What is Hackbar?
Hackbar is a Firefox plugin that functions like the address bar, but its data is not affected by server redirects and other changes that are triggered accordingly.
There are url loading in access, federated query, various encoding, data encryption functions.
Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar Hackbar
Hackbar also has this plugin in Burpsuite
This plugin is written in WebexTension, which is a replacement for the XUL version of the original Hackbar. Press F12 to use HackBar.
Installation Tutorial
- The installation
Hackbar is available in both Chrome and Firefox. For Chrome, you need to go to the Google Store and download it. Then open the Chrome Web Store and search for “Hackbar” in the search box:The following input registration code appears:
Here are the plugin results for Firefox:Press F12 and click as shown in the picture:
Each English explanation is as follows:
- SQL: Provides SQL query statements for three databases, as well as some statements to facilitate joint queries
- XSS: Provides XSS attack statements
- String.fromcharcode () : Outputs XSS statements based on UNICODE values
- HTML CHARACtor: Transforming XSS statements into HTML character entities (beginning with &)
- Alert (XSS) statement: Construct an XSS test statement and pop up a box with the content XSS, equivalent to alert(‘ XSS ‘);
- Encryption: Encrypts the selected characters. MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and ROT13 are available
- Encoding: the selected character Encoding decoding, provides the Base64 Encode, Base64 Decode, URLencode, URLdecode,
HEX encoding and HEX Decoding
- Other:
2. Reverse: usefull strings to arrange the selected characters in reverse order Buffer overflow provides some special values such as PI, Fibonacci sequence, etc., where buffer overflow can enter a certain length of characters to cause a cache overflow attack
Bypass method to eat
Github1: github.com/HCTYMFF/hac… Github2: github.com/fengwenhua/…
Method two: modify the plug-in
- Google Chrome
- Click on the HackBar details page to see the ID value
- [” C:\Users\ User name \AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions “]
3. Find the “hackbar-panel.js” file under the js file in its directory, and then open the JS file
4. After opening the JS file, you can use two methods to crack the plug-in
Method one:
- Change “license_OK =false” to “true”.
- Then in Chrome, press “F12”, select HackBar, enter any License code in the License box, and click “Save” to use it for free
Method 2: Start the same as method 1, find the “hackbar-panel.js” file, open the JS file, select 42, 45, 52, these three code disable_hackbar(); Comment it out and add another line init(); , press Ctrl+S to save the code.
Then in Chrome, press “F12” and select HackBar to see the activation.
Note: Method two may not be used now, a change will show that it has been damaged to repair the situation. Then just use the big guy to fix it. Download address.
Study reference: big guy address