Double-click on the head

I found out that wechat already supports this feature a long time ago, but I never knew what the meaning of the moving avatar animation was. Until recently, all kinds of “pai Pai” in the group play, the first time I thought of this thing, so immediately went to try, found that after the double click still did not appear “pai Pai” text. Later, I thought it must be to update the client. After the update, I succeeded.

Simple guess implementation ideas

1. The “pat-pat” text style is already supported on the client

It is easy to see that this style is clearly the text style of the retraction message, so the client can directly reuse the “retraction message” after receiving the response from the server

2. Why upgrade

It is speculated that the product manager of wechat has not figured out what function the douyi Doudou avatar should be connected to. The action client after double-clicking the avatar has not been realized, so the previous version of double-clicking cannot send out the message of “paiyi Pai”. The core feeling of this update is to deal with a series of events after double-clicking. If you have already connected to the server interface, waiting for the new interface to come online may give users a bigger surprise, especially those who have known the action of double-clicking their profile picture before

3. “Clap it!”

If you double click the profile picture continuously, only the first time will send a message, and the other double clicks will only trigger the client behavior “profile jitter”, which is explosion-proof. It takes about 10 seconds to recover and can be triggered again

4. “Take a snap” off the Grid

If you are disconnected from the Internet, double-click your profile picture and you will find that you can see “pat-pat” first, and then after a period of time, “The other party may not know that you patted him due to network reasons”. This proves that it is a network request that takes the rendering logic of the client first and then sends it again. If the network is not good, it should go through the retry process. If it still fails, it will display the words of network failure

5. “Pat yourself”

Displays “double-click on your head, you patted himself”, just double click on the user information is their own, according to the circumstances such that nothing special, but the attempt failed cases copywriter can not too on, still shows “the other party may not know you took him”, guess this document is written in the client, is likely to change again the updated version

What else do you think? Can we have a chat?

In the comments section, what did you find out about “take a shot”?