1. Use gulp
Gulp is a front-end automation build tool based on Node.js. It is mainly used to configure the application to automatically handle static resources. You can use gulp to build automated workflows (front-end integrated Development environment). Automatic page refresh, CSS preprocessing, code detection, image compression, and gulp configuration are all done automatically by gulp with a simple command line. It simplifies your work and allows you to focus on feature development while reducing human error and improving the efficiency and quality of development.
Gulp 1.1 installation
First make sure you have installed the NodeJS environment correctly, and then install the gulp environment globally
npm install -g gulp
Then switch to your project folder and install gulp development dependencies for your project separately
npm install gulp –save-dev
1.2 Gulp Configuration and Usage
First, create gulp configuration file gulpfile.js in gulp project directory, and then define our gulp task in this file
var glup=require("gulp");// Import the gulp module
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The usage process of GULP is as follows:
The gulp.task() task is used to register the stream to gulp.src(), and the pipe method is used to import the stream to gulp.dest() The gulp.dest() method writes the contents of the stream to a file.
1.3 API provided by GULP:
Registered task
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Parameter: name is the task name, which is used when executing the task. Deps is an array of other tasks that the currently defined task needs to depend on. The currently defined task is executed after all dependent tasks are completed. If there are no dependencies, omit the argument fn is a callback function that represents what the task does
Read file Reads a local file into gulp memory
gulp.src(globs[, options])
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Parameter: globs is the path from which the target source file is read. Opttions is a configurable object that is usually not needed
Output to file Outputs data in memory to a local file
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Parameter: path is the path to the destination file where the data will be output. Opttions is a configurable object that is usually not needed
Monitoring file changes Used to monitor the changes of some or some files, you can perform a callback function when the changes, using it to perform the corresponding task
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Globs is the file matching pattern to be monitored. The rules and usage are the same as glob in the gulp.src method. Opts is a configurable object
1.4 gulp plug-in
We need to deal with file merge, compression and other operations, which are not provided in the interface, are put in the plug-in.
1.4.1 Plug-in Download:
NPM install plugin name –save-dev
Gulp-concat: Merge files (JS/CSS)
Gulp-uglify: compresses JS files
Gulp-rename: renames a file
Gulp-less: compiles less
Gulp-sass: compiles sass
Gulp-clean-css: compresses CSS files
Gulp-livereload: Real-time automatic compilation refresh
Gulp-htmlmin: compresses HTML files
Gulp-connect: hot load, configure a server
Gulp-load-plugins: package plugins (which contain all other plugins)
1.4.2 Using plug-ins:
Install the plugin to the current project by using the NPM install plugin name –save-dev. You can either introduce the plugin at the top of gulpfile.js via require or use gulp-load-plugins when creating tasks This plugin will automatically load the gulp plugins in the package.json file for you, without having to import each one in turn in the gulpfile.js declaration
const gulp = require("gulp"); // Import the gulp module
const$=require("gulp-load-plugins") ();/ / introduce gulp - load - plugins
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In use, instead of using require to introduce each plug-in in turn, use $. The effect of the plug-in name () is the same as the require effect
Merge file: gulp-concat
return gulp.src('app/! *.js') // Merge files
.pipe(concat('all.js')) // Perform the merge
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')) // Output file
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Compile Sass: gulp-sass
return gulp.src('app/sass/! *.sass') // The compiled file
.pipe(sass()) // Perform compilation
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')) // Output file
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Compile less: gulp-less
return gulp.src('app/less/! *.less') // The compiled file
.pipe(less()) // Perform compilation
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css'); // Output file
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Automatic prefix: gulp-autoprefixer
return gulp.src('app/css/*.css') // The compiled file
.pipe(autoprefixer()) // Perform compilation
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css'); // Output file
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Compressed image: gulp-imagemin
return gulp.src('app/images/*.{jpg,png,JPG,PNG}') // Optimized image
