
Write this tool is to solve their daily work in some of the repetitive labor, improve some efficiency. Is also through the program to solve some of the pain points in the work.

For some commands, if we can save 2 seconds or more at a time, we won’t see any time savings in the short term, but the value in the long run will be huge. I could use that time to focus on something far more meaningful and important – improving my life.

Work (

So what are the pain points at work?

Frequent, verbose commands

At work, we often use command line commands to complete some of our operations, but some commands are used very often, and they are very long, and it will be a waste of time to type in all of them.

Such as:

Git git

git add git commit -m”XX”

git add git commit -m”XX” git push

What if we could synthesize a single command from the above lines?

The mouse operation

There are also some mouse sequential operations that can be done from the command line to improve efficiency. For example, check the local IP

This is also currently available via ipconfig, ifconfig

Tool is introduced

This section describes the supported commands.

    mm helpGit add. Git commit -m"Description"GST: git stauts: git diff: git diff: git diff: git diff: git diff: git diff: git diff: git diff Mm GBA: Git branch-aView all branchesCopy the code

Support for more commands continues to be updated at……

Tools installation

The environment supports Node 8.5+

Install NPM install mm-short-command -g

The last

This tool code implementation is not difficult, the purpose is to improve efficiency, improve time utilization.

If you want to see the source code, please go to github address here. Welcome star Bigerfe/mm – short – command.

The industry also has a better implementation, if you are using such tools to improve efficiency feel free to leave a comment.

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