Full project address: Go-shop-B2C


A mall back-end system, login is particularly important, first of all, users place orders, need to log in, background management system, need to log in. What we need to do is, in addition to login and registration, the rest of the interface needs to be login verification.

Base_controller encapsulation

Since we need to perform login verification and the Controller that does not perform login verification, and because base_controller needs to perform login verification, the Controller that does not require login verification and base_controller have common functions to call

To sum up, we should add an additional Controller for base_controller inheritance and a Controller that does not require login verification for inheritance

Let’s take a quick look at jSON_controller


type JsonController struct {
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  • JsonResult is returned to the front-end JSON data, and the public call function
/** * The Ajax interface returns Json */
func (c *JsonController) JsonResult(status int, errCode int, errMsg string, data ...interface{}) {
	jsonData := make(map[string]interface{}, 3)
	jsonData["err_code"] = errCode
	jsonData["message"] = errMsg

	if len(data) > 0 && data[0] != nil {
		jsonData["data"] = data[0]
	c.Data["json"] = jsonData
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  • ServerError indicates a common ServerError
/** * The server reported an error */
func (c *JsonController) ServerError(err error) {
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  • SetSessionUser encapsulates the function that holds the session
/** * Set the login user session information */
func (c *JsonController) SetSessionUser(member models.Member) {
	if member.Id <= 0 {
	} else {
		c.SetSession(common.SessionName, member)
		c.SetSession("uid", member.Id)
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Log on to check

The Prepare function is called in Beego

The Prepare function is used for user extension purposes. This function is executed before any of the methods defined below. Users can override this function to implement user authentication and so on. Click on the jump document to see how

There are three main things to do

  1. Gob serialization saves user information

Ps: Serialize an object, which must be registered before encoding/ GOB decoding

  1. Get user information from session
  2. Obtain user information from cookies if login information exists in cookies

In other Controller basic writing

The main categories, controllers that require login verification and controllers that don’t, and controllers that don’t require login verification are usually controllers that contain login and registration

Controller writing that requires login verification

Address_controller, for example

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BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController = BaseController
type AddressController struct {

// URLMapping ...
func (c *AddressController) URLMapping(a) {
	c.Mapping("AddAddress", c.AddAddress)
	c.Mapping("DeleteAddress", c.DeleteAddress)
	c.Mapping("UpdateAddress", c.UpdateAddress)
	c.Mapping("GetAllAddress", c.GetAllAddress)

// @title add address
// @router /add [post]
func (c *AddressController) AddAddress(a) {
	var address model_views.Receiver

	if v := c.GetString("address"); v ! ="" {
		_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &address)

	var receiver models.Receiver
	receiver.Id = address.Id
	receiver.Consignee = address.Consignee
	receiver.AreaName = address.AreaName
	receiver.AreaId = address.AreaId
	receiver.Address = address.Address
	receiver.IsDefault = address.IsDefault
	receiver.Phone = address.Phone
	receiver.ZipCode = address.ZipCode
	receiver.MemberId = int64(c.Member.Id)
	receiver.LastUpdatedBy = c.Member.Username

	_, err := models.AddReceiver(&receiver)
	iferr ! =nil {
        // The service generally reports an error function call

	c.JsonResult(http.GetHttpStatusByAlias("created"), http.ErrOK, http.Success, nil)}Copy the code

It’s that simple, and it’s pretty much the same for all the other controllers

Controller writing without login verification

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// Inherit JsonController without calling BaseController's Prepare function for login verification
type UserController struct {

/ / @ Title to log in
// @router /login [post]
func (c *UserController) Login(a) {
	var mobile string
	var sms string

	// mobile
	if v := c.GetString("mobile"); v ! ="" {
		mobile = v
	// sms
	if v := c.GetString("sms"); v ! ="" {
		sms = v

	smsModel, err := models.GetSmsByCodeAndMobile(sms, mobile)
	iferr ! =nil {
		c.JsonResult(http.GetHttpStatusByAlias("ok"), http.ErrError, http.Fail, "Phone and captcha don't match.")
	ifsmsModel.ExpireDate ! =nil {
		c.JsonResult(http.GetHttpStatusByAlias("ok"), http.ErrError, http.Fail, "Verification code has expired")
	if smsModel.IsUsed == 1 {
		c.JsonResult(http.GetHttpStatusByAlias("ok"), http.ErrError, http.Fail, "Verification code in use")

	member, _ := models.GetMemberByUsername(mobile)

	if member == nil {
		member = &models.Member{}

	if member.Id > 0 {
		// Last login IP address
		member.LoginIp = c.Ctx.Input.IP()
		member.LoginDate = time.Now()

		err = models.UpdateMemberById(member)
		iferr ! =nil {
			return}}else {
		member.Username = mobile
		member.Mobile = mobile
		member.MemberRankId = 1 // Regular member

		_, err := models.AddMember(member)
		iferr ! =nil {
			return}}/** * Update SMS usage */
	now := time.Now()
	smsModel.UsedDate = &now
	smsModel.IsUsed = 1

	err = models.UpdateSmsById(smsModel)
	iferr ! =nil {

	/** * Set Cookie */
	var cookieMember CookieMember
	cookieMember.MemberId = member.Id
	cookieMember.Username = member.Username
	cookieMember.Time = time.Now()
	v, err := helpers.Encode(cookieMember)
	if err == nil {
		c.SetSecureCookie(common.AppKey(), "web_login", v, 24*3600)
	commonController := &CommonController{}
	memberView := commonController.setMemberByMemberModel(*member)
	c.JsonResult(http.GetHttpStatusByAlias("ok"), http.ErrOK, http.Success, memberView)
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Finally, after writing these two basic controllers, it is basically to determine whether login verification is needed according to business, and then it is ok to write CRUD (add, delete, change and check) business. Yes, it is so simple