Interest is the best teacher, HelloGitHub is to help you find interest!

Introduction to the

HelloGitHub — Share and recommend fun, easy-to-use projects on GitHub to help you find the fun of programming.

At first, I just wanted to collect all the interesting, high-quality, easy-to-use projects I found while browsing GitHub, so that I could easily find and study them later. Later I thought, if these GitHub projects are added simple renderings and some easy to understand Chinese introduction. It should help beginners like me get interested in participating in and learning about these excellent and fun open source projects.

So, I created a monthly magazine for people who are new to programming, who love programming, and who are interested in the open source community, with projects in various programming languages, tools to make their lives better, books, study notes, tutorials, and more. These projects are very easy to use, and very Cool, the main hope is that you can use them and join the open source community. Those who can program can contribute code, those who can’t can feedback bugs in using these tools, help publicize projects you think are good, Star projects ⭐️. You’ll also learn more about programming, improve your programming skills, and discover your own interests.

🎉 And the HelloGitHub project was born 🎉

Below is the content of this issue | the latest issue will be published on the 28th of each month | click to view the content of previous issues

C + + project

SQLAdvisor: an open source tool used by’s DBA team to analyze SQL and provide index optimization suggestions. The open source content is consistent with internal use, and the documentation is complete

3. BFS: Baidu file system, architecture diagram is as follows:

Go project

4. Poseidon system: Poseidon system is an open source log search platform of Qihoo 360, which can quickly analyze and retrieve specific strings from millions of billions of log data and hundreds of PB sizes.

5. Go. Uuid: go UUID package

6, FSQL: use SQL syntax search files, cool bar

Java project

Symphony: Modern community (forum/social network/blog) platform in Java with lots of features. Visit this community

Druid: A JDBC component library, including database connection pools, SQL Parser, and other components, provides powerful monitoring and extension functions

Packer-ng-plugin: Android packaging tool, support speed packaging, extremely fast speed

Objective – C project

ITerm2: Mac ultra user-friendly terminal software

PHP project

14. Nextcloud: Open source cloud storage platform with complete functions, which can be used to build the company’s internal cloud storage platform

Python project

15, explainshell: a website can parse Linux command, it can give the interpretation of the command and its parameters, such as: ps – aux | grep python, online presentation

16. Certbot: A free tool that automatically enables and deploys HTTPS on your website. In the deployment tutorial page, select the server operating system and Web server, and then follow the steps given to execute the command step by step, deployment tutorial

17. Pdir2: Python programmers need a better dir() — a more user-friendly display of dir() output

Swift project

EmojiIntelligence: complete with Swift implementation of neural network Demo

  • The first step is to set the emoji’s corresponding graphics
  • Use neural network to recognize the graphics and return emoji


19, OH-my-ZSH: a tool that lets you get started quickly, historically known as the “ultimate Shell” ZSH, and makes you feel like your terminal has never been easier to use. MacTalk’s Ultimate Shell

20, ResumeSample: Developer resume Template (Markdown)

21. CodeGuide: Tencent front-end team code specification

22, the security – 101 – for – saas – startups: summarized a start-up in each stage the expected safety recommendations, start-ups have money and the more data, then for safety investment is, the more Chinese translation version

23, Chinese-copywriting -guidelines: Chinese copywriting guidelines
