Gulp automatic packaging tool
Gulp use
- Create the project according to the gulp directory structure
- Project - SRC + pages// Store HTML pages
+ js // Store the js file
+ css // Store the CSS file
+ sass // Store.scss files
+ lib // Store third-party packages
+ static // Store static resources, images, etc
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- Initialize the project
npm init
- Install gulp globally, only once
npm install gulp -g
- Install gulp in your project, using the API
npm i gulp
- task()
//task defines a task named name, which can be used by gulp name
const gulp = require('gulp')
return gulp.src().... // The task corresponds to the code
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- src()
// Convert the path in SRC parentheses to a stream of data objects
return gulp.src('path')})Copy the code
- dest()
// Convert the stream of data objects to a file system. The path is the one in parentheses. No corresponding folder will be created
return gulp.src('path')
.pipe(gulp.dest('Output path'))})Copy the code
- pipe()
SRC processed data can be likened to flows that flow between pipes
return gulp.src('Output path')
.pipe(gulp.dest('Output path'))})Copy the code
- series()
// Aggregate tasks so that they are executed in sequence
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- parallel()
// Aggregate tasks to execute concurrently
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Gulp packaging
The packaging is done in the gulpfile.js file, which is located in the project directory
- Packing CSS files
// Download third-party packages. These packages are used during development and need to be added with -d
npm install gulp-cssmin -D
// Import third-party packages
const cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin')
// Operate, use
return gulp.src('./src/css/**') // Convert a file to a stream of data objects
.pipe(cssmin()) // Compress the CSS file
.pipe(dest('./dist/css')) // The data object stream is converted to the specified path file
Copy the code
- Package sASS files
// Download third-party packages
npm install gulp-sass -D
npm install sass
// Import third-party packages
const sass = require('gulp-sass') (require('sass'))
// Operate, use
return gulp.src('./src/sass/**')
.pipe(sass()) // Process sass, convert sass to CSS file
.pipe(cssmin()) // Compress the CSS file
.pipe(dest('./dist/css'))})Copy the code
- Packaging HTML files
// Download third-party packages
npm install gulp-htmlmin -D
// Import third-party packages
const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin')
// Operate, use
return gulp.src('./src/pages/**')
removeEmptyAttributes:true.// Remove all empty attributes
collapseWhitespace: true HTML / / compression
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/pages'))})Copy the code
- Package JS files
// Download third-party packages
npm i gulp-uglify -D Js / / compression
// Es6 to ES5 dependencies
npm i gulp-babel@7.01. -D
npm i babel-core -D
npm i babel-preset-es2015
// Import third-party packages
const babel = require('gulp-babel') / / compression
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify') // Convert to ES5
// Operate, use
return gulp.src('./src/js/**')
presets: ['ese2015']
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/js'))})Copy the code
- Package static and lib files
// Static and lib are both stored information that needs to be copied without packaging
// Operate, use
return gulp.src('./src/static/**')
gulp.task('lib'.function (){
return gulp.src('./src/lib/**')
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/lib/'))})Copy the code
- Clear the previously packed files
// Download third-party packages
npm i gulp-clean -D
// Import third-party packages
const clean = require('gulp-clean')
// Operate, use
gulp.task('clean'.function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/', { allowEmpty: true }) // Allow the file to be empty
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- Automatically open the browser to run the specified file
// Download third-party packages
npm i gulp-webserver -D
// Import third-party packages
const webserver = require('gulp-webserver')
// Operate, use
gulp.task('webserver'.function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/')
host: 'localhost'./ / address
port: 3000./ / the port number
livereload: true.// Automatically refresh
open: './pages/index.html' // The page is opened by default}})))Copy the code
- Dynamically listening for updates
// Create a task, automatically recompile, do not need to rely on, directly monitor file changes task
// Operate, use
gulp.task('watch'.function () {'./src/css/**', gulp.parallel('css'))'./src/sass/**', gulp.parallel('sass'))'./src/js/**', gulp.parallel('js'))'./src/pages/**', gulp.parallel('html'))'./src/lib/**', gulp.parallel('lib'))'./src/static/**', gulp.parallel('static'))})Copy the code
- Example Change the default task default
You can run default tasks using gulp
exports.default = gulp.series('clean',
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- Expansion operators are not recognized in gulp
And complains