Ps: New xiao Bai yimei, if there is a mistake, welcome to point out ~
Kbone framework
A few days ago in wechat received the wechat developer public number of the article push “unveiled micro channel small program Kbone mysterious veil”, I thought: micro channel small program has a new framework? Holding the attitude of learning point to take a look, after reading that this framework is too pet developers, worthy of being produced by the wechat team.
Originally this framework as early as last year has been released, read only hate myself did not know the news earlier to start learning this framework. I write the purpose of this article is also to follow a wind, want to let more people know this framework, feel its convenience, I hope you can stop to learn to see ~
What is Kbone?
See here I also do not say, a brief introduction to what Kbone is. In the official lofty words:
Kbone is a solution that is committed to isomorphism between wechat applet and Web side. It simulates the browser environment in the adaptation layer, so that the code on the Web side can run in the applet without any changes.
To put it more simply, Kbone is a framework that allows you to write a single piece of code and run it on both ends, with a few configurations, easily running applets and the Web.
A Preliminary study of Kbone — todoList
With all that blowing, it’s time for handwritten code. At the beginning of Kbone, we started with a simple todoList. Of course, a series of official demos were also provided, and I also referred to the official demo. Talk is cheap, let’s see the code
Before we start, let’s take a look at the renderings and feel the magic of both ends of a code run in the Kbone framework
The development of preparation
- Install scaffolding/initialize the project
npm install -g kbone-cli
kbone init to-do-list
- The code to build
npm run build
(Detailed page introduction will be covered later) - For Coding, go to SRC /home/index.vue, the home page of the project is placed here (as for why it is here, it will also be introduced later), where you can write business code directly, in order not to make the article appear bloated, you can read my source code.
- Project running
Small program side:npm run mp
Web side:npm run web
You’ll see the magic of Kbone with just two commands running the project. With one piece of code (I’m Vue based here) you can have both ends of the code and never have to worry about maintaining both.
Kbone Advanced – multi – page development
Just done a relatively simple todoList, a simple understanding of Kbone, here officially enter the focus, next we will talk about its use and multi-page development in detail.
Kbone directory
├─ Build │ ├─ MiniProgram.config.js // mp-webpack-plugin │ ├─ Webpack.base.config.js // WebPack-plugin │ ├─ Webpack.base.config.js Webpack. Dev. Config. Js / / Web side building development environment configuration │ ├ ─ webpack. Mp. Config. Js / / small program end build configuration │ └ ─ webpack. Prod. Config. Js / / Web ├─ dist │ ├─ mp │ ├─ web │ ├─ web │ ├─ web │ ├─ ├─ SRC │ ├─ common │ │ ├─ home │ │ ├─ │ │ ├─ ├─ SRC │ ├─ common │ │ ├─ home │ │ ├─ ├─ ├─ list.htm // ├─ ├─ list.htm // ├─ list.htm // ├─ ├─ list.htm // / ├─ ├─ list.htm // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / │ ├ ─ the router / / vue - the router route definition │ ├ ─ store / / vuex related directory │ ├ ─ App. Vue / / Web side entrance main view │ └ ─ main. Js / / Web side entry documents └ ─ Index.html // Web side entry templateCopy the code
Through the directory structure given to us, we can clearly see the function of each file in each directory. I’ll explain some of these documents here.
This file is about the configuration of the applets, similar to the native JSON configuration
The applet side build configuration, which is the Webpack configuration for building the applet side code, is part of the configuration used in multi-page development.
src/mp &
Mp.js is equivalent to a mount operation. It is better to understand it as main.js in MPvue. It is better to set the page routing and mount the page mapping in Vue.
(Others are easier to understand, so I won’t repeat them.)
Kbone multi-page development
Because the author wrote a micro channel small program before the high imitation project, interested can go to see:
“JINGdong preferred small program express waiting for you to get on the bus ~”
After seeing the official multi-page development demo, I wanted to use Kbone to make a few pages for my small program project, so I spent some time to move it, and first look at the effect of running on both ends:
Vue route configuration
SRC /router/index.js SRC /router/index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
const Index = (a)= > import('@/index/Index.vue')
const Explore = (a)= > import('@/explore/Index.vue')
const Cart = (a)= > import('@/cart/Index.vue')
const Me = (a)= > import('@/me/Index.vue')
export default new Router({
mode: 'history'.routes: [{path: '/(home|index)? '.name: 'Home'.component: Index,
path: '/index.html'.name: 'HomeHtml'.component: Index,
path: '/explore'.name: 'Explore'.component: Explore,
path: '/cart'.name: 'Cart'.component: Cart,
path: '/me'.name: 'Me'.component: Me,
Copy the code
Page set up
Create the required four pages based on the route: Index, Explore, CART, and me and code them accordingly. I only wrote the index page code, the structure is relatively simple, in order to see the effect is false data, interested in reference to see my source code
Small program side page setup/mount
SRC /mp is a small application side entry file, which is equivalent to the small application side of the page for the Vue page mapping. Each folder is simple, a
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import { sync } from 'vuex-router-sync'
import App from '.. /.. /App.vue'
import store from '.. /.. /store'
import Index from '.. /.. /index/Index.vue'
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history'.routes: [{
path: '/index'.name: 'Index'.component: Index,
export default function createApp() {
const container = document.createElement('div') = 'app'
Vue.config.productionTip = false
sync(store, router)
return new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h= > h(App)
Copy the code
(The configuration of each page is similar, but the route is not the same, I chose the Index page) which introduces the Vue route and configures the Vue page corresponding to each page of the small program side for rendering, there is a little Vue basis or more good-looking to understand.
