Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.
Recently, when connecting with electronic invoice, our H5 interface needs to be able to retrieve data in real time by inputting corresponding information, and then display it in a list for users to choose.
In view of my project is using vant UI, so hu, I first went to consult a wave of documents, a little regret, temporarily did not provide the corresponding API, then manually implement it, hahaha 

1. Specific functions
- Users can enter corresponding information and search in real time
- The user can be prompted if the information cannot be queried
- You can scroll to view the queried information and list information
- If the information entered by the user is found, the keyword is marked
Second, the concrete idea of implementation
- Retrieves interface data based on last user input (write a throttling method)
- Keyword extraction
With this information sorted out, the next thing you can use is
<! -- Invoice title -->
<section class="inputContainer">
<main class="inputBox">
<div class="left">
<span>The invoice looked up</span>
<div class="right">
v-model="text type="text"
placeholder="Please fill in the name of the company to be invoiced."
<ul v-if="isGetText">
<template v-if="resList.length > 0 ">
v-for="(item, index) in resList"
<template v-else>
<li>Temporarily no data</li>
Copy the code
import { reactive, toRefs, getCurrentInstance } from "vue";
export default {
setup() {
const state = reactive({
text:' '.// The value entered in the input box
timer: null.isGetText:false // Whether to obtain data
resList: [].// List of information obtained
// CTX is similar to vue2's this
const { proxy: ctx } = getCurrentInstance();
const methods = {
clearTimer() {
if (state.timer) {
// Query query interface => Query throttling
handleQuery() {
ctx.timer = setTimeout(async() => {
state.resList = await ctx.getCompanySearch()
}, 1000)},// Interface request
// Write your request here
// Keyword extraction
state.isGetText = true, index) = > {
if (state.text && state.resList.length > 0) {
// Matches the keyword re
let replaceReg = new RegExp(state.text, 'g')
// Replace v-HTML values with highlights
let replaceText = `<span style="color:'red'">` + state.text + `</span>`
// Enter the value of the box
resultsList[index].inputText =
state.resList = []
state.resList = resultsList
// Change HTML text to text
repalceHtmlToText(str) {
str = str.replace(/ < / /? . +? >/g.' ') // Tag parsing
str = str.replace(/ /g.' ') // remove whitespace
return str
// Get the converted text and assign it to the text input box
getText(item) {
text: ctx.repalceHtmlToText(item.inputText),// Get the data and mark the keyword}}return{... toRefs(state), ... methods }; }Copy the code
Implementation effect
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