in 2018 to 2019. With the technical support of Hengtuo High-tech, more than 100 light applications have been released, which are used in various production and service links of BMW. JoyChat has become an integral part of BMW Brilliance’s business operations.

Chip industry customer application sharing

YOYO application software based on WorkPlus is used to chat and transfer files. File sending track can be tracked, files can be destroyed in real time, transmission and download can be prohibited, and watermarking function can prevent file transmission to the maximum extent. For enterprises, all data are safe, controllable and efficient.

Real estate industry customer application sharing

The Vwork application software built by R&F Group based on WorkPlus is an integrated office platform tailored for R&F Real Estate Group. It not only continues various office functions of the traditional OA system, but also solves various approvals and applications at will on the palm. It also adds more social attributes. Some changes will be made through this platform, such as instant messaging, file transmission, powerful wechat like r&F version!

Smart park customer application sharing

Based on the customized APP of WorkPlus, new Continent Technology Group launched the construction of new Continent “Digital Park” in March 2019, which was undertaken by the Digital Department of the Group. It adopts the top-level idea of privatized deployment, micro-service and distribution to realize one APP, one application mall and one mobile application publishing platform. The goal is to use an APP to load all mobile applications of digital public services in the New continent, realize unified entrance, unified portal, unified identity authentication for thousands of people, and make the APP become a platform for employees to cooperate, business and digital park service.

They all use WorkPlus

Tel: 400-966-9672

Email address: [email protected]

Website: https://www.workplus.io