This is the 27th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Looking back on the college years, it is really the most free and happy time in my life. University is a way station. It’s a sheltered post between your high school years as a young student and your work for the benefit of society. Here, you don’t have to worry about the pressure of work, and you don’t have to worry about school grades to give you a headache. Your time is your own. In retrospect, four years of free time is an extremely important asset in life. You can choose to play video games — in the dark, you can travel to see the new world, you can finish your high school romance, and so on. You can do any of these things, or you can do all of them, because you have time, and time is the most valuable asset of all. When you step into the society, work, family, life all kinds of pressure on you, this time you will find the importance of time to you. Of course, this is the future story, can recognize the importance of time in college and work hard for the people, where is an excellent student.

Now if you think about it, what did I do most in college? I think there are three stages. The first stage is freshman year. The second stage is between sophomore and senior years. The final stage is the first year of senior year.

First of all, LET me talk about the first stage — freshman year. The most prominent feature in the freshman year is that they are young, and those who have just entered the university from senior three will carry such characteristics. What is the first thing you do when you no longer have to attend evening self-study and do homework under the supervision of teachers and parents? Yes, indulgence. The high school can not do, dare not do things to go on, go to a bar, to an Internet cafe 5 sit all night, night not home to return to. I don’t know if I have done these things in college, but I have done them all in my freshman year. Looking back, I can still vaguely remember the mood and smile on my face at that time. At this stage, part of my time is devoted to games and playing.

Stage 2 — sophomore to junior years. In my sophomore year, I joined the school’s information project team and began to learn how to use it from teachers. Net language development some simple background management system. I didn’t know what HTML was, what a database was, what object orientation was, don’t ask! To ask is not to know. At the beginning, I spent 3 months learning new knowledge tirelessly from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Finally, after 3 months, I was proficient in VisualStudio for simple development based on SQLServer database. NetWebForm project. This period of devil training let me know, as long as you learn with your heart and time, no matter how difficult it is, it is not a problem. It’s all about your attitude.

Stage 3 — Senior year. From the senior year, I began to realize that I was going to enter the society. You need to do everything you can to find a good internship, get a high-paying job, and get to the top of your life!! During this period of time, my classmates were busy, because they did not plan themselves early, and there were not many things to do in the last year. Can only choose to sign up for class training, hope to find a good unit. Since I had accumulated project experience at the beginning of my sophomore year, I did not need to consider so much. I still kept my pace, because I knew that there would be no problem in finding a unit with low requirements.

Now THAT I’m on stage four, I’m working. After working, I miss college life more and want to go back to campus more. Cheap meals, a big campus, and a stressful life without having to worry about clutter. If there is a postgraduate entrance exam bonus, I think I will probably go back to the campus to continue my study, but there is no if. All I can do now is do what I can, that’s all.