Applets entry
Configuration to the previous step, you may feel that it is almost done, because in the Web side can already see the effect of the route, but in the applet side can not see the specific effect or even error, this is because the key step is missing — the applet page entry file Settings.
For example, in the previous step we had a key for the page of the applet, but we didn’t take it to unlock the lock. Now we will use it to unlock the lock (the applet entry configuration) –
entry: {
/ / js entrance
index: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/mp/index/'),
explore: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/mp/explore/'),
cart: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/mp/cart/'),
me: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/mp/me/'),},Copy the code
Configure the entry of the applet here to see the effect of the home page (/index) in the applet
TabBar cooperate
If the entry is configured to see only the first page (/index), you need to use tabBar. I mentioned earlier that miniprogram.config.js is a configuration of small programs, and that’s where it comes in.
- Just a quick word
Configuration items to be used later:- Entry: Route to the entry page (make sure that the main page is configured with the entry route after tabBar)
- Router: Indicates the route between different pages
- Generate: output applets configuration (tabBar configuration here)
- App: small program window configuration, equivalent to native
In thewindow
configuration - Pages: a separate configuration for each page, equivalent to one for each page in native
- Start the configuration (list only the configurations I have changed)
entry: '/index'.router: {
index: ['/(home|index)? '.'/index.html'].explore: ['/explore'].cart: ['/cart'].me: ['/me'],},redirect: {
notFound: 'index'.accessDenied: 'index',},generate: {
tabBar: {
color: '# 000000'.selectedColor: '#DE554F'.backgroundColor: '#ffffff'.list: [{
pageName: 'index'.text: 'preferred'.iconPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/img/home.png'),
selectedIconPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '.. /src/img/home-active.png'),}],}},pages: {
explore: {
extra: {
navigationBarTextStyle: 'white'}}},Copy the code
Since each of these items is configured in the same way, I’ll just use one as an example.
Web side perfect
As of the previous step, the effect of the applet side is fully worked out, but the Web side runs without tabBar, so you need to make your own tabBar and put it on the page. Here, you pull it out as a component and put it on the desired page.
My page structure looks something like this:
<div class="tabBar for-web">
<div class="tabBar_border"></div>
<div class="tabBar_item" v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index" :data-path="item.pagePath" :data-index="index" @click="switchTab">
<img :src="selected === index? item.selectedIconPath:item.iconPath">
<span :class="selected === index ? 'selected' : ''">{{item.text}}</span>
Copy the code
Now, the key thing is how this tabBar is hidden from the applet side. Here are three ways:
- Vue-improve-loader (add check-reduce to containers)
- Reduce-loader (Add reduce-loader to the path before import!)
- Hide by style
The first two are automatically eliminated at build time, but my personal preference here is for the third, by styling the container a little bit.
.miniprogram-root { .for-web { display: none; }}Copy the code
At this point, paging development and tabBar have been implemented, and all that is left is to add its own business content to each page.
In general, the steps for multi-page development using Kbone are:
- Set a Vue route
- Set up the corresponding page and mount the small program page registration
- Modify the applets entry and configure the corresponding route (continue to configure tabBar if necessary)
Record on pit
Static resources such as pictures used in the development
When writing the demo, I found a problem that I could not bring the pictures of tabBar and the image files required by the page to be customized. I checked the official documents and found that relative path is not supported at present. Static resources can be converted to Base64 or use network address. Upload the picture to Weibo and save the online address.
On style
It seems that RPX is not supported in Kbone. I have tried vue+ Kbone to use PX adaption on the Web side. When building a small program, I hope it can be converted to RPX, but unfortunately it cannot be. Went to the wechat open community and said that REM should be used for adaptation (rem configuration should be added in the global field of the configuration of mp-webpack-plugin).
Build NPM related
Developer tools reported an Uncaught Error: Module “pages/ home/miniprogram-render” is not defined solution: Developer tools rebuild NPM. If this still cannot be resolved, delete the packaged applet file and repackage it
Swiper is not scrolled in the applet and is displayed in a tile. According to the documentation, adding the prefix wX – doesn’t seem to work either, so it needs to be explored further
(See my readme for more pit records.)
The last point
Finally want to say, the framework for developers or friendly, solved the long WeChat small programs and Web two side code problem, can write a less code in practice, greatly reduce the workload of development and maintenance, although at present there are still some bugs, but I believe that the development team will try to improve it. Use it if you find it useful (Kbone’s official technical documentation )
Attach github address: to-do-list multipages