A large number of urgent recruit iOS/Android. Old drivers or interns are welcome

Business: retail, micro mall

There is no need to worry about “retirement”. Good businesses are complicated. For example, in the offline scene, how to add goods, offline cashier, offline billing. Electron desktop side, Android, iOS, small program and web side all need marketing computing, so there is a unified TS computing scheme.

65% client code in the business, 5% Hybrid, 10% Weex, 20% Flutter. Different lines of business have slightly different proportions.

Technology middle platform: all kinds of technology infrastructure

  • Multi-terminal fusion ability. Weex, Flutter, Hybrid
  • Quality stability and monitoring: APM
  • Service anomalies and stability: Skynet alarm system
  • Engineering energy efficiency: CI, CD, package and build systems, compile and speed up solutions
  • Hot Fix: Weex, iOS, Android, Flutter supported
  • Testing: Accurate testing


Old Weex business is in use, new concept scenarios are developed in Flutter as appropriate.

Flutter UI component library aligns the Native UI component library, which was completed last year. This includes routing, Flutter and client (iOS, Android) cross-module access, and service discovery. Flutter supports hot fixes. Want to know the Flutter Hotfix implementation? Afraid of writing about bugs? Do not be afraid, together to write a happy Bug, can Cover.

After Code review +3, we can merge the Code, Code unit, smoke test has been done, weekly high-speed railway has returned to a week (equipment UI automation has returned to various main processes, on-duty QA business has been returned to a week), and we are still worried about the problem on the line?? Don’t be afraid. Accurate testing pays for the quality of every line of your code. What is added and removed in this development and the base branch can be found by all diff. Which branches are being implemented and which are slipping through the cracks? Each accurate test report helps identify potential risks. For example, the coverage rate of this report is 83%, so you can analyze why it is low. Too much code to cover, marginal cases not covered, or something.

The technology center where I work is looking for Android technical experts. If you want to do technical infrastructure, look at it quickly. Other lines of business are also welcome, and interns are new recruits. I know the details (W: LBP704568245)

Working hours: Monday, Thursday: 10:00 ~ 12:00 2:00 ~ 6:00 7:00 ~ 9:00 Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 ~ 12:00 2:00 ~ 6:00

Benefits: 16 ~ 18 salary, meal allowance 1K per month. 9 PM taxi reimbursement, entry 16G M1 Macbook Pro