I. Classification of basic components

Common components of HarmonyOS are declared in an XML file under Resources/Base/Layout, and then in AbilitySlice through super.setuicontent (ResourceTable). File name of a layout) to load the layout. FindComponentById (ResourceTable) in AbilitySlice. Component ID). After obtaining the component, you can perform operations on the component, such as adding listeners and setting content. Controls can also be used dynamically through code.

Inheritance relationships between components:

The basic components are classified as follows (individual classification) :

  • The text class

Text, TextField

  • Button class

Button, Switch, RadioButton, RadioContainer, Checkbox

  • Class pictures


  • The selector class

Picker, DatePicker, TimePick

  • The progress bar

ProgressBar, RoundProgressBar

  • navigation

TabList, Tab, PageSlider, PageSliderIndicator

  • Dialog window pops

ToastDialog, PopupDialog, CommonDialog

  • The list of


  • The scroll bar


  • Web page


Ii. Classification description

(1) text class

Text provides a Text display. TextField provides a text input field.

Properties of Text:

The attribute name Property description Use case
text According to the text Ohos :text=” text content”
hint Tooltip text Ohos :hint=” please enter username”
text_font The font ohos:text_font=”HwChinese-medium”
truncation_mode Long text truncation No truncation ohos: truncation_mode = “none”

. =” ellipsIS_AT_start “truncated with ellipsis

. =” ellipsis_AT_middle “truncated with ellipsis

. =” ellipsis_AT_end “truncated with ellipsis

. =”auto_scrolling” displays the entire text
text_size Text size ohos:text_size=”30″

element_padding Margin between text and image .





Text bubble width

Text bubble height

Text bubble left width

Text bubble left height

Text bubble right width

Text bubble right height
A float type representing the size.

They can be floating point values, which default to px;

It can also be a floating point value with px/ VP /fp units;

Float resources can also be referenced.
max_text_lines Text input type Ohos: text_input_type = “pattern_null” type

. =”pattern_text” Type of text

. = “pattern_number” Numbers

. = “pattern_password” password
text_input_type Input key type ohos:input_enter_key_type=

“Enter_key_type_unspecified” type

. =”enter_key_type_search” Indicates the search action

. Action = “enter_key_type_go” “go”

. =”enter_key_type_send” Indicates the “send” action
auto_scrolling_duration Automatic roll time ohos:auto_scrolling_duration=”1000″
multiple_lines Multi-line mode Settings ohos:multiple_lines=”true”
auto_font_size Supports automatic text font resizing ohos:auto_font_size=”true”
scrollable Whether text is scrollable ohos:scrollable=”true”
italic Whether the text is in italic font ohos:italic=”true”
padding_for_text Sets whether the top and bottom of the text is white by default. ohos:padding_for_text=”true”
additional_line_spacing Line spacing to be increased Ohos: additional_line_spacing = “2.0”
line_height_num Multiple of line spacing Ohos: line_height_num = “1.5”





Text left icon

Top text icon

Icon to the right of text

Icon below text

Text start direction icon

Text end direction icon
Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.

The common XML attributes of TextField inherit from: Text

TextField’s own properties:

The attribute name Property description Use case
basement Input box baseline Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.

(2) button class

A Button is a common component that can be clicked to trigger an action, usually consisting of text or an icon, or both.

Button has no XML attributes of its own. The common XML attributes are inherited from: Text, and there are no other special attributes.

Switch is a component that toggles a single setting on/off.

The common XML attribute of Switch is inherited from: Text. The XML attribute of Switch is shown in the following table:

The attribute name Property description Use case

Text displayed when enabled

The text displayed when closed
You can set a text string directly, or you can reference a String resource


Track style

Thumb style

Status flag style
Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.
marked Current status (selected or unchecked) You can set true/false directly or refer to a Boolean resource. True indicates that the current status is selected. False indicates that the current status is not selected.

RadioButton is used for multiple operations. It needs to be used with RadioContainer to achieve single selection effect.

The common XML attribute of RadioButton is inherited from: Text. The self-owned XML attribute of RadioButton is shown in the following table:

The attribute name Property description Use case
marked Current status (selected or unchecked) You can set true/false directly or refer to a Boolean resource. True indicates that the current status is selected. False indicates that the current status is not selected.
text_color_on The color of text in the selected state You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource.
text_color_off The color of the text in the unchecked state You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource.
check_element Status flag style Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.

Checkbox allows you to check and deselect checkboxes.

The common XML attribute of Checkbox is inherited from: Text. The own XML attribute of Checkbox is shown in the following table:

The attribute name Property description Use case
marked Current status (selected or unchecked) ohos:marked=”true”

The color of text in the selected state

The color of the text in the unchecked state
You can set the color value directly or reference the color resource.
check_element Status flag style Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.

(3) image class

Image is the component used to display an Image.

The common XML attribute of Image inherits from: Component. The Image’s own XML attribute is shown in the following table:

The attribute name Property description Use case
clip_alignment Image cropping alignment Ohos :clip_alignment=”left” Left-aligned clipping

. =”right” right aligned clipping

. =”top” top aligned clipping

. =”bottom” bottom aligned clipping

. =”center” center aligned clipping
image_src image Can directly configure the color value, also can reference color resources or reference media/graphic image resources.
scale_mode Image scaling type Ohos :scale_mode=”center” indicates that the original Image is scaled to the narrowest edge of the Image and is centered

. =”zoom_start” indicates that the original Image is scaled to the narrowest edge of the Image and displayed from the beginning

. =”zoom_end” indicates that the original Image is scaled to the narrowest edge of the Image and displayed at the end.

. =”stretch” : the original Image is scaled to the same size as the Image.

. =”center” indicates that the middle part of the original Image is displayed according to the size of Image without scaling.

. =”inside” indicates that the original Image is scaled to the same or smaller size as Image and is centered.

. =” clip_Center “indicates that the original Image is scaled to the same or larger size as the Image and is centered.

To be continued….