Grain Mart – Distributed advanced P102~P128
Elasticsearch (kibana, ES, Nginx, IK word segmentation) for Elasticsearch (kibana, ES, IK word segmentation)
[Grain mall — Distributed foundation P27] :…
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1. ElasticSearch and kibana
- 1.1. Basic concepts
- 1.2 Installing ES and Kibana
- 1.3 Nginx installation
- 1.4 Ik Chinese word divider
Es 2
SpringBoot integration
- 2.1. Environment Configuration
- 2.2. Search implementation
1. ElasticSearch and kibana
Content overview: Download, configure and use es, KIbana, IK related software in centos Docker. The biggest feeling of this installation is that Docker is too good to use, really good.
I also wrote an example of an es article before:
SpringBoot integrating es implementation highlighting search:…
1.1. Basic concepts
Index index: Similar to a database
Type type: similar to a table in a library
Document: similar to each row of a table
Methods/properties: Fields similar to each row
1.2 Installing ES and Kibana
1. The ES access address is http://public IP address :9200/
/mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata = /mydata / mydata/elasticsearch/config mkdir -p/mydata/elasticsearch/data # es can be remote any machine access echo "HTTP. Host: "> / mydata/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch yml # recursive change permissions, Chmod -r 777 /mydata/ elasticSearch / # 3: chmod -r 777 /mydata/elasticsearch/ # 3: Docker run --name elasticSearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 \ -e "discovery.type=single-node" \ -e ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m" \ -v /mydata/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml \ -v /mydata/elasticsearch/data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data \ -v / mydata/elasticsearch/plugins: / usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins \ - d elasticsearch: 7.4.2 # 4, set the startup elasticsearch docker update elasticsearch --restart=alwaysCopy the code
- Kibana download, configure, start
Kibana Access address: http://public IP address :5601/
Docker run --name kibana -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS= http://public IP:9200 docker run --name kibana -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS= http://public IP:9200 -p 5601:5601 -d kibana:7.4.2 # 3Copy the code
Visit address:
View the es node: http://public IP address :9200/_cat/nodes
Check the helTH health status of es: http://public IP address :9200/_cat/health
Check the master node of es: http://public IP address :9200/_cat/master
View the index of es. The primary node is http:// public IP address :9200/_cat/indices
1.3 Nginx installation
Docker run -p80:80 --name nginx -d nginx:1.10 mkdir -p /mydata/nginx/ HTML mkdir -p /mydata/nginx/logs mkdir -p Nginx :/etc/nginx/* /mydata/nginx/conf docker container cp So it needs to be moved to the content of the mv in the conf/mydata/nginx/conf/nginx / * / mydata/nginx/conf/rm - rf/mydata/nginx/conf/nginx docker stop nginx docker rm nginx docker run -p 80:80 --name nginx \ -v /mydata/nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html \ -v / mydata/nginx/logs: / var/log/nginx \ - v/mydata/nginx/conf / : / etc/nginx \ - d nginx: 1.10 docker update nginx --restart=alwaysCopy the code
1.4 Ik Chinese word divider
Download the ik splitter in elasticSearch /plugins and restart it
Download ik participle wget Ik unzip elasticSearch-analysis-iK-7.4.2. zip -d ik chmod -r 777 plugins/ik rm-rf Elasticsearch - analysis-IK-7.4.2. zip docker restart elasticSearch - elasticSearch - iK-7.4.2. zipCopy the code
Es 2
SpringBoot integration
2.1. Environment Configuration
- In the ELK version, remove the ES package delivered with springBoot
<dependency> <groupId>org.elasticsearch.client</groupId> <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifactId> < version > 7.4.2 < / version > < / dependency > < properties > < Java version > 1.8 < / Java version > < elasticsearch version > 7.4.2 < / elasticsearch version > < / properties >Copy the code
- The Config configuration
package; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.elasticsearch.client.RequestOptions; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClientBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; /** * @program: gulimall-search * @description: * @author: huyuqiao * @create: 2021/08/01 13:54 */ @Configuration public class GulimallElasticSearchConfig { public static final RequestOptions COMMON_OPTIONS; static { RequestOptions.Builder builder = RequestOptions.DEFAULT.toBuilder(); // builder.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + TOKEN); // builder.setHttpAsyncResponseConsumerFactory( // new HttpAsyncResponseConsumerFactory // .HeapBufferedResponseConsumerFactory(30 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)); COMMON_OPTIONS =; } @Bean public RestHighLevelClient restHighLevelClient(){ RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder = null; RestClientBuilder = restClient. builder(new HttpHost(" public IP", 9200, "HTTP ")); RestHighLevelClient client = new RestHighLevelClient(restClientBuilder); return client; }}Copy the code
2.2. Search implementation
I have used two models, one is the integration of ES highlighting of Crazy God, and the other is the current one. Some average values made are a little difficult to understand, but I will post them first
@Test public void testEs() throws IOException { SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest(); Searchrequest.indices (" newBank "); DSL SearchSourceBuilder Builder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); Query(QueryBuilders. MatchQuery ("address","mill")); / / 1.2 by age value aggregation TermsAggregationBuilder ageAgg = AggregationBuilders. Terms (" ageAgg "). The field (" age "). The size (10); builder.aggregation(ageAgg); AvgAggregationBuilder balanceAvg = AggregationBuilders. Avg ("balanceAvg"). Field ("balance"); builder.aggregation(balanceAvg); System.out.println(" + builder.toString()); searchRequest.source(builder); / / 2. Perform retrieve the SearchResponse search = restHighLevelClient. Search (searchRequest, GulimallElasticSearchConfig.COMMON_OPTIONS); // Map Map = json.parseObject (search.tostring (), map.class); // System.out.println(map); SearchHits hits = search.gethits (); [] SearchHit = hits.gethits (); for (SearchHit hit : searchHits) { // String index = hit.getIndex(); // String id = hit.getId(); String source = hit.getSourceAsString(); Account account = JSON.parseObject(source, Account.class); System.out.println(account); Aggregations = search.getaggregations (); // List<Aggregation> list = aggregations.asList(); // for (Aggregation aggregation : list) { // Terms agg = aggregations.get(aggregation.getName()); // System.out.println(agg.getBuckets()); // } Terms agg = aggregations.get("ageAgg"); For (Terms.Bucket Bucket: agg.getbuckets ()) {system.out.println (" age: "+ bucket.getKeyASString () + "-->" + bucket.getDocCount() +" person "); } Avg avg = aggregations.get("balanceAvg"); Println (" average salary: "+ avg.getValue()); }Copy the code
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