Public account: You and cabin editor: Peter author: Peter

Hello everyone, my name is Yule Cottage, English name Yule Cottage, today I am two years old 😊! Happy Birthday to Yule 🍰

Peter grew up

In June 2018, Peter graduated. In August, he finally stepped into the society and entered the workplace. Since then, he has been on the road of working as a social animal

To Peter’s surprise, his first job was operation and maintenance! What exactly does operation and maintenance do? He didn’t know; He had no idea what skills operations required. Entering the company and workplace, can only obey the arrangement. A very good senior in the company once said to Peter,

Entering the company, we are all soldiers; The company has its own rules of the game, we are just one of the pieces, at any time to understand the rules, and abide by the rules before starting the game!

After a period of study and preliminary work, he finally realized the operation and maintenance work he was facing, and more importantly, the situation after his work: he had entered the environment of the Internet

What exactly is operation and maintenance? Jackson, a net friend of Peter, who works as a server developer in a company in Shenzhen, once said to Peter that the development of operation and maintenance has gone through three main stages

  • Early days: Web
  • Medium term: automation
  • The Near future: Smart

Now it’s slowly microserving and containerizing. You don’t know anything now, you need to learn a lot of basic things, but you also need to learn and contact the current technology, otherwise you will still be obsolete! This is work, is also the workplace, is also the rapid development of society!

What skills do operations require? The following are several pictures collected by Peter to show the job skill requirements of operation and maintenance:

  • Basic operation and maintenance skills
  • Web operation and maintenance skills
  • Data operations
  • Microservice container operation and maintenance

That’s operations! In Peter’s opinion, it’s a skill that really involves the entire Internet! But Peter couldn’t do anything: Linux hadn’t touched it when he went in, not a single command; A programming language doesn’t… .

Two words: vegetable chicken! It’s a blank sheet of paper. So he bought a lot of books and watched a lot of videos, just trying to get into the operation industry. From the end of 18th to the first half of 19th, I spent most of my time in reading and studying except for my work. In addition to his dormitory and company, the most frequent place to go is: Xiamen Library. On weekdays, the library closes from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and I spend most weekends in the library. It is really a very memorable day πŸ˜„

My classmate Huang Sheng, who worked in Xiamen after graduation, once said to Peter when they had dinner together:

Graduation you are very busy ah, have been studying, like a change.

Maybe, after all, entering the social work is really the biggest motivation!

Because there were so many things to learn in operation and maintenance work, and there was nothing to offer, the pressure was also very great at that time. Before going to bed at night to develop the habit of reading, one is to hope to calm down, through reading to relieve anxiety, impetuous heart; Secondly, I hope that through the habit of reading novels, I can slowly cultivate the habit of reading technical books. The novels are mostly written by Keigo Higashino and Mr. Murakami. The novels of the two gentlemen are of completely different styles. The former is good at suspense and reasoning, while the latter is more a reflection of his own experience and the reality of Japanese society. Recommended books:

  • Higashino Keigo: Relief grocery store, the dedication of suspect X, white night line
  • Haruki Murakami: Norwegian forest, Kafka by the sea, attack bakery

In order to learn technology at the beginning, Peter did not focus on front-end, development, Linux, Python, network, database, etc. He wanted to learn everything. Peter bought a lot of books one by one, watched a lot of videos on netease courses, MOOC, YouTube and B website, and visited many teaching websites, such as Cainiao Course, W3CSchool and Yibai Course. At the same time, I also know and know a lot of outstanding leaders, and ask a lot of questions from them. Thanks to 🀝

Of course, there have been many detours. But these detours, while they took a while, were useful in the future. Finally, he decided where he wanted to go: data. So he began his own data journey:

  • Learn Python and databases and crawlers
  • Learn pandas and Numpy
  • Learn about data analysis and visualization
  • Learning algorithms, machine learning to slowly start

In this way, he was officially entered the Internet environment!

Peter: Are you a computer science major? No, he worked and studied and taught himself

I was born

In the process of continuous learning, Peter came into contact with many Internet writing platforms: Zhihu, Nuggets, CSDN, Blog Garden, Hejing Community, Tencent Cloud community, etc. These platforms allow you to record knowledge, spread skills, and of course bring some kind of feedback or financial value to the author.

At the same time, he also followed a number of public accounts, mostly related to Python data. Because he learned that writing public accounts is actually a branch of the Internet industry: we media.

The industry’s fast-growing dividend period is long past. Some early to do a good head of the public number, long occupied most of the market, captured the specific industry most of the user fans. But:

Even the smallest individuals have their own brands

This is from the wechat public platform login page, no matter how small you are, you should have your own brand. Its only label is you!

Therefore, Peter also wants to have his own brand and an official account. After knowing how to apply for an official account and what materials are needed, Peter put forward an application. Finally, on July 10, 2019, I was born!

Birthplace: Siming District, Xiamen city, Fujian Province, China

Date: July 10, 2019

Why is it called Eugene Cottage

My name needs to be explained here.

The name came from an English novel Peter had read: The Cat at Yule Cottage, a warm and loving novel. Highly recommended to everyone πŸ‘

The author is Lili Hayward, an up-and-coming British writer who loves all things mysterious and historical. Her debut novel, The Cat at Yule Cottage, was a British literary marvel.

Her boyfriend’s departure left Jessie sad, but her novel was bought by the publisher and she saw a glimmer of hope. Jesse moved to a historic Yule Cottage in Cornwall to concentrate on his writing. Life here is quiet and full, and although she is in the countryside, she is not alone, for the “aborigines” — a beautiful, proud, mysterious black cat who prowls around as if patrolling her territory.

In the process of repairing the house and writing, Jesse discovers Enseyul’s past with the Black Cat. It is a touching story of love, friendship and a cat that has lasted for 500 years in this land.

I should be called yule Hut. Yule Cottage was already in use by the time Peter registered, but Peter liked the name so much that he came up with a similar name: Yule Cottage.

A friend once advised Peter to change the name of his official account:

Since you want to write about Python and data, you might want to include python or data in your name so that users can search for you.

This is actually a common operation of the public number. But Peter insists on staying the same, so I am still me, but Peter is not the know-nothing, know-nothing Peter he was when he started his career.

Two one full year of life

Today, July 10, 2021, I’m two years old. In the past two years, Peter has been learning and making progress and has grown a lot. And I am constantly enriching. Maybe I was left out in the cold before, but Peter has decided to manage me well in the future. Anyway, let’s stick together through thick and thin!

Ritual sense of life: Happy Birthday to Yule🍰