Before, I recommended some OF my own VS Code plug-ins to you. Many students were impressed and wrote to me to recommend some IDEA plug-ins. As a professional Java programmer/amateur JS developer, I usually use IDEA more, so I do have some IDEA plug-ins. I’m going to share it with you today.

At the beginning, I would like to introduce how to install the plugin in IDEA. First, open Preferences (the menu bar opens or use the shortcut Command+). Then select Plugins to install your Plugins from the MarketPlace on the right.


First came Lombok. As a Java programmer, are you still suffering from constantly writing getters/setters? Are you bothered by the fact that every Model class has to write similar constructors? Give Lombok a shot at solving these problems with a single annotation, constructor, and Getter/Setter methods, and don’t waste your time on useless work.

If you don’t already know Lombok, do your own research on Lombok’s website and come back to like it.

Finally, a simple example is presented for your reference.

String Manipulation

The String Manipulation plug-in is a very powerful plug-in that can perform many operations on code, such as sorting, blank line removal, String format conversion, and Encode/Decode. The one I use most often is string format conversion. You can select the function by right-clicking on String Manipulation or using the shortcut key Option + M.


As a senior CtrlCV engineer, I write code with two powerful tools, one is Google and the other is StackOverflow. The two work together to help me get further and further along the coding path. For those of you who can’t live without StackOverflow, this plugin will help you a lot. Right click on “Search StackOverflow” and most of them can be easily solved.

Rainbow Brackets

When WE recommend PLUG-INS for VS Code, we have introduced Bracket Pair Colorizer, which can change brackets into different colors. I think it is very convenient to distinguish brackets from each other and looks nice. Therefore, Rainbow Brackets with the same effect are also used in IDEA.


We need to encapsulate the JSON fields into a class in our code. It is very troublesome to input the fields one by one. In this case, GsonFormat can be used. It helps us quickly generate the classes we need based on the key in JSON.

Its shortcut key is Option + S

Maven Helper

If your project is using Maven as a build tool, this plugin can help you avoid Dependency conflicts. After installing the plugin, open the POM file and you will see a Tab called Dependency Analyzer at the bottom to see which of your dependencies are in conflict. Then Exclude unwanted dependencies on the right side.


RestfulToolkit is a set of tools for developing Restful services. For this plug-in, the most common function I use is to quickly find the method corresponding to the specified URL. The shortcut key is Command + \

For other features, you can access the plugin’s homepage if you’re interested.

These are my commonly used IDEA plug-ins, there are not too many fancy things, if you have any good plug-ins are also welcome to share.