1. Basic learning

Basically HTML, CSS, JavaScript. It is suggested to learn directly from HTML5, CSS3 and ES5. Because this part is the foundation of web front-end development, it is recommended that you must lay a solid foundation.

2. Art related, back-end development, design related learning

A good Web front-end developer will be familiar with the layout of his or her working interface. Therefore, this will be the focus of your work. Depending on the company, you can broaden your knowledge and deepen your understanding of your products.

Related to art, mainly proficient in THE application of PS, cutting tools. Photoshop is a must to master, here we do not emphasize the beautiful graphics, but at least to master its application. A skill can be used anywhere and anytime.

Back-end development. In general, front-end development and back-end development are separate, but there are special cases. Therefore, we need to choose the main learning position of the back-end, many people are comparing PHP, Python, node.js which is good, in fact, there is no difference between the three, from the heat of the market, Node.js seems to be more popular, of course, Node.js is also easier to use js familiar front-end.

Three. All kinds of framework class library learning

Jquery, Bootstrap, etc. There are a lot of frameworks out there, but you have to master jquery and Bootstrap, or many companies will not be able to work. There are vertical sites for libraries and frameworks to learn from, such as Bootstrap Chinese.

Iv. Learning tools

Git, Webpack, Gulp, Github, Nginx, etc. Tool learning is a kind of self-improvement. It will increase your productivity and save you time. Fortunately, tool learning, a few days is enough, if you need to master, then need time for careful learning!