A few days ago, Springer, the world’s leading technology journal/book publishing company, announced that it would open more than 400 legitimate e-books to the public for free!!

Springer was founded in 1842 in Berlin, Germany, and established itself as an international scientific publishing company in the 1960s.

At present, Springer is the largest scientific book publishing company and the second largest scientific journal publishing company in the world, publishing more than 6,500 scientific books and about 2,000 scientific journals every year. Springer is a global leader in online publishing, and Its SpringeLink is one of the most popular electronic publishing platforms in the global technology publishing market. (From Baidu Baike)

To verify the source, I found this announcement on its website:

In a nutshell: As the Novel Coronavirus outbreak has had an unprecedented impact on the education sector, Springer has launched this global e-resources initiative to provide effective assistance to higher education and medical institutions!

Open resources are divided into three categories (German Emergency Care, English ebooks, German Ebooks), and the corresponding Excel list is given on the official website:

There are 407 e-books listed in English, with detailed descriptions of each book and links to download:

This is a huge perk, and a huge hit on the Internet (after all, these legitimate ebooks cost tens or hundreds of dollars/euro each).

It’s not easy to download so many books, and here comes Python crawler technology! There is a “Springer_free_books” project on Github where the author downloaded 409 books using his crawler, which took 4 hours and 14 GB to download.

Project address: github.com/alexgand/sp…

There’s no need to read all of these books. On Medium, programmers combed through 65 books on Python, machine learning, data analysis, computer vision, advanced mathematics and more.

This sub-list has been shared on Google Drive (all in PDF) :

This resource will be useful for us, covering many areas of Python programming. Download it first and then compress it to 856 MB. (It is the same thing to see, rare free resources always want to save a ~~)

(If you need it, please reply [0502] on the background of the public account [Python cat] to get the download link)

Finally, have to mention, Springer is an enterprise with strong social morality heart, in addition to open due to the outbreak of this batch of resources, it also has a lot of free resources (see: www.springeropen.com/books).

Even the great physicist hawking’s research articles (www.springer.com/gp/campaign)… :

All right, the benefit information has been shared, please request it on demand.

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