A spotlight is a special point light source that casts light in one direction. Spotlights cast a cone-like light, which is consistent with what we see in real life. Its lights come from a single point, casting a cone of light in one direction. A spot light is approximately a point light source with a limited range of included angles. Spotlights can be used to simulate the stage, car headlights, flashlights, lamps and other light source effects in the digital twin visualization scene, and can be added to the 3D container, camera and other objects under the object, which is effective for all corresponding digital twin visual objects.
Spotlights are one of the most commonly used light sources in digital twin visualizations because of project needs, especially if we want to use shadows. The spotlights in ThingJS can be used to simulate linear lighting like flashlights, car lights, and so on, shooting light from a single point into a cone. Officially, the spotlight is called Spotlight.
If the target object is dynamic in the digital twin visual scene, mousemove mouse movement event is used to achieve the target object movement. A Mousemove event is a real-time event that is triggered when the position of the mouse pointer changes (by moving at least one pixel). The sensitivity of the event response mainly refers to how fast the mouse pointer moves and how fast the browser keeps track of updates. Officials created a spotlight 5 meters above the digital twin visualized object and looped the object in the direction of the path to achieve the “follow the object” spotlight effect. The light hits a moving object, and its range and Angle change as the object moves.
However, be aware that too many spotlights in digital twin visualizations can affect rendering performance.
The specific code is as follows:
var app = new THING.App({
url: 'https://www.thingjs.com/static/models/storehouse',
// 参数
var dataObj = {
'type': 'SpotLight',
'lightAngle': 30,
'intensity': 1,
'penumbra': 0.5,
'castShadow': false,
'position': null,
'height': 0,
'color': 0xFFFFFF,
'distance': null,
'target': null,
'helper': true,
'follow': true,
// 叉车
let car1;
let car2;
// 当前灯光
let curLight;
let curLightPosition;
// 创建聚光灯方法
function createSpotLight(position, target) {
dataObj['lightAngle'] = 30;
dataObj['intensity'] = 0.5;
dataObj['penumbra'] = 0.5;
dataObj['castShadow'] = false;
dataObj['position'] = position;
dataObj['distance'] = 25;
dataObj['color'] = 0xFFFFFF;
dataObj['helper'] = true;
dataObj['follow'] = true;
var spotLight = app.create(dataObj);
curLight = spotLight;
curLightPosition = spotLight.position;
* 灯光控制面板
function createSpotLightControlPanel() {
var panel = new THING.widget.Panel({
isDrag: true,
titleText: "灯光参数调整",
width: '260px',
hasTitle: true
// 设置 panel 位置
panel.position = [10, 35];
panel.addNumberSlider(dataObj, 'lightAngle').caption('灯光角度').step(1).min(0).max(180).isChangeValue(true).on('change', function(value) {
curLight.lightAngle = value;
panel.addNumberSlider(dataObj, 'intensity').caption('亮度').step(0.01).min(0).max(1).isChangeValue(true).on('change', function(value) {
curLight.intensity = value;
panel.addNumberSlider(dataObj, 'penumbra').caption('半影').step(0.01).min(0).max(1).isChangeValue(true).on('change', function(value) {
curLight.penumbra = value;
panel.addNumberSlider(dataObj, 'distance').caption('距离').step(0.1).min(0).max(200).isChangeValue(true).on('change', function(value) {
curLight.distance = value;
panel.addNumberSlider(dataObj, 'height').caption('高度').step(0.1).min(0).max(200).isChangeValue(true).on('change', function(value) {
curLight.position = [curLightPosition[0], curLightPosition[1] + value, curLightPosition[2]];
panel.addBoolean(dataObj, 'castShadow').caption('影子').on('change', function(value) {
curLight.castShadow = value;
panel.addBoolean(dataObj, 'helper').caption('辅助线').on('change', function(value) {
curLight.helper = value;
panel.addBoolean(dataObj, 'follow').caption('跟随物体').on('change', function(value) {
if (value) {
} else {
panel.addColor(dataObj, 'color').caption('颜色').on('change', function(value) {
curLight.lightColor = value;
* 注册鼠标移动事件,检查是否按下'shift'键, 按下设置聚光灯跟随鼠标位置
app.on('mousemove', function(ev) {
if (!curLight) {
if (!ev.shiftKey) {
var pickedPosition = ev.pickedPosition;
if (pickedPosition) {
* 注册场景load事件
app.on('load', function(ev) {
// createTip();
// 主灯强度设置为0,突出聚光灯效果
app.lighting = {
mainLight: {
intensity: 0
// 获取场景内id为'car01' 和 'car02' 的叉车
car1 = app.query('car01')[0];
car2 = app.query('car02')[0];
// 参数1: 在car2上方5米创建一个聚光灯
// 参数2: 初始target设置为car1的位置
createSpotLight(THING.Math.addVector(car2.position, [0, 5, 0]), car1.position);
// 创建一个圆形路径
var path = [];
var radius = 6;
for (var degree = 0; degree <= 360; degree += 10) {
var x = Math.cos(degree * 2 * Math.PI / 360) * radius;
var z = Math.sin(degree * 2 * Math.PI / 360) * radius;
path.push(THING.Math.addVector(car1.position, [x, 0, z]));
// 让 car1 沿圆形路径运动
orientToPath: true, // 物体移动时沿向路径方向
path: path,
time: 10 * 1000,
loopType: THING.LoopType.Repeat // 循环类型
initThingJsTip("左侧面板可对灯光参数进行调整。按住 shift 键,聚光灯可追踪鼠标位置");
$(".warninfo3").css("left", "55%");
Copy the code
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Digital Twin Visualization: Thingjs.com/