• This is the first day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge.

The following three modules are important:

1. The components

  • The elements displayed on the screen are called components
  • As follows: Text boxes and buttons are components

  • Common components: picture components to display images, download time to see the progress bar components, etc.

2. Layout

1. The elements displayed on the screen are calledcomponent. 2.The way multiple components are placed is the layout. Components must be added to the layout to be displayed.

  • DirectionalLayoutLayout is the arrangement from top to bottom

  • Of course, you can also use code to set it to landscape

  • You can understand that layout is a container, which is used to hold components, and it determines how components are placed in the APP. Right
  • Each component cannot stand alone; it must be added to the layout to be visible

3. The event

  • An event is an operation that can be recognized by a component.
  • With events in place, the component can interact with the user
  • For example, click, double click, long press, and slide

  • Both components and layouts use events