.pipe(imagemin()) // Perform optimization
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/images')) / / output
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Compressed HTML file: gulp-minify- HTML
return gulp.src('app/html/*.html') // Compressed file
.pipe(minifyHtml()) // Perform compression
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/html')) // Output file
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Zip the CSS file: gulp-minify- CSS
return gulp.src('app/css/*.css') // Compressed file
.pipe(minifyCss()) // Perform compression
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css')) // Output file
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Zip js file: gulp-uglify
return gulp.src('app/js/*.js') // Compressed file
.pipe(uglify()) // Perform compression
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')) // Output file
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Rename the js file: gulp-rename
return gulp.src('app/js/*.js') // Rename the file
.pipe(rename('app.min.js')) // Perform rename and rename the name
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist/js')) // Output file
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Es6 to ES5: gulp-babel@7.0.1 babel-core babel-PRESET – ES2015
// Import only one:
const babel = require('gulp-babel')
gulp.task('babel-js'.function() {
return gulp.src('./src/js/**') // Transcode the file
.pipe(babel({presets: ['es2015']// Set transcoding rules
.pipe(uglify()) // Perform transcoding
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/js')) // Output file
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Create local server: gulp-connect
return connect.server({
root:'dist'.// The root of the server
port:8080.// Server address, default is 8080 without this configuration item
livereload:true // Enable the real-time refresh function
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Live preview: Gulp-Connect
return gulp.src('app/index.html') // Specify the source file
.pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) // Copy to dist directory
.pipe(connect.reload()) // Tell the browser to restart
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Code check: gulp-jshint
gulp.task('jslint'.function () {
return gulp.src('app/! *.js') // Check the file
.pipe(jshint()) // Perform code checks
.pipe(jshint.reporter()) // Output the check result
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Clear the target folder: gulp-clean
return gulp.src('./dist') // Clear the folder
.pipe(clean()) // Perform cleanup
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1.4.3 Use gulp.watch() to monitor file changes and automatically execute tasks
Creating an Auto Task
gulp.task( 'auto'.function(){
gulp.watch( 'app/! *.js'['concat-js']); gulp.watch('app/sass/! *.sass'['sass-css']); gulp.watch('app/less/! *.less'['less-css']); gulp.watch('app/css/*.css'['autoprefixer']); gulp.watch('app/images/*.{jpg,png,JPG,PNG}'['imagemin']); gulp.watch('app/html/*.html'['min-html']); gulp.watch('app/css/*.css'['min-css']); gulp.watch('app/js/*.js'['min-js']); gulp.watch('./src/js/**'['babel-js']); gulp.watch('app/index.html'['reload']); gulp.watch('app/! *.js'['jslint']); }); gulp.task('default'['auto']);// Set auto to the default task
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The gulp command is executed
2. Comparison of gulp and Webpack
Basic differences between Gulp and Webpack:
Gulp is an automatic construction tool that emphasizes the workflow of front-end development. It can compress js, HTML, CSS and IMG. It can compress multiple JS files or CSS into a single file and can be compressed into one line to reduce file size, speed up the request and reduce the number of requests. And gulp has task definitions to handle transactions to build the overall process, which is a flow-based automated build tool.
Webpack is a front-end construction tool that emphasizes modular development. It is a front-end modular solution that focuses more on module packaging and realizes modular development and file processing. His idea is that “everything is a module”, we can think of all resources in development (images, JS files, CSS files, etc.) as modules, it can load each module on demand, without loading useless or redundant code. Loaders and plugins process resources and package them into front-end resources suitable for production deployment, hence the name front-end modular packaging tool.
Gulp vs. Webpack:
Gulp is a tool chain, build tool, can cooperate with a variety of plug-ins to do JS compression, CSS compression, less compilation instead of manual implementation of automation work
- Build tools
- automation
- Efficiency enhancement
Webpack is a file packaging tool, can put the project of a variety of JS, CSS files and other packaged into one or more files, mainly used for modular scheme, pre-compiled module scheme
- Packaging tools
- modular
- Compile the module code scheme
3. References:
Official website: gulpjs.com/ Chinese website: www.gulpjs.com.cn/docs/