How to use vue-DevTools in a project

Download the vue-devTools decompression package

  1. Web disk address extraction code: 4RRI
  2. Place the devTools folder at the root of your project

Open the/SRC /main/ file to modify

require('electron').app.on('ready', () => {//let installExtension = require('electron-devtools-installer')
  // console.log(installExtension);
  // installExtension.default(installExtension.VUEJS_DEVTOOLS)
  //   .then(() => {})
  //   .catch(err => {
  //     console.log('Unable to install `vue-devtools`: \n', err) / /}) / / install vue - devtools BrowserWindow. AddDevToolsExtension (path) resolve (__dirname,'.. /.. /devTools/vue-devtools'));
Copy the code


2. The CSS preprocessor does not take effect

Check the package. The json:

Vue-loader version is 15vCopy the code

Cause of the problem

Take the Stylus download as an example

npm i stylus stylus-loader -D

Open /. Electron – vue/webpack. The renderer. Config. Js file modification

Module: {// Other unchanged rules: [{// new ruletest: /\.stylus$/,
        use: ['vue-style-loader'.'css-loader'.'stylus-loader'}, {// change use to like thistest: /\.vue$/,
        use: 'vue-loader'}},],Copy the code

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