2021, busy and busy again to the end of the year. Life sometimes makes you feel helpless and hesitated, 🥚 always seek sunshine from adversity ☀️ isn’t it? 😁 😁 😁

Two job-hopping

Yes, in 2021, I changed my job twice. The first time I changed my job, I believe the reasons can be guessed. 💰 cannot support my current desire. I always feel that MY value in the job is invisible to my boss, so that I didn’t get a raise in that job for about two years. I didn’t have any ambition before. I think I can spend my whole life in the traditional software industry. That’s when the key little fat man shows up. It’s my roommate Xiao Pang. A reverse inside reel, but the first person to learn crazy reel others. He graduated one year later than me, but his skills are very good, and HE has always admired his persistence in learning. At that time, I really felt inferior, and I felt that I couldn’t hold my head up when I got together with my classmates. I mean, I was pretty good at school, too. A few years later, the postgraduate entrance examination students wish to enter the factory, the work of the students after the life of the beatings, to catch up also have a good job. Only their own sway, graduation 🎓 fast 4 years, or earn not high 💰. In the reunion, we talked about block chain, big data… These are just the concepts we’ve heard. Maybe these stimulated me, and maybe I was inspired by xiao Pang. I studied for half a year. Although I didn’t get an offer at that time, I could survive at least one or two rounds of interviews. Interview companies also from some unknown small companies, there are some first or second line of large factories. On January 9, 2021, I received an offer from a company and successfully promoted Xiao Pang. The two continue to work as colleagues and roommates. I got to know two test students with outstanding abilities in the company. Although the company is not a big one, both of them have experience in big factories. During the process of getting along with them, I really realized that the endorsement of big factories is not only a wonderful background check. Excellent working ability, self-disciplined learning ability, rigorous working process and valuable methodology are all the highlights from dACHang experience. Days of unforeseen circumstances, people have a day of misfortune, in the upcoming positive, ushered in the downsizing army raid. All the staff of Beijing TERMINAL B were laid off, which completely upset our plan to work well. When hearing this news, the most worried about is actually difficult to find their own 🆕 job. After half a month or so, the peak interviewed 7-8 companies every day, and finally found the company suitable for me.

🤢 interview experience

This year, I think I interviewed with at least 30 or 40 companies. Just briefly, the three companies that most make me 🤮. Let’s hope the others don’t step on thunder.

58 rubik’s cube

Top1, 58 Rubik’s Cube is a wholly owned subsidiary of 58.com. I think it’s in human resources. First of all, because there was an interview with another big factory that day, the time was a little confused because the interview was going on at that time. On the same day, I told HR that I wanted to change the time for the interview, but HR gave my request ❌ on the grounds that the interviewer was a leader and he had managed to spare some time. I thought it was really my fault, so I answered that I was very sorry and would attend the interview on time. When it was time for the interview, the interviewer asked me to briefly introduce myself. At that time of self-introduction, simply like printed in my 🧠, after finishing. The interviewer said a word: your previous work experience has been to do the traditional software industry (let me feel that the Internet is really despise 😒 traditional software industry. Knowing this result is not unexpected, so I continued the interview, but a little uncomfortable. Some questions asked during the period, regardless of whether the answer is good or not, are not good. I won’t repeat it here. The most disgusting part came when the interviewer asked: Redis cache breakdown, cache avalanche, cache penetration. This question is really very confident, because their company before Ali, jingdong, Meituan have asked, can not say that I answer completely accurate, at least I think that means there is no problem. A magical sight, he said. None of the answers were right. At this point in the mind ❤️ has been annoyed. Unable to continue the conversation, he asked a question: How did you feel about your interview today? I answer: I feel I am a rubbish 🚮, do not deserve your company. I know I shouldn’t insult people like that. But the anger was already at its peak. Let’s not hate each other. After this experience, the feeling is that the interview should be a two-way street. Before the interview, I also came to ask for advice with full enthusiasm and modesty. Whether I can enter the company depends on my ability and destiny. But really think whether the interviewer should also have a tolerant heart ❤️ to interview students?


