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A few days ago, when I was trying to solve the problem, I saw the algorithm discovered by the official problem solution. I felt this algorithm was very interesting and a good thinking development, so I sorted out some knowledge of Moore voting algorithm and shared it with you.

Moore voting method

Boyer — Moore majority Vote algorithm (Boyer — Moore majority vote algorithm) is a constant spatial time complexity algorithm for finding the majority elements in a group of elements.

Algorithm thought

Look for the most possible elements in the set, which are repeated in the input sequence and account for more than half of the sequence elements; After the first iteration, another iteration should be carried out to count the number of occurrences of the results of the first algorithm iteration and determine whether it is mode. If there are no dominant elements in a sequence, the first result may be an invalid random element.

The process can be divided into two stages:

  • The voting stage: the offsetting of votes between voters
  • Counting stage: the final remaining candidate’s vote in the contest is counted.

Take a chestnut

The above text is true to be a bit boring, let’s take an interesting chestnut:

After countless years of struggle, the Spartan warriors established the Republic of Sparta and embarked on the road of socialism.

Today is the first People’s Congress of Sparta, which will elect the first president of the Republic by popular election. To ensure the authority of the president, only a majority of the votes were needed to become the leader of the new republic.

But with Sparta’s population of several million, counting the votes is a big problem. And my Spartans are too strong to waste on arithmetic. The organizers of the convention racked their brains and came up with a brilliant idea, not only to choose a leader for the Republic, but also to show Spartan valor.

Here’s the rule:

  1. If two warriors don’t agree on the election, they go to the sidelines to fight, and don’t come back to the voting period. The remaining Spartans (and there may be more than one) are bound to agree, and their choice may be the ultimate president.
  2. But there’s a loophole in judging a leader by the rest of the group, for example,2,2,1,3,3 [1]Well, the first two candidates split their votes, and the third candidate didn’t get half of the total, so we still need toCount phaseTo see if the remaining candidates have reached half of the total number of votes.

Graphic interpretation of the

If you still don’t understand the example, let’s look at a graphic one.

Train of thought

Based on the algorithmic ideas above, we store the current candidate with the most votes and the number of votes received (offset) in major and count, respectively.

When we iterate over the next ballot, we determine if the current count is zero:

  • ifcount == 0Representative:majorEmpty, directly assigns the current candidate tomajorAnd willcount ++
  • ifcount ! = 0: represents the currentmajorIs not completely offset, socount --Spartan warriors of different opinions go into passionate collisions.

Initial value count = 0, major = -1

The detailed illustration uses [2,2,1,3,1,2,2] as an example.

Iterate over the first element of the set, 2, and since count == 0, assign 2 to major and count = 1

The second element is still candidate 2, which gets count ++

The third element is 1, which collides with the major, so there is a passion collision, and the current major’s votes cancel out by 1.

The fourth element is 3, which collides with the major, creating a passionate clash where the major’s current number of votes cancels out one vote.

When the fifth element 1 is traversed, count = 0 indicates that marjor is vacant, so let majro = 1 and count = 1

The sixth element is 2, which collides with the major, creating a passionate collision where the major’s current count cancels out by 1, and the count becomes 0 again

Majro = 1 and count = 1 if majro = 1 and count = 1

Once traversed, elementals 2 May well be the new leader of Sparta.

Count phase: the number of occurrences of 2 is greater than half. 2 appears four times and is greater than half, so I declare 2 as the future leader of the Republic of Sparta.

Er of actual combat

Key elements

17.10. Main elements

The elements that make up more than half of an array are called primary elements. Given an array of integers, find the major elements. If not, return -1. Design a solution whose time complexity is O(N) and space complexity is O(1).

If we don’t have that last one, we’re sure that the first thing that comes to mind is a hash table, which stores the number of occurrences of each element.

But we are not ordinary people now, even the Spartan republic can elect the leader, must be subject to the Moore election law.

The idea of this topic is extremely similar to what I have illustrated, so I won’t do anything superfluous.

/ * * *@param {number[]} nums
 * @return {number}* /
var majorityElement = function(nums) {
    let major = -1;
    let count = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i<nums.length; i++) {
        if (count === 0) {
            major = nums[i];
        if (nums[i] === major) {
        } else {
            // The votes cancel out
    count = 0;
    const length = nums.length;
    // Count phase
    for (var i = 0; i<nums.length; i++) {
        if(nums[i] === major) { count++; }}return count * 2 > length ? major : -1;
Copy the code

Real problem 2: find mode II

Finding mode II

Given an array of integers of size n, find all elements that occur more than ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times. Design a solution whose time complexity is O(N) and space complexity is O(1).

I was thinking hard when I typed this problem, and I couldn’t come up with a solution with space complexity O(1). It hit me when I saw the official problem, which could also be Moore voting method. Let’s analyze it:

Before you do this, understand that there are at most two elements that occur more than ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times. 3 * ⌊ n/3 ⌋ > n if there are more than 2 elements in the array ⌊ n/3 ⌋ times, such as 3 elements, what does this mean?

Train of thought

Let me visualize it a little bit like the Spartans were choosing a leader and vice leader, so it doesn’t make sense to have two different warriors fighting each other now, because the two warriors could be the leader and vice leader.

Since it is to choose two leaders, can it also be analogous to three warriors with different opinions fighting to offset that? Let’s see if it can be achieved:

If only one element x in the array is greater than ⌊ n/3 ⌋, divide the array into two parts: one is k x and the other is (n-k)/3 groups of three different elements. If the three different elements cancel out, only k x will be left.

If there are two elements x in the array, and y exceeds ⌊ n/3 ⌋, divide the array into three parts: the first part is k x, the second part is L Y, and the third part is (n-k-L) /3 groups of three different elements. If the three different elements cancel out, the array will be left with K X and L Y.

Based on the above analysis, three warriors with different opinions can be offset, and the algorithm flow is as follows:

  • Checks whether the current element is the first or second selected element. If they are identical, the number of votes for the corresponding element is increased by one.
  • If they are different from both elements, the three different elements cancel out once
  • After the cancellation, if there is an element whose final vote is greater than 0, the counting stage is carried out to check whether the number of the element is greater than⌊ n / 3 ⌋

The code:

/ * * *@param {number[]} nums
 * @return {number[]}* /
var majorityElement = function(nums) {
    let major1 = 0,
        major2 = 0,
        count1 = 0,
        count2 = 0;
    const length = nums.length;
    // Vote offset phase
    for (let i = 0; i<length; i++) {
        if (count1 > 0 && major1 === nums[i]) {
            count1 ++;
        }else if (count2 > 0 && major2 === nums[i]) {
            count2 ++;
        }else if (count1 === 0) {
            count1 ++;
            major1 = nums[i];
        }else if (count2 === 0) {
            count2 ++;
            major2 = nums[i];
        }else{ count1 --; count2 --; }}// Count phase
    let cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0, res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i<length; i++) {
        if (count1 > 0 && major1 === nums[i]) {
            cnt1 ++;
        if (count2 > 0&& major2 === nums[i]) { cnt2 ++; }}if (count1 > 0 && cnt1 > Math.floor(length / 3)) {
    if (count2 > 0 && cnt2 > Math.floor(length / 3)) {
    return res;
Copy the code

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