Introduction to the

Redis is a high performance key-value database based on C language. Redis has the following three characteristics compared to other key-value caching products:

  • Redis supports data persistence, saving data in memory to disk, which can be reloaded for use upon restart.
  • Redis not only supports simple key-value type data, but also provides the storage of list, set, zset, hash and other data structures.
  • Redis supports data backup, namely, data backup in master-slave mode.

Based on the above characteristics, the application scenario of Redis is self-evident.

Application scenarios

The cache

Caching is the most common application scenario for Redis, mainly because of the high read and write performance of Redis. Redis reads 110,000 times /s and writes 81,000 times /s, about seven times the normal read/write speed of mysql, and is gradually replacing memcached as the preferred server cached database. Moreover, Redis supports transactions internally, which can effectively ensure the consistency of data when used. In addition, it supports multiple data types, and the application scenarios are more diversified. When used as a cache, there are generally two ways to save data: 1. Before reading, read Redis first. If there is no data, read the database and pull the data into Redis. 2. When inserting data, write Redis at the same time.

SMS verification code

Redis can set the expiration time for data, which is also widely used. Expired data cleaning does not need to be concerned by developers, so the development efficiency will be relatively high. SMS verification code is the most typical application.

Commodity seconds kill

Second kill is the most common marketing mode in the Internet system now. Some of the most common problems with seckilling include:

  • Too much concurrency causes the program to block.
  • Inventory can not be effectively controlled, oversold situation.

There are basically two solutions to these problems:

  • Cache data as much as possible and block direct interaction between users and the database.
  • Use locks to control and avoid oversold.

Redis is one of these applications, which uses Redis to create distributed locks to avoid oversold, and uses Redis’ high read and write speed to solve high concurrency problems. More application scenarios are not listed here.


referencedb-enginesAccording to the website’s latest ranking in October, Redis was ranked around 8th, which is relatively high.

Above introduced so much, the next is the focus of this article, on the current market more popular Redis visual management tools to do a detailed evaluation, convenient developers choose to use.

Product introduction

RedisDesktopManager (RDM)

It is a fast, simple, cross-platform desktop management tool. It is open source based on Qt 5 development, support SSH Tunnel connection, by the community enthusiasts to maintain. This tool is currently redis developers use a desktop tool, because it is relatively stable, the function is also relatively complete, github source see:… However, the installation is troublesome, and you need to compile by yourself. The download and installation address provided on Github cannot be opened.


TablePlus is a modern local tool, UI elegant, Redis functions relatively simple, as its name, the operation is very tabular. It allows you to manage multiple databases simultaneously, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft QLServer, and more. Introduction about redis part can be found in the:…


QuickRedis is a permanently free visual management tool for Redis. It supports direct connection, sentinel, cluster mode, trillions of keys, and an exciting UI. It is developed and maintained by individual developers. Github address:…


The last is our ali Cloud database team’s own product DMS. Data management DMS is a cloud version based on the database service platform of Alibaba Group for more than ten years. It provides a web database management terminal free of installation, free of operation and maintenance, out-of-the-box, unified with multiple database types and multiple environments. It can quickly replicate and build a database DevOps research and development process solution as safe, efficient and standardized as Alibaba Group for enterprise users. Web side address see: desktop client download address see:… Mobile terminal to the mobile phone store to download aliyun APP

The next part mainly compares the functions and interactions of these four products

Functional comparison

RedisDeskTopManage TablePlus QuickRedis DMS
cross-platform MAC, Windows, Linux MAC, Linux, Windows, mobile MAC, Windows, Linux Web, MAC, Windows, mobile
SSL/TSL support support Does not support Does not support
Add, edit, and delete keys support support support support
Deleting Keys in batches support support Does not support support
Setting TTL in Batches support support Does not support Temporary does not support
Search the database Does not support support Does not support support
Search for the key support support support support
The command line support support support support
Command line intelligent prompt Prompt keywords are supported, but prompt keys are not Prompt keywords are supported, but prompt keys are not Does not support All support
Data Import and Export Does not support support Does not support support
Execution history/execution logs support support Does not support support
The value view Support json, binary, text and other formats Support json, binary, text and other formats Does not support Temporary does not support
Big data Only 20 databases can be visually displayed, and there are not too many keys visually, so pagination is not supported The free version can only display 3 databases, a small number of keys, beyond the prompt to buy Library all display, key online unknown, but support paging Library all display, key default pull 100,000, support paging
Whether the charge free charge free The above functions are free

In general, RedisDesktopManage and TablePlus are better in terms of function richness, QuickRedis is relatively weak, and DMS does not support some functions for the time being.

The UI contrast

RedisDesktopManage and TablePlus in some operations are similar, the layout style of the two is also relatively close, more consistent with the desktop operation habits; DMS and QuickRedis are also very similar in terms of THE UI, which is similar to the web side and the DESIGN style of the UI. DMS itself is the main web side development, so there is no fault; QuickRedis, on the other hand, is developed based on Electron, so it’s also a bit web-savvy.

At the level of metadata display, RedisDesktopManage is presented in the form of tree, from instance information to database and then to key value. TablePlus is tiled form, only one layer database structure, key values in the form of table display; QuickRedis display form is the form of cascade, click the database to load the corresponding key value, click the key value and then load the value value; DMS database level is displayed in the form of tree. After clicking the database, a separate page will be opened to display its key value. Here are some pictures for you to compare:

QuickRedis UI screenshot

DMS UI screenshot

UI comparison is basically here, if you are interested you can also go to download the experience oh.

Conclusion shows that

Of course, there are other Redis visualizations in the community, so I won’t go through them all. Through the comparison of the above four GUI management tools, it is found that redis operation tools are indeed not perfect, no tool is perfect. Due to the simple operation of Redis, it is not as mature and complete as mysql management software, which is also a big pain point for redis developers. But we’ve also found that no matter what tool it is, there must be a strong team behind it to maintain and iterate to make it better and better.

Therefore, I am quite optimistic about DMS. Firstly, it is free and open to all developers. Secondly, there is an Aliyun team behind it that is continuously iterating and optimizing, which can stand the test of time.

Finally, put a link to the DMS, and welcome developers to use the experience and give us your valuable comments. If you want to directly experience the functions of other databases for free, you can also go to the database lab of DMS (no need to enter database instance, you can experience it by opening it) :

For the official domain of DMS, please visit:

To download the DMS client, visit: Download