The most disgusting thing about this company is not the interview process, but the screening process. Jingdong is very strange. HR does not intervene in the interview process at the early stage, that is, the person contacting you is your colleague in the same group as well as your colleague in the same group. As a matter of fact, I felt that I was quite incompetent during the interview, because there was a big shot from JINGdong in the company before, and I felt cold after consulting some interview questions at that time. But I was invited for a second interview in the evening. It’s really exciting. An interview is scheduled. Enter the second side. Because there is some hope, so in the interview process very positive. Some questions can also be discussed with the interviewer very enthusiastically, the most important is the second interview with the interviewer: do you have any other interviews right now? Our side is in Yizhuang. You can take a break and look at the house. With excitement came to the three sides. Two big guys interviewed together for, like, 30 minutes. There was no news after that… This kind of cheating on a philandering man is really disgusting. Actually can’t enter jingdong work. It’s really not that disturbing. That’s the attitude that bothers me. The interviewer in the second interview said it was already available. There was no news on the third side. It turns out it was my job-hopping experience. Sincerely suggest not to give others hope easily, also don’t let others down easily. Although I will still use jingdong, JINGdong may not lack me such a scum. But I think this kind of thing, at least HR early intervention, will not occur such a situation, waste each other’s time.


Top3, Meituan a ☝️ can face n departments of the company. First of all, the level of the interviewers is very high and the whole interview process is very harmonious. But whether pass can give the result in a department interview ah. The department with the first interview has passed the first and second rounds of interviews, and the third round of interviews has been completed. Unfortunately, the next day, HR said: Sorry, after comprehensive assessment, they think you are not suitable for our department, we have pushed your resume to other departments, other departments will continue the following interview. Start with one side, no doubt. I just want to know if it doesn’t work in your department, can it work in another department? You might as well just tell me no. Then the second department, still do not pass, pushed to the third department. Finally, I made it clear to the interviewer and HR that if I failed, please do not recommend to other departments. Although I know dachang very severe 👍, but, at that time the situation really does not allow ❎ I long unemployed. This may be my subjective feeling. 🥚 is still not a very pleasant experience in the process of job-hopping.

Free rent

Since March 2021, I have rented a house 🏠 in Freely. How can I say that I live in this house? It is tasteless and regrettable to abandon it. Summer rain leakage, autumn mice 🐭, Beijing this year, should be to Beijing 4-5 years. Rain ☔️ the biggest one of the year. No accident, the house leaks rain, front and back to repair more than a month of time, finally fixed. I thought I could settle down. Well, here comes the mouse 🐭. I never thought there would be mice living on the 4th floor. I am extremely afraid of mice 🐭 and snakes 🐍. First time to do disinfection, do not know now the mice are resistant to drugs, or what. I took a lot of rat poison, and I think he’s more active than ever. I was afraid to open my bedroom door. The second time eliminate kill, big sister very fierce 👍. Caught the mouse, but also very 🦚 let me watch its booty. Scared me out of the door. Got the rat, got rid of everything in the kitchen. In order to prevent mice in the house and comfort myself, I bought a short tabby. The baby is very lively, but the only thing is that he does not like to cut his nails. I always cut it after I secretly put it to sleep. Then roommate xiao Pang’s friend sent a local cat, the two little guys are happy together now. It’s just the task of shoveling shit has increased.

The nuggets writing

When I first got to know him, HE was my roommate at my first job with the Nuggets. He worked hard for most of the year to work in Toutiao and told me his experience of preparing for the game. Only then did he know the existence of a technology blog platform like Nuggets. The nuggets started writing ✏️ at the beginning of the year, looking for a job and summarizing the nuggets’ records at 📝. Because the previous unit to do technology sharing, originally with flying to write the article, thinking of ten thousand from that walk, their own article has no record, so I will write the article in the nuggets. Later, I participated in the “little Knowledge” activity and thought about what articles I met and were worth sharing every day in my work. One of the most viewed articles was: “Why doesn’t Spring recommend using @Autowired annotations?” The reason for writing this article is that Xiao Pang kept puting me. I wrote the code with warning in IDEA. Although it is easy to solve the warning, I still want to study why the alarm is generated. Although some in the comments section agreed, others thought it was lame. However, at least it is the result of my own research, and I did encounter it in the interview.

The minor achievements of writing ✏️ in Nuggets are as shown in ⬆️. Before, I was not a person who loved to summarize, but since I posted articles in nuggets, I felt that it was to take notes or win 🉐️ prizes, and I was willing to share.

Looking forward to 2022

Although there is still one month to 2022, I placed an order to buy 📅 early. In 2021, I have experienced two job-hopping and a series of unpleasant things, but I still have no change in my fantasy for the future. Give yourself a few small goals for 2022:

  1. Fitness: Weight 85kg, height 178cm. Over the next year, follow in the footsteps of ’82 and get your body fat down to 22%.
  2. Work: I hope my work will go smoothly and I will be promoted in the next year.
  3. Life: hope to save more money, next year some more time to accompany their parents, give them some money 💰, let life more comfortable. I hope I can rent a comfortable house when the house 🏠 expires next year.
  4. Cute pet: I hope my little Dollar will be in heat next year and find her a caring husband at ☝. Then give birth to several beautiful children and find a reliable owner for them.