Interest is the best teacher, HelloGitHub is to help you find interest!

Introduction to the

At first, I just wanted to collect all the interesting, high-quality, easy-to-use projects I found while browsing GitHub, so that I could easily find and study them later. Later I thought, if these GitHub projects are added simple renderings and some easy to understand Chinese introduction. It should help beginners like me get interested in participating in and learning about these excellent and fun open source projects.

So, I created a monthly magazine for people who are new to programming, who love programming, and who are interested in the open source community, with projects in various programming languages, tools to make their lives better, books, study notes, tutorials, and more. These projects are very easy to use, and very Cool, the main hope is that you can use them and join the open source community. Those who can program can contribute code, those who can’t can feedback bugs in using these tools, help publicize projects you think are good, Star projects ⭐️. You’ll also learn more about programming, improve your programming skills, and discover your own interests.

The project HelloGitHub was born! 😁

Below is the content of this issue | click to view the content of previous issues

Go project

4. Kingshard: Kingshard is a high-performance MySQL Proxy project developed by Go. In addition to meeting the basic function of read and write separation, Kingshard is committed to simplifying MySQL database and table operations; Kingshard allows DBAs to easily and smoothly implement MySQL database expansion.

5, V2Ray-Core: provides common agent software modules, simplify the development of network agent software. What is V2Ray?

Javascript project

7. Iview: IView is a set of open source UI component library based on vue.js, which mainly serves the middle and background products of PC interface. Features:

  • High quality, rich function
  • Friendly API, free and flexible use of space
  • Detailed documentation
  • Fine, beautiful UI
  • Use the single-file Vue component development pattern
  • Based on NPM + Webpack + Babel development, support ES2015

8. Flv.js: HTML5 Flash video (FLV) player written with pure JavaScript, sample code is as follows:

<script src="flv.min.js"></script>
<video id="videoElement"></video>
    if (flvjs.isSupported()) {
        var videoElement = document.getElementById('videoElement');
        var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({
            type: 'flv',
            url: ''
        flvPlayer.load(a);; }</script>Copy the code

9, RAP: Ali Mom MUX team produced, enterprise-class Web interface management tools. RAP helps WEB engineers manage interface documents more efficiently through GUI tools, and automatically generates Mock data and verifies the correctness of real interfaces by analyzing interface structures, making interface development more standardized and automated.

C # project

Wox: Alfred and Launchy on Windows

Machine learning

MLAlgorithms: Common machine learning algorithms, implemented in Python

Java project

RocketMQ: RocketMQ is the third generation distributed messaging middleware that Alibaba opened source in 2012. RocketMQ has been responsible for 100% of the message flow of Alibaba’s production system in the past 11 Singles’ Day, with stable and excellent performance in the core transaction link. This year’s 11 Singles’ Day has created a trillion-level message delivery with low delay.

Objective – C project

Sequelpro: This is the best MySQL management tool I’ve found so far on the Mac. I have been in use, and recommended to my small partners, with good 😈 ~


Tutorial: IntelliJ IDEA in Simplified Chinese

16, Redisbook: Redis Design and Implementation (online version)

17, Algorithm: Lao Qi’s algorithm tutorial

18. Awesome_API: This page collects available apis in China

19. Lee-vr-source: Necessary resources for VR developers

What can you write with Less than 500 Lines of Python code? I’m sure you’ll learn a lot after reading this project (each project is written by an expert in the industry). Chinese translation (unfinished)
