
Recently, some friends in the group and the background of the private message I said that I want to point interview, today I sorted out the real interview questions for you.

As for the pen test questions, directly in the public account background reply “Tencent video pen test questions” can be compressed into pictures.

There are children who want to systematically learn JavaScript, directly reply “JS learning route” in the background of the public account, also organized into pictures for everyone to save and read.

First round of interviews

In charge of the front end group, the questions are sorted out as follows:

  • How to realize lazy loading of pictures;
  • How to improve the efficiency of lazy image loading;
  • Principle of PWA;
  • How to write a PWA;
  • getBoundingClientRectDisadvantages of methods;
  • What are the front-end performance optimizations?
  • Strategies for static resource loading and updating;
  • Understanding and using CDN server; Considerations for caching static resources
  • What impact does the difference between the history route and hash route have on the browser?
  • Differences between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2;
  • Any Webpack potholes encountered;
  • What is the virtual DOM?
  • Why virtual DOM operations are faster than DOM operations;
  • Talk about your understanding of MVVM;
  • Talk about your understanding of Vue and the underlying implementation mechanism of Vue;

Second interview

In charge of the front end team, the questions are sorted out as follows:

  • What are the differences between Webpack and Gulp, and what situations are suitable for them?
  • Understanding and using CDN server;
  • Talk about the projects you have done and what technology you have used.
  • Hot update implementation mechanism;

Third round of interviews

Department Manager:

  • With binary search implementationindexOfMethod, do not allow recursion;

In fact, for ES6, we have done tail-call optimization for recursive functions, which can be implemented recursively. The Python interpreter does not implement tail-call optimization.

Write in the back

Why just give you the questions and not the answers? Or I want you to think for yourself, to find the answer, to gain experience and insights in practice. It’s no use memorizing answers. The interviewer can test your skills with just a few questions.

Then suggest that we should master the basic sorting and search algorithm, and use JS to achieve it. Just recently this uncle is also updating this series of algorithm articles, interested in children’s shoes suggested to pay attention to.

Finally, you are welcome to share or collect my article, but be sure to digest and absorb.

“The value of knowledge lies in its application, not in its memorization.”

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