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I’m the first: Elegant Termination Processes using the Laravel Horizon (1)

Throw out problem

When we release a new version of the code, we can gracefully kill an asynchronous task in progress to avoid killing it in the middle of a run.

The solution

After investigating, laravel’s Horizon extension solves this problem by gracefully terminating the process with the following command:

  1. Ensure that a process in progress is not killed and can be killed only after the execution is complete.
  2. Non-ongoing tasks wait and are not added to the queue.

Elegant solution to this problem, the idea is so simple.

php artisan horizon:terminate
Copy the code

Here we continue to introduce the Horizon advanced knowledge points

Elegant terminating processes using the Laravel Horizon (1)

Run the Horizon

Once the queue execution process is configured in the config/horizon.php file, horizon can be started using the Horizon Artisan command.

A single command statement is required to start all configured queue processes:

php artisan horizon

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Use the horizon: Pause and horizon: Continue Artisan commands to pause or continue a queue task:

php artisan horizon:pause

php artisan horizon:continue
Copy the code

Gracefully terminate the Horizon main process using the Horizon: Terminate Artisan command.

Horizon will exit after completing the task in progress:

php artisan horizon:terminate
Copy the code

The deployment of Horizon

When deploying Horizon to an online server, you need to configure a process monitor to detect the PHP Artisan Horizon command and restart it automatically if it unexpectedly exits.

Bringing new code online requires the process monitor to terminate the Horizon process and restart Horizon with the modified code.

Please pay attention to the following:

The Supervisor configuration

If the Horizon process is managed using the Supervisor process monitor, the following configuration files will suffice:

command=php /home/forge/ horizon
Copy the code

The label

Horizon allows you to assign “tags” to tasks, including event listeners for mail, event broadcasts, notifications, and queues.

Elegant as the Laravel, the Horizon smartly and automatically tags most missions Eloquent model for each mission, as shown in the following example:

<? php namespace App\Jobs; use App\Video; use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable; use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels; use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue; use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable; class RenderVideo implements ShouldQueue { use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels; /** * public $video; /** public $video; Public function __construct(Video $Video) {$this-> Video = $this-> Video = $this-> Video = $this-> Video = $video; } @return void */ public function handle() {//}}Copy the code

If the queue task is an App\Video instance with ID 1, it is automatically tagged with App\Video:1.

Since Horizon checks for Eloquent model properties, it intelligently tags the task with its Eloquent class name and primary key:

$video = App\Video::find(1);

Copy the code

Once again a sigh: really elegant!

Custom labels

To manually label objects executed by the queue, we can define a tags method for this class:

Class RenderVideo implements ShouldQueue {/** ** public function tags() {return ['render', 'video:'.$this->video->id]; }}Copy the code


If you need to initiate a notification when the queue wait time is too long, you can invoke the following three methods in the application’s HorizonServiceProvider:




Horizon::routeMailNotificationsTo(''); // This is not often used, at least NOT by me. Horizon::routeSlackNotificationsTo('slack-webhook-url', '#channel'); Horizon::routeSmsNotificationsTo('138xxxxxxxx');Copy the code

Off topic: What is Slack?

Slack is chat groups + large-scale tool integration + file integration + unified search. By the end of 2014, Slack had integrated email, SMS, Google Drives, Twitter, Trello, Asana, GitHub and more than 65 other tools and services that bring together disparate corporate communications and collaboration.

Set a threshold for the excessive wait time

You can set the exact number of seconds the wait time is too long in the config/horizon.php configuration file.

The WAITS configuration item can configure thresholds for each link/queue:

'waits' => ['waits' => 60, // in seconds],Copy the code


Horizon includes a Metrics dashboard that provides task and queue wait times and throughput information.

To populate this dashboard, you need to configure Horizon’s Snapshot Artisan command to run every five minutes from the applied task scheduler.

/** * Define the application's task Scheduling ** @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $Schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('horizon:snapshot')->everyFiveMinutes(); }Copy the code


The question I asked at the beginning of the article was something I didn’t consider during development,

The beauty of PHP Artisan Horizon: Terminate was also missing from the initial documentation.

As the project continued to grow, so did my technical level and programming ideas.

Well, that concludes the Laravel Horizon, which is really elegant

Thank you for support

Article see here on the point of praise after attention to go again bai, thank ❤️