Graviton is a free open source cross-platform code editor under development. Its developer, Marc Espin, 16, stresses that it is a “minimalist” code editor. I’m not sure about that, but it does have a clean user interface, just like other modern code editors like Atom.

The developers also call it a lightweight code editor, although Graviton is based on Electron.

Graviton has the features you would expect in any standard code editor, such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and so on. As the Graviton is still in beta, more features will be added in future releases.

Graviton code editor characteristics

Graviton some of the characteristics that make sense are:

  • Syntax highlighting * autocomplete * support plug-ins and themes for a variety of programming languages using CodeMirrorJS. * English, Spanish and some other European languages are available. * For Linux, Windows, and macOS.

I take a quick look at Graviton, which may not be as rich as VS Code or Brackets, but it’s a decent tool for some simple Code editing.

Download and install Graviton

As mentioned above, Graviton is a cross-platform code editor for Linux, Windows, and macOS. It’s still in beta, which means more features will be added in the future, and you may run into some bugs.

You can find the latest version of the Graviton on its release page. Debian and Ubuntu users can install using.deb. AppImage has been provided so that it can be used in other distributions. DMG and EXE files are also available for macOS and Windows, respectively.

  • Download the Graviton

If you’re interested, you can find Graviton’s source code in the GitHub repository:

  • GitHub Graviton source code

If you decide to use Graviton and find some problems, please write an error report here. If you use GitHub, you might want to Graviton the project with a star. This improves the developer’s morale because he knows that more users appreciate his efforts.

If you see by now, I’m sure you understand how to install software from source

Write in the last

Sometimes simplicity is a feature in itself, and Graviton’s focus on minimalism can help it earn its place in an already crowded world of code editors.


By Abhishek Prakash (Lujun9972

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and released in Linux China