Today this is not a serious blow hydrology, belong to the feeling and hair.

Some time ago, I answered a question on Zhihu: “How can the students of computer college improve their programming ability?” “, some people share a variety of information, such as learning Java, learning operating system, etc. Still some people say want to learn algorithm, data structure brush LeetCode, still some people say how to do website, is no one say a good study.

I’m actually disappointed, because I think what seems familiar, even familiar, is exactly what a lot of people need. That year, there was a popular online article titled “Mobike founder Hu Weiwei cashed in 1.5 billion yuan: Your peers are abandoning you.” But if you take a look at the situation, instead of abandoning you, your peers are lying down, looking like they never want to get up again.

Amazing state of affairs

Brother Wheel once told such a story in Zhihu that when he graduated, a company (I vaguely remember it was Microsoft) came to Shanghai for recruitment. The algorithm for the first round of written tests was bubble sorting, and only half of the students wrote it out.

Did not graduate people listen to this estimate will feel very exaggerated, this is not a test of the thing? I mean, what do you have to do? Even if you are not a major, you must learn. How can you not? But in my opinion, it’s perfectly normal, and my version of the story may surprise you even more.

I graduated in 2016, almost four years ago. There are 300 students in our school of Computer science in one grade, among which only less than 9/10 can successfully graduate, and more than 10% of them can’t get the graduation certificate because of failing grades or failing graduation projects. Of those who graduate, only one-third want to work as a programmer in a technical position, while most of the rest will choose to take the entrance exams for graduate schools, civil servants or change careers. Of the 1/3 willing to do technology, it is estimated that another 1/2 are forced.

Forced the reason is also very simple, because the computer major, the right job than not easy to find. If you’re looking for unskilled jobs, you’ll face competition from law, liberal arts, and management schools. You will find that it is difficult to win over them whether it is eloquence or manners or interview skills, so many people think not to do technology, but finally forced to come to the technology post.

So let’s do the math first. OnlyThe person that is less than oneself wants to do technical post, these people have a common characteristic, beBasically can complete the teacher’s assignment of curriculum design, rather than hugging thighs or looking for a senior. Some of them have graduated from graduate schools and some have gone to good companies, about the level of Huawei.

That is to say, in our school, as long as you have the ability to complete the curriculum design assigned by the teacher, you will beat most people and can find a decent job. If you can work a little harder and learn more like me, you will be the outstanding one and the candidate of BAT.

This is my Alma mater in those days graduation situation, the likelihood is in conventional standard such school can top 3 all have much. But unfortunately, it is not only not three, or 985, double first-class. The question is, if this is true of 985, what about other schools?

The world of exponential distribution

It’s a strange thing to say, but the idea behind it is very, very simple, in one sentence, and it’s that our world is not linear.

Over millions of years of evolution, our brains have evolved to understand linear things better. We are used to eating bite by bite and saving bit by bit. So we don’t understand why there were 100 cases at the beginning of the epidemic, and then a few days later there were tens of thousands. We also don’t understand how someone can roll out such a large bill with a small loan. Because these are all exponential distributions.

In my opinion, people are also in line with the exponential distribution. It is just like the graph below. The X-axis is the level of each person, and the Y-axis is our position. Every time we elevate our level by effort or other means, we beat the 90% of people ahead of us.

I felt this very, very deeply when I was in college. I won two scholarships. What are the “great efforts” I have made these two times? I think about it and only control myself to play a class game in class, and not naked test, the night before the test fixed preview for three hours. Neither brush past papers, nor serious preparation. Even so, I still got top three in my class. Then a bunch of people started calling me an excellent student or a god, which made me very, very confused. I was obviously lazy. I’m not a good student, am I? I’m a straight-a student, so what are you?

It took me long after I graduated to realize that this was a shitty world. Most people are not studying at all, most people are just confused and doing nothing, I played a game and listened to a little lecture, they didn’t listen at all. I also look at the questions when I copy them, and they probably won’t even look at them. Even if I think I’m bad at it, there are plenty of people who are worse. I don’t stand out, I just can’t keep everyone back. And they shouted as they returned it, the competition was too fierce, the inner coil was too serious, and they couldn’t even lie down to win!

How can you win if you’re lying down?

Chicken soup is non-toxic

What kind of people do you think can work in a top Internet company like BAT?

Is the outstanding student of the cantilever prick? Or is it a technical genius who studies technology and forgets to eat and sleep, or is it a returnee from ivy League schools? The truth may surprise you. Not long ago, I accidentally opened my eyes and was surprised to find that several people with very ordinary performance had joined BAT sooner or later. Out of curiosity, I took a look at their resumes. They were flat, too. Everything went according to plan. Some went to graduate school to recruit, others went through several job changes to find the right springboard. It all seems to be the same feeling, just spontaneous, without a trace.

So why do people with mediocre performance get into BAT?

The answer to this question may be sadly simple, since most people are incapable of even mediocre performance. Step by step effort is also effort, after all, the word effort has been out of touch with more than 90% of the people. After all, how many of us get off work to do more than just play and learn? How many people can still think of going to read a book for further education? Most people don’t study in class, let alone work.

The public opinion in the past two years is like an adolescent who has begun to rebel. In the past few years of anti-chicken soup, toxic chicken soup, and then to the roll in these years, the town to do home. As long as it is online to persuade people to work hard, to persuade people to progress, always can provoke a group of ridicule. Some people will directly personal attack you, labeled you “Struggle than”, others will accuse you, “what is the use of hard work, hard work can be in BAT? Can you afford a house if you work hard?

I hope that one day, when someone talks to you like this, you will be able to report back with confidence: yes, I entered BAT and bought a house, all of which is the result of my efforts.

Chicken soup is not toxic, it just can’t prevent someone from pouring it without drinking it.

That’s all for today’s article. I sincerely wish you all a fruitful day. If you still like today’s content, please join us in a three-way support.

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