HBuilderX section

  • Download HBuilderX: www.dcloud.io/hbuilderx.h…

  • Package local resources using HBuilderX, as shown:

  • After the packaging is complete, click the link in the console output to jump to the local resources directory, as shown in the picture:

  • copywwwSpare folder, as shown in figure:

Ii. Xcode section

  • Download Xcode (Apple Developer website/App Store)

  • Download HBuilderX iOS SDK package: ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/103, unzip and open the folder in the Finder.

  • Go to the Pandora-apps-helloh5-www folder under the HBuilder-Hello project and replace the WWW folder there with the one you copied earlier.

  • In Finder, change the name of the WWW upper folder (HelloH5) to be the same as the ID in the manifest.json file under the WWW folder, as shown:

  • Open it with XcodeHBuilder-HelloProject, as shown in figure:

  • Modify thecontrol.xmlIn folderappid, andwwwThe name of the directory above the directory remains the same, as shown in the figure below:

  • When changing the App name, make additional changesInfoPlist.stringsOnly Chinese version and English version will take effect, as shown below:

  • inXcodeFrom the top menuProduct - ArchiveAs shown in figure:

Then you just export the IPA, and you’re done. 😸