AI industry landing, road obstruction and long

The driving force of the fourth Industrial Revolution, which is how the tech industry values AI technology.

Recently, Gartner, an international consulting company, listed “AI engineering” as one of the nine technology trends in 2021, which indicates that AI has entered a new stage, lowering the threshold of industrial use by means of large-scale generation, and making AI create value for business in a simple and reliable way. At present, there are AI applications in automatic driving, health care, transportation, retail e-commerce, clothing, food, housing and transportation.

However, in the process of landing the AI industry:

  • There are few practical cases and insufficient exchanges within the industry;
  • Platform tools scattered, the technical system is huge and complex;
  • The right people are difficult to recruit, recruit to stay;

All kinds of “acclimatize” come one after another, these problems are almost all enterprises in the process of promoting the IMPLEMENTATION of AI industry, this process is long, difficult but inevitable. It is a challenge and an opportunity for enterprises and senior managers whether they can carry out the actual business steadily and firmly.

High-level AI talents determine the boundary of enterprise intelligent innovation

The requirement of the landing stage of industrial intelligence is to be able to turn needs into problems and find the top interdisciplinary talents with the highest cost performance.

For top executives, grasping technology, business and people is to grasp the three elements of the business world. In the field of AI, compound high-level AI talents determine the technological leadership of an enterprise, the technological leadership determines the speed of business intelligence innovation, and the speed of business intelligence upgrade determines the opportunity window and market opportunity of an enterprise in the era of intelligence.

So a top AI architect can influence the value boundaries of an entire business.

According to related media reports, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a new profession — artificial intelligence engineering and technical personnel employment situation analysis report shows that China’s ai talent shortage is more than 5 million, the domestic supply and demand ratio of 1:10, serious imbalance. However, there are only a few high-level AI talents in the enterprise.

As an enterprise’s technical leader, how to find high-level AI talents who can quickly transform business needs? How to cross the gap of AI talent closure? How to gradually complete the real-time ability iteration and replenishment of high-level AI talent Arsenal?

Perhaps the following dark logic will inspire you:

1. Find people who can understand business needs and translate technology into business solutions

Only by attaching importance to understanding the appeal and logic of business, can we grasp the key points of business problems and make correct abstract design and technology selection.

2. People with progressive understanding of AI technology and development and application

The final return of AI must be landing, rather than static algorithm. How to find the best efficiency in application and empower enterprises are the basic requirements of enterprises for engineers.

3. Design and implement efficient and reasonable AI landing schemes

According to the actual business scenarios, the reasonable selection of tools and resources, combination, assembly, series to meet the requirements of engineering practice.

These seemingly simple requirements mean that enterprises need to pay a high cost. The amount of time and effort required to develop a good AI architect is out of balance with the return value.

Baidu Chief AI Architect Training Program (AICA)

Everything is made, based on this, the baidu union deep learning technology and application of national engineering laboratory first launched the “chief architect AI training plan”, to train qualified higher order AI architect, for the purpose of building architect AI communication platform, increase the chance of communication industry, and through combining theory + actual business model, Help enterprises to cultivate interdisciplinary talents to master the full stack AI ability, so as to quickly empower and promote the intelligent upgrading of industrialization.

Similarly, the Chief AI Architect Training Program (AICA) also gathers baidu’s senior scientists and engineers to help enterprises explore AI boundaries, provide AI architecture guidance, and cultivate AI high-level talents.

AICA lasts for half a year, and has retained the strict screening mechanism since its launch, with a high elimination rate of 86%. All students come from top enterprises in different industries and have at least three years of algorithm and engineering experience. 83% of them are senior technical managers such as Ctos. Their background experience is also expanding to more engineering boundaries.

Once officially enrolled, students can have face-to-face and in-depth communication with Baidu deep learning architects and scientists in combination with the development bottleneck of enterprises, analyze the key problems of deep learning implementation in core businesses, and deeply disassemble typical cases of the combination of business needs and AI technology in AI ecological enterprises. Solve real business problems with AI thinking, AI tools, methods and technologies.

AICA Class 5 officially opens enrollment

Offline closed-door communication | 1+1 participation MODE AI thinking storm | limit 50 seats

Paddling through the waves of AI with the changers

Give it weapons, give it energy. At present, AICA has gone through four sessions, and all the admitted students have discussed the practical mode of AI industry landing together with the lecturers at AICA.

Since its launch in 2019, AICA has sent 135 AI architects to the industry, cultivating leading talents who truly understand AI, do AI, and put AI into practice and reality, covering dozens of industries such as industry, energy, finance, transportation, agriculture, and Internet.

Precipitated as comac aircraft composite structure damage detection of ultrasonic image, jingdong logistics park Asia 1 there is no wisdom park, metro rail defect edge real-time intelligent detection, automatic 3 d reconstruction and object recognition forensic imaging space such as a wide range of case scenarios, AICA AI always lead the industry the highest standard of talent training.

Paddling through the waves, innovators come. To everyone in AI, we can’t make every decision to prepare for everything, that would be hard to move in circles.

Only if you dare to take the first step, can you seize the wind and promote the new revolution of AI industry together with technology leaders from different industries and enterprises!

AICA breaks down the barrier of chief AI architects in all walks of life, making the intelligent landing of AI industry more powerful.