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As the saying goes: to do a good job, must first sharpen its tools. As a programmer, the ability to write code is important, but the light will knock code can be too partial, so we have to learn to use the existing efficient development tools around to assist the development work, to achieve twice the result with half the effort. Up to now, I have written four tutorials to realize the home page of netease Cloud Music. The links are as follows:

  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (I)
  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (2)
  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (3)
  • Take you rolled a netease holding cloud music home | adapter

In the process of developing this project, I used some of the tools I often use, which I recommend to every programmer, so today I’m going to share with you some of the most efficient tools used in development.

Ps: This article does not include tutorials on how to use these development tools, you can check out the video tutorials on YouTube or website B.


Sketch is a lightweight, easy-to-use vector design tool. We can use it to design the prototype of the App, and then upload the design to Blue Lake (which I will describe below), and we can also use it to make @2x, @3x cuts.

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Blue lake

Blue Lake is a platform for sharing product documents and design drawings. It has the following advantages:

  • Support for annotations, which is more than any other annotation tool, and even auto-compression of graph cutting.
  • It integrates the functions of jumping flow display, historical version management and multi-state management of design drawings.
  • After the design drawing is exported from Sketch and Ps, you can quickly create a high-fidelity interactive prototype on Blue Lake based on the design drawing, so that engineers don’t have to ask you “where does this button go?”. At the same time, preview, operation and sharing are supported on mobile phone and wechat.
  • Supports online preview and sharing of Word/Excel/PPT/PDF.
  • Team members can be automatically notified when the design drawing is updated or @ed in the discussion, and wechat push is supported.
  • Members, team permission classification and management, to ensure the accuracy and security of the design draft.
  • Can be deployed to your company’s server, in addition to faster, but also thoroughly solve the security risks of documents such as design drawings.

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Figma is a great UI design tool just like Sketch, but it has similar features. But the advantage of Figma over Sketch is that it’s not limited to one platform, as it’s browser-based and Sketch is only available on Mac.

Figma also provides a number of powerful features that allow engineers to export designs to any platform code they need (including CSS, iOS, Android styles), design and collaboration can be simultaneous, and anyone can annotates and comment on designs anywhere.

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IconFont is a vector icon library provided by Alibaba, which can provide users with functions such as downloading, online storage and format conversion of vector ICONS. If you are worried about the lack of appropriate vector graphics material, might as well go to this website to search, there may be a surprise oh!


Postman is a powerful TEST tool for API development. It allows you to send REST, SOAP, and GraphQL requests quickly and easily. When debugging the interface with the server, we can use the tool to simulate the network request and look at the returned data to verify that the interface is tuned.

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Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a powerful cross-platform editor. Only from the interface is very simple, can say that people feel at first sight, completely in line with the code farmer’s taste ~~.

Sublime Text provides a way to install any plugin you want, and is so powerful that it can be summed up in one sentence: “If you don’t think of it, it can’t be done.” It’s cross-platform, the package is small, Sublime takes up very little memory, and it’s super fast! The Sublime Text editor displays multiple screens, making it easy to write and view document code. If you have a big enough screen to work on four screens at a time, you’ll get a lot of work done. You can also write code very quickly, and if the Sublime editor has emmet’s plugin installed, you can write HTML at an unprecedented speed, writing an entire HTML section in three or five seconds.

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XMind is an excellent mind mapping software. As a productivity tool that can effectively improve work and life efficiency, XMind has the following advantages:

  • It is a very practical mind mapping software, easy-to-use visualized thinking software.
  • Brainstorming can be carried out at any time through XMind to help people quickly clear their thoughts.
  • Can draw mind map, fishbone chart, two-dimensional chart, tree chart, logic chart, organization chart, etc.
  • You can directly export the mind map into Word, Excel, PDF, PPT, etc.

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ITerm2 is a command-line tool designed to replace system terminals, with much more power than native terminal programs. We can set the background image for iTerm2, and split it into multiple Windows to use, so that it looks much better.

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GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop is the official GitHub code synchronization tool, presumably you are also very familiar with, similar to the Source Tree, here is not much to introduce!

Download address

Speaking at the end

Even if we need to be able to go it alone, we also need to use external forces to push our power value higher. If you want to do a good job, you need to sharpen your tools first. If the tools above can help you, then the purpose of this article will be accomplished. If you have an efficient development tool, let us know in the comments section.

Previous articles:

  • Take you rolled a netease holding cloud music home | adapter
  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (3)
  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (2)
  • Hand in hand with you a netease Cloud Music home page (I)
  • Should I comment my code? Write and you lose
  • Codable release so long I did not learn, touch the fish is cool, ah ~ just play
  • IOS handles network data elegantly, do you? Why don’t you read this
  • UICollectionView custom layout! Just read this one

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Finally, creation is not easy, if it is helpful to everyone, I hope everyone likes support, what questions can also be discussed in the comment area 😄 ~