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Mainly is to configure the sidebar is too trival, file or directory structure adjustment file modification, need to modify the file path, is the trouble is that I don’t want to spend too much time in it, after all have time on a whim think in a certain directory is more appropriate, you replace the global path, might not pay attention to modify the wrong, uploaded to the server, and a wave, Ha ha listen to you seriously say, is too lazy, nonsense what big truth, ha ha.
Generally, article directories are divided into two types, single directory structure, and multi-directory structure. Below is a brief description of how to use tool functions to generate directories.
Interested students, but do not want to manual configuration file cumbersome, you can run the configured project, run or debug learning. Click to jump to GitHub warehouse, don’t know where you can ask me in the group
Single-directory structure, as shown
Configure the sidebar 在config.js
In the configurationsidebar
The effect
- Remember to pay attention to the case of the file name, do not ask why, was cheated
- Tool function and article path remember corresponding, otherwise will report an error
If you keep getting errors or looking at the generated data directory, you can turn on debug mode and add –debug by running the command suffix in package.josn
, you can view the printed data in the terminal, as shown in the figure
More catalog
Configure the sidebar
The effect is shown in figure
The article sorted
I am a person with pursuit, make the data catalog according to the order I want to sort, otherwise the creation of catalog will affect the beauty of my blog, obsessive-compulsive patients, yeah arrangement.
When I write more than 10 articles, I find that 10.CSS. Md is ranked after 01. Check the data and find that the files read are not sorted according to the directory order. Solve the problem if you find this problem.
Sort the data, and finally the order is correct, very good.
The file specification can be defined with this name, and can be adjusted more flexibly later.
- Folders are available
At the beginning of the order, if you want to be at the end10 ~ 20
Insert a new directory between, so as long as write11, 12
Line, - The file can be named in this way, if you consider that there are more than 100 subsequent files, you can use it
Start, which allows you to insert more files in the middle without having to re-edit the following file names.
Insight into the
First we know what kind of data structure we want.
We want to get the following data.
sidebar: {
'/frontend/': [
' '.// README can be used without a file name
title: 'HTML'.collapsable: false.children: [['HTML/HTML Quick Start '.'HTML Quick Start '],
['HTML/HTML Basics'.'HTML Basics']],}, {title: 'CSS'.collapsable: false.children: [['CSS / 01. CSS based'.'the CSS based'],
['CSS / 02. CSS beautification'.'CSS beautification'[,],},],},Copy the code
So of course we go through Nodefs.readdirSync
API to read the file, get an array, the array of data in the figure below
We can split each string into an array and get [“Vue Popover component development “,” MD “]. Since we don’t want to show the file in the directory, we can reset it with [file path, file name] format. [‘README’, ‘README’] : [‘README’, ‘README’]
title: 'Vue.js',
collapsable: false,
children: [
[Array], [Array]
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
Copy the code
If we want to contain multiple subfolders through a parent folder, obviously the above method does not apply to this situation, we should get data a folder a category, such as the following data
title: 'Vue.js',
collapsable: false,
children: [
[Array], [Array]
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
title: 'Vue3.js',
collapsable: false,
children: [
[Array], [Array]
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
[Array], [Array],
Copy the code
So when the file we read through stat.isdirectory () is a folder, we define an object in which the children property is an empty array, and recursively re-call the method to push the read file into the children array. Ha, ha. Done.
const fs = require('fs') // File module
const path = require('path') // Path module
const docsRoot = path.join(__dirname, '.. '.'.. '.'.. ') // docs file path
const chalk = require('chalk') // Command line print beautification
const log = console.log
function ReadFile(dir = docsRoot, filesList = [], fpath = ' ') {
let files = fs.readdirSync(dir)
// 10 1 sort error
files.sort((item1, item2) = > {
let c1 = item1.split('. ') [0]
let c2 = item2.split('. ') [0]
return c1 - c2
console.log('-- -- -- -- -- -);
files.forEach((item, index) = > {
let filePath = path.join(dir, item)
const stat = fs.statSync(filePath)
// log('isDirectory-------------------', stat.isDirectory(), item)
Md dir:/Users/xx/reg-rules-js-site/docs/regular
const fileNameArr = path.basename(filePath).split('. ')
if(stat.isDirectory() && item ! = ='.vuepress') {
// Generate the directory name
let title = fileNameArr.length > 1 ? fileNameArr[1] : fileNameArr[0]
if(! title){ log(chalk.yellow('Warning: This folder'${filePath}"If the name is not named according to the convention, the generated data will be ignored. `))
collapsable: false.children: [],})// log(' filesList[index].children ', path.join(dir, item), filesList[index].children, item)
/ / read recursive folder files/Users/another/Documents/self - study/reg - rules - js - site/docs/test/test2 [] test2
ReadFile(path.join(dir, item), filesList[index].children, item)
} else {
// Generate an array of file names
let name = null
title = null
typeFile = null
pathName = null
let cloneArr = [...fileNameArr]
typeFile = cloneArr[cloneArr.length - 1]
if (fileNameArr.length > 1) {
name = cloneArr.join('. ')
pathName = fpath ? `${fpath}/${name}` : name
title = cloneArr.length > 1 ? cloneArr[1] : cloneArr[0]}else {
log(chalk.yellow('Warning: This file'${filePath}"If the name is not named according to the convention, the generated data will be ignored. `))
log('name', name, pathName, typeFile, title)
if(name === 'README'){
// Filter non-MD files
if (typeFile === 'md') {
if(name === 'README') return filesList.unshift(' ')
filesList.push([pathName, title])
return filesList
module.exports = ReadFile
Copy the code
Started originally is a simple function, used to handle a single directory structure, thinking behind the single directory if the number of cases, nav certainly does not put down, or certainly not good-looking, solve the catalog file, after online, some file name length is different, more see more think torque, then rewrite, architecture new data format, well, now look good.