This is the second day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
Android development Gradle foundation
Gradle is similar to Maven, but much simpler. It uses Groovy as the scripting language. In fact, it has been 5 years since 2016 when I started to really learn about Android Studio as an Android development tool, but I have never taken Gradle seriously. Think of it as a building tool without much need to learn. One day I had a problem integrating the SDK for TX. TX technology consulting, EEEE technology said to learn gradle first. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 111 ~ one thousand lines of tears
Gradle build files generated by Android applications
Create a new Android project using Android Studio and view the settings.gradle, build.gradle, and app/build.gradle files.
- Settings. gradle => Android projects are multi-project Gradle builds (dividing a project into modules and managing the sub-modules through the parent project). Settings.gradle file shows the subprojects for each subdirectory. As shown in figure: The project consists of three modules app, mvVM_lib and WYH20.03.30. Include is introduced in Settings
By default, jCenter Google repository is used to download plug-ins or reference third-party libraries. We can configure some domestic mirror addresses in AllProjects, such as Ali Cloud
maven { url '' }
This is also where address references are configured if a local repository is set up maven { url "file://${new File(project.rootProject.rootDir, 'local_repo').getAbsolutePath()}" }
Execute the Gradle build from the command line
We don’t need to install Gradle to build an Android project! Android Studio includes a Gradle release (gradle-Wrapper in the form of a plug-in) and special functionality to support it.
“Gradle Wrapper” refers to the gradlew script and gradlew. Bat script, which are used by UNIX. These two scripts are in the root directory of Android applications, and the “W” at the end stands for “wrapper”.
The first purpose of Gradle Wrapper is to allow clients to run Gradle without installing it. Wrapper to use the application under the root directory of gradle/wrapper gradle – wrapper. Jar and gradle wrapper. The properties file to start the process
The distributionUrl diagram shows the download and installation of Gradle6.5. After the first run, the Gradle distribution is cached in the zipStorePath directory under zipStoreBase for subsequent Gradle tasks.
Common commands:
Gradlew -v displays the following screenshots of Gradle, Groovy, Ant, JVM, etc.
Gradlew tasks –all Views all tasks
Check the dependency tree (you can use the abbreviation of the task, gradlew anDep, as long as you ensure that the abbreviation is unique)
Gradlew clean build –refresh-dependencies // Force updates to the latest dependencies
Gradlew installDebug // Type the debug package and install it
Gradlew assembleDebug compile and type Debug package
Gradlew assembleRelease // Compile the release package
Gradlew installRelease //Release is packaged and installed
Gradlew compileDebug — stackTrace // View detailed resource file information
Gradlew build –info –debug — stackTrace // Debug mode and print stack information
When a project relies on a library and you don’t know which one it is, you can run gradlew build –info –debug –stacktrace to print the stack side-by-side check information. Android Studio also provides view mode for running Gradlew directly
Learn more about Gradle in the next article