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Project Guidance document

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  • Web UI Framework: Element-UI
  • Server Framework: gin
  • Grom Framework: gorm

1. Basic introduction

1.1 Project Structure

│ │ ├ ─ the conf (Config file) ├ ─ docs (swagger APIs docs) │ ├ ─ the log (log file) │ ├ ─ public (public static file) │ ├ ─ the static (head Icon) ├─ SRC │ ├─ Controller (Controller) │ ├─ Middleware (Model Entity) │ ├─ PKG (Project Private) Package) │ ├─ Flag School - Adapter (Casbin Adapter) │ ├─ App (Gin Service Response) │ ├─ Code (Response Code) │ ├─ Error (Project) Private Error) │ ├─ Heavy Metal Guitar School (Redis) │ ├─ Heavy Metal Guitar School (Redis) │ ├─ Setting (Project Setting) │ ├─ Heavy Metal Guitar School │ ├─ ├─ ├─ Exercises (Exercises) │ ├─ Exercises (Exercises) │ ├─ Exercises (Exercises)Copy the code

1.1.2 Generating API Documentation

    cd grom-gin-admin
    go get -u
    swag init
Copy the code

Visit http://localhost:8050/api/v1/swagger/index.html to view the swagger document

1.2 Environment Configuration

1.2.1 Golang installation

  • Foreign agents can browse this screen to view the Golang installation documentation olongfence.github
  • Golang installation document

1.2.2 Project Environment Configuration

I am in this project environment configuration through docker installation, need to install PostgreSQL and Redis in the host installation configuration

   git clone
Copy the code
    cd gorm-gin-admin
    docker-compose up -d .
Copy the code

1.2.3 Project Configuration Description

  • Authenticating session permissions through an RSA key pair
    Copy the code
  • Casbin model filemodel_casbin.conf
  • Project profile
When there is no configuration file in your conf directory, you can run the project once, it will automatically generate the configuration file, then modify your configuration information in the configuration, and then run it again.Copy the code

1. Run the Service

     go run main.go
Copy the code

2. Technology stack

  • Front end: Based onvuetheElement-UIBuild the base page.
  • The backend: useGinQuick build base restful style API,GinIs a Web framework written in the GO language.
  • Database: usingPostgreSQL, the use ofGorm2.0 versionImplement basic operations on the database,
  • Cache: Ready for development useRedisImplement the recording of current active usersjwtToken and implement multi-point login restrictions.
  • API documentation: useSwaggerBuild automated documents.
  • Configuration file: of a configuration file.
  • Logging: logging.

3. Main functions

  • Permission management: Based onjwtandcasbinThe realization of permission management
  • User management: The system administrator assigns user roles and role permissions.
  • Role management: The main object for creating permission control. You can assign different API and menu permissions to roles.
  • Menu management: Realize dynamic menu configuration for users and realize different menus for different roles.
  • API management: Different users have different permissions on API interfaces.
  • Conditional search: Added conditional search examples.
  • Restful Example: You can see the example apis in the user management module.

4. Plan tasks

  • Import and export Excel
  • Administrator Operation Records
  • RPC is called to other projects
  • Token Caching mechanism