As a leading data analysis service provider in the industry, GrowingIO issues online tourism industry solutions after the Internet finance industry solutions, helping the online tourism industry lean operation, improve transformation and re-purchase.

Since its establishment, GrowingIO has facilitated the growth of hundreds of online travel customers, such as Spring, Huazhu Group, Tujia, Mafengwo and Xiaozhu. Leading benchmark enterprises in the industry account for more than 20%, making GrowingIO a leading data operation service provider in the industry.

The revenue of China’s online tourism market reached 29.8 billion yuan in 2016, up 48% year-on-year. With the stable growth of the domestic tourism market environment and the deepening of online + offline integration, the position of online tourism industry in the market will be further strengthened and its market revenue scale will continue to expand.

However, the industry generally faces several challenges: expensive channel flow, high cost of acquiring customers; At the same time, the user purchase conversion process is long, resulting in low purchase conversion rate; Product membership system is missing or rough, unable to fine operation, unable to effectively improve the user repurchase rate.

GrowingIO’s solution is designed to help the online travel industry improve channel quality, reduce churn, and improve conversion and repurchase.

Plan highlights

1. Solve traffic problems and reduce customer acquisition costs:

Establish channel monitoring kanban, distinguish the delivery effects of different channels, track the conversion of users from different channels in the product, identify high-quality channels and inferior channels, refine tracking, and improve channel ROI.

Channel tracking analysis

2. Find the reasons for user loss and improve the purchase conversion rate:

Through user behavior analysis, restore the real behavior path of users, according to the conversion rate difference of different steps, find and find the key nodes of user loss, locate problems, optimize products, and improve the final purchase conversion rate.

User conversion analysis

3. Operate for purchased users and improve the repurchase rate:

Build a membership system, refine the operation, group users according to their purchase frequency, cycle and preference, stimulate price-sensitive users with preferential activities, and provide better service experience for high net worth users.

Member system

Customer testimony

Qin Yong, BI Director of Tujia:

GrowingIO’s unburied collection solution has helped us save at least five labor costs, minimize the time cost from data collection to analysis, and significantly improve productivity; Business people can quickly diagnose problems and continuously monitor them through Kanban, which greatly increases business people’s interest in data and improves the driving force of data for business.

In addition, GrowingIO’s account managers and after-sales support team are responsive and provide the best solutions to solve problems, making GrowingIO an effective partner for enterprise development.

Li Zengguang, Senior Product Manager, Huazhu

GrowingIO has always been an important analysis tool for us to collect online product data, mine user needs and improve interactive experience. GrowingIO provides us with decision-making basis for every data collection, analysis and monitoring, from the optimization of official website interactive copywriting, to the improvement of App screening function, to real-time data feedback during each activity operation.

Han Xin, Technical Director of Mafengwo:

The introduction of GrowingIO, a quick start to data analysis for startups; For mature companies, unburied points can be a very effective data supplement, especially for retention analytics like retention magic, product feature retention, custom retention, and group comparison.

About GrowingIO

GrowingIO is based on user behavior of a new generation of data analysis product, absorb domestic and foreign data analysis of best practice, the traditional data acquisition process is long, the disadvantages of time-consuming innovation a second level solutions, data collection and analysis for the user to obtain the whole quantity, real-time user behavior data, and provide consulting service industry leading growth, Provide decision support for product and user growth and drive enterprise growth with data.

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