Hector_quadrotor compiled summary | ubuntu 16.04 ros – kinetic version

  • Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • The ROS version used is Kinetic

Hector_quadrotor ROS package is mainly used for modeling, control and simulation of quadrotor UAV.

1. Install the dependent libraries

System and dependent libraries needed for Ubuntu 16.04 | ros – kinetic | Gazebo | gazebo_ros_pkgs | geographic_msgs here assumes that has installed Ubuntu 16.04, ros – kinetic and Gazebo.

  • Run the following command to install itgazebo_ros_pkgs
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control
Copy the code

If you have problems installing here, please refer to the official Gazebo installation tutorial for further information.

  • Run the following command to install itgeographic_msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-geographic-msgs
Copy the code

2. Download and compile hector_quadrotor

  • 1 tohector_quadrotorConfigure the workspace
mkdir -p ~/hector_ws/src
cd ~/hector_ws/src
cd ..
echo "source ~/hector_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
Copy the code
  • cloninghector_quadrotorTo the local
cd ~/hector_ws
wstool init src https://raw.github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_quadrotor/kinetic-devel/tutorials.rosinstall
Copy the code

Note: If wstool is not installed, run sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-rosdep ninja-build to install python-wstool.

  • compilehector_quadrotor
cd ~/hector_ws
Copy the code

There are generally no bugs and will compile successfully.

Run a demo

  • rviz

  • gazebo