This is the 10th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

  • The official documentation

I. Prerequisites

  1. Install the Java
    • You can use the commandjpsCheck whether Java is successfully installed
  2. Configure SSH keyless login
#1.Generate a key ssh-keygen -t dsa -p in the /root/. SSH directory' ' -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#2.Append the key to the authentication file authorized_keys $cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keysCopy the code

Second, build,

  1. Unzip the Hadoop installation package, which I put here/opt/hadoopdirectory
  2. Configure hadoop environment variables
    • After the configuration is complete, you can press TAB to check whether the command can be completed
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk18.. 0 _60
export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.6. 5
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  1. Modify the Java environment variable it points to in the Hadoop configuration file
    • If left unchanged, the default is to point to a local Java environment variable, which may not be found by nodes in the cluster
    # The Java implementation to use. export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}Copy the code
    • Locate the JAVA_HOME field in the file and change its value to your Java installation path
    • There are three files in this path that need to be changedThe/opt/hadoop/hadoop - 2.6.5 / etc/hadoop
  2. Modify the Hadoop core configuration file
Namenode /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml<configuration>
        <name>fs.defaultFS</name>// Node01 is where the current namenode is located<value>hdfs://node1:9000</value>
</configuration>#2. Configure datanode // /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml<configuration>
        <name>dfs.replication</name>// Pseudo distributed, only one server, so set one copy<value>1</value>
</configuration>#3. Modify /etc/hadoop/slaves // to set the slave node information (write the slave node IP or alias) // for example here my host alias is node1 node1 #4. Configure sencondarynode // directory: /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml<property>
        <name>dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address</name>// Note the port number is 50090<value>node1:50090</value>
    </property>/ TMP /hadoop-${} // Modify file /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml<property>
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  1. To begin testing
    1. Formatting HDFS
      • Using the commandhdfs -format
      • It’s going to be in what we just said/var/hadoop/pseudoCreate file name under the directory where version contains the current cluserID
      • Each format will create a new HDFS, that is, each format will change the cluserId brand new, so if the format is repeated, what should I do?
    2. Start the cluster.
      • It’s gonna be there when it starts/var/hadoop/pseudoA data file representing databode that contains the cluserID of the Datanode is generated in the directory
    3. Use the Web site to connect to Hadoop
      • It should be noted that the firewall must be closed, otherwise the website can not be opened
      • useHost name + portConnect website
    # Hadoop ports1HDFS page:50070
    2, YARN management interface:8088
    3HistoryServer management interface:19888
    4Zookeeper service port number:2181
    5Mysql server port id:3306
    6And Hive. Server1 =10000
    7Kafka service port number:9092
    8, Azkaban interface:8443
    9, Hbase interface:16010.60010
    10, Spark interface:8080
    11URL of Spark:7077
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  2. Modify the Hosts file in Windows
    • Path: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc
    Add the following content192.16885.151. node1
    192.16885.152. node2
    192.16885.153. node3
    192.16885.154. node4
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  3. HDFS is used to store files
1048576Peter said1This command means to upload tpMCat to HDFS, for each block1MB HDFS DFS -d dfs.blocksize=1048576 -put apache-tomcat-8.030..tar.gz /user/root
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