Background: The project is a front and back end separation, I want to debug the project in the browser, using the tool HB-X. The password cannot be entered.

1. Login. HTML runs in HB-X to the Google Browser page. Press F12 to enter debug mode.

2. The password is protected by security, so it cannot be directly entered. We can enter it on the console. Locate the ID of the password.


3. In source, Ctrl+ F type Ajax to find the password input location, find the success location, and make a breakpoint.

4. Click login, get the token, copy it to local plugin.js, replace the UUID. In HB-x, use CTR + F to retrieve the UUID.

Note that the self-test mode, plugin.js configuration file, self-test mode should be changed to true, online environment should be changed to false, and the version number should be replaced with the latest version of the current APP.

5. Save, cancel breakpoint, log in again, background data is available, and then you can conduct browser development debugging background. If there is a problem, the DEBUgger can cooperate with F12.