The hadoop configuration is set, the environment variable is OK, start Hadoop, and then run it as a uarHadoop user

1. Create a directory

Create HDFS /name, HDFS /data, TMP directories

CD /var/www/html/hadoop-2.7.3 mkdir -p HDFS /data mkdir -p HDFS /name madir TMPCopy the code

2. Format namenode


hdfs namenode -format
Copy the code

3. Problems:Cannot remove current directory: /usr/local/hadoop/hdfs/name/current

Because it was executed twicehdfs namemode -formatThat led to it.

Delete the current folder under HDFS /name HDFS /data, and then format it again. Then restart hadoop.\


Restart the hadoop:

3.2. JPS appearsprocess information unavailable

This allows access to the local file system/tmpIn this directory, delete the folder named hsperfData_ {username} and restart Hadoop.

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Installation successful!

Start testing…

4.1. First create the corresponding input folder

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/hadoop/input
Copy the code

4.2. Create the input data and use the /etc/protocols file as a test

Upload a local file to the HDFS using PUT:

 hdfs dfs -put /etc/protocols /user/uarhadoop/input
Copy the code

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4.3. Perform tests

Number of words beginning with a in the /etc/protocols file:

Bin/hadoop jar share/hadoop/graphs/hadoop - graphs - examples - 2.7.3. Jar grep input out 'a *'Copy the code

The execution process appears:

17/01/14 23:17:38 INFO ipc. Client: Retrying the connect to server: master / Already tried 0 time (s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)Copy the code

Is caused by the historyserver didn’t start solution is as follows:…

Run the command again, and the command is successfully executed

Here are the results: