The introduction of

Implementation 'com. Google. Code. Gson: gson: 2.8.6'Copy the code


//GsonKtx inner method getGson: ToAny: convert json data toAny bean class toMap: convert json data toMap toList: convert json data toAny collection bean class toList2 ToListType: Convert JSON data to an arbitrary collection bean class. ToJson: Any object into JSON. ToAny: Json data into any bean class. ToMap: Json data into Map toList ToListType: To convert JSON data into an arbitrary collection bean class, you need to define Type toListMap: to convert JSON data into an arbitrary collection Map classCopy the code

Use the sample

  • Objects to json

    Val testBean = testBean (true, "Alice ") // Utility class val json1 = GsonKtx. ToJson (testBean) // Extension function val json2 = testBean.tojson ()Copy the code
  • Turn the json object

    val jsonTest = "{\"isSuccess\":\"true\",\"name\":alice}"
    val test = GsonKtx.toAny<TestBean>(jsonTest)
    val test2 = jsonTest.toAny<TestBean>()
    Copy the code
  • Json to turn the map

    val jsonTest = "{\"isSuccess\":\"true\",\"name\":alice}"
    val map = GsonKtx.toMap<Any>(jsonTest)
    Copy the code
  • Turn json list

    • Method 1: Define Type and call toListType

      val jsonList = "[{\"isSuccess\":false,\"name\":\"a\"},{\"isSuccess\":true,\"name\":\"b\"}]"
      val typeToken: TypeToken<List<TestBean>> = object : TypeToken<List<TestBean>>() {}
      vallist = jsonList.toListType<TestBean>(typeToken.type) list? .forEach { println( }Copy the code
    • Method 2. Call toList

      val list22 = jsonList.toList(Array<TestBean> list22? .forEach { println( }Copy the code
    • Method 3. Call toList2

      val list4 = GsonKtx.toList2<TestBean>(jsonList)
      list4.forEach {
      Copy the code
  • Turn json listMap

    val list3 = GsonKtx.toListMap<String>(jsonList) println(list3) list3? .forEach { println(it? .get("name")) }Copy the code

The complete code

/** * Convert any object to json */
funAny? .toJson(a) = GsonKtx.toJson(this)
funAny? .toJson(gson: Gson) = GsonKtx.toJson(gson, this)

/** * Convert json data to any bean class */
inline fun <reified T>String? .toAny(a) = GsonKtx.toAny<T>(this)
fun <T>String? .toAny(clazz: Class<T>) = GsonKtx.toAny(this, clazz)
fun <T>String? .toAny(gson: Gson, clazz: Class<T>) = GsonKtx.toAny(gson, this, clazz)

/** * Convert json data to Map */
inline fun <reified T>String? .toMap(a) = GsonKtx.toMap<T>(this)
fun <T>String? .toMap(clz: Class<T>? = GsonKtx.toMap(this, clz)

/** * Convert json data to any collection bean class */
fun <T>String? .toList(clz: Class<Array<T> >? = GsonKtx.toList(this, clz)
fun <T>String? .toList(gson: Gson, clz: Class<Array<T> >? = GsonKtx.toList(gson, this, clz)

/** * Convert json data to any collection bean class */
inline fun <reified T>String? .toList2(a) = GsonKtx.toList2<T>(this)
fun <T>String? .toList2(clz: Class<T>? = GsonKtx.toList2(this, clz)

/** * To convert JSON data into any collection bean class, you need to customize Type */
fun <T>String? .toListType(type: Type) = GsonKtx.toListType<T>(this, type)

/** * Convert JSON data to any collection Map class */
inline fun <reified T>String? .toListMap(a) = GsonKtx.toListMap<T>(this)
fun <T>String? .toListMap(clazz: Class<T>) = GsonKtx.toListMap(this, clazz)

object GsonKtx {

    private val gson = Gson()

    /** * get gson */
    fun getGson(a) = gson

    /** * Convert any object to json */
    fun toJson(any: Any?).: String? {
        return toJson(gson, any)

    fun toJson(gson: Gson, any: Any?).: String? {
        return try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}/** * Convert json data to any bean class */
    inline fun <reified T> toAny(json: String?).: T? {
        return toAny(json,

    fun <T> toAny(json: String? , clazz:Class<T>): T? {
        return toAny(gson, json, clazz)

    fun <T> toAny(gson: Gson, json: String? , clazz:Class<T>): T? {
        return try {
            gson.fromJson(json, clazz)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}/** * Convert json data to any collection bean class */
    fun <T> toList(json: String? , clz:Class<Array<T> >?: List<T>? {
        return toList(gson, json, clz)

    fun <T> toList(gson: Gson, json: String? , clz:Class<Array<T> >?: List<T>? {
        return try {
            val ts: Array<T> = gson.fromJson(json, clz)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}Type * val typeToken: typeToken 
       > = object: TypeToken
        >() {} */
    fun <T> toListType(json: String? , type:Type): List<T>? {
        return toListType(gson, json, type)

    fun <T> toListType(gson: Gson, json: String? , type:Type): List<T>? {
        return try {
            gson.fromJson(json, type)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}/** ** Json to List, if you can't parse it, use */
    inline fun <reified T> toList2(json: String?).: List<T> {
        return toList2(json,

    fun <T> toList2(json: String? , cls:Class<T>?: List<T> {
        val mList: MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
        try {
            val array = JsonParser().parse(json).asJsonArray
            for (elem in array) {
                mList.add(gson.fromJson(elem, cls))
        } catch (e: Exception) {
        return mList

    /** * Json to Map List objects */
    inline fun <reified T> toListMap(json: String?).: List<Map<String? , T>? >? {return toListMap(json,

    fun <T> toListMap(json: String? , clz:Class<T>?: List<Map<String? , T>? >? {return toListMap(gson, json, clz)

    fun <T> toListMap(gson: Gson, json: String? , clz:Class<T>?: List<Map<String? , T>? >? {return try {
            val type: Type = object: TypeToken<List<Map<String? , T>? >? >() {}.type gson.fromJson(json, type) }catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}/** * Json to Map */
    inline fun <reified T> toMap(json: String?).: Map<String? , T>? {return toMap(json,

    fun <T> toMap(json: String? , clz:Class<T>?: Map<String? , T>? {return toMap(gson, json, clz)

    fun <T> toMap(gson: Gson, json: String? , clazz:Class<T>?: Map<String? , T>? {return try {
            val type = object: TypeToken<Map<String? , T>? >() {}.typereturn gson.fromJson(json, type)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            null}}}Copy the code