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This article tries to describe, and think and describe, as a “front-end developer.” Of course, the scope is not limited to the front end itself. Technology itself has no boundaries, so does thinking and consciousness. The biggest takeaway from this trip to Shanghai: don’t put limits on yourself.

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The shared videos can be found by Google search. The content is not introduced one by one. The theme of this year’s Google Developer Conference is: Better Empower Developers! Here, I write some of what I see, hear and think about some of the outlook and judgment of the future trend, not all mature and correct views, just to give you a reference. Finally, welcome to exchange ideas. It is a pleasure to have a meal, discuss technology and talk about life.

Trend 1: Web technology has entered a period of steady growth

Summary: Technology promotion is still a continuation of PWA, AMP and Lighthouse. The launch of also further indicates that technology development has been transformed from technology-based development to application development. The era of front-end blowout bonuses is over!

1) PWA and AMP are not introduced here. Most students should know or have actually developed them.

Workbox is already great, just engineering it with the business. AMP for Tencent? Well, we are the distributor of traffic. Maybe when you go out and start your own business, you can pay more attention. Especially in the face of the international market, the value is great.

Waiting for search support in the APP Store and marketplace, the era of WebApps will continue to explode as desktop apps are installed offline. When these two capabilities are supported, the value of the front end is really magnified! It’s like, Android and Apple have become wechat, and the front end is like developing small programs. This maximizes the value of front-end development and reduces the cost of developing apps.

Of course, in the meantime, the technology solution of the Flutter like can also make the client students continue to shine. The development of Web will not replace the client, but will only make the industry more prosperous. Native will have the value of Native, and Web will also have the prosperity of Web. Perhaps, eventually, there will be a move towards a big front end, and the nature of the technologies is strikingly similar. No matter what you do, how many turns you do, they end up in the same place.

2) Lighthouse is built into the Chrome developer tools, making it easy for developers to check and score page performance.

Web. dev was added this year; /measure it measures your page rating. Allows you to further think about the performance of the site.

Comrade MAO Zedong’s Theory of Permanence

Lighthouse and have a lot to offer as part of our engineering efforts, solving simple tests and making recommendations for optimizations, such as missing resource files and page improvements. Its standards may not fully adapt to the business. In the future, we can also carry out some customized optimization to build the community together.

3) Localization of Web capabilities

This year’s Conference was more about new apis, sharing, file systems, and more about enhanced apis. In the future, the capabilities of the Web will be closer and closer to Native capabilities. Because of Nodejs, a lot of teams use the front end as backend development, for example in my first year as a backend developer. So here’s the question. Why can’t the front end be used as a Native development? It’s actually fine. The terms you see below, in fact, are all likely to be supported in the future of the Web. That means the Web is getting closer to being Native.

4) TWA an exciting thing!

Here is what TWA is, what features TWA has, and the advantages of TWA.

TWA combined with PWA will be the formal prototype of WebApp in the future. When TWA came along with Google Play and App Store search, it was the beginning of a new Web era. All this will take time, of course.

Trend # 2: Whether Google’s return to native apps, and Apple’s tightening of the dynamic, can give native developers more confidence

You may find that the number of IOS and Android developers on your team is shrinking. In particular, the APP team, which has been very successful in the past, is now under great pressure. This is the universality problem facing the industry. Yes! As the Web continues to evolve, RN – like and applets – like solutions mature, and the entire Nodejs ecosystem improves, the scarcity of front-end talent becomes apparent. It is also an inevitable trend that talents themselves will flow towards the technology direction with vitality.

But does that mean the front end is worth more than the client? Definitely not, can only say: the industry talent density scarcity is greater than the client end. Can the front end replace the client? Of course not! But DART gives the client another chance to break through, and the front end presents new opportunities and challenges. Whoever gets more space in the field has more potential to influence future technology trends.

Back to this year’s theme: Android 10! Focus on privacy control, mobile phone customization and efficiency! Check out Android 10 highlights here! The main attraction is the dark theme and global cleanup. This is the most intuitive change you’ll see in Android 10.

When enabled, virtual buttons and navigation bar are no longer displayed at the bottom of the screen, only an indicator bar is left. The operation logic of swiping up to return to the home screen and swiping to return to the upper layer is consistent with that of iOS. This is a sign that not only are design styles becoming more similar, but user experience is also becoming more similar.

This year Kotlin talked less and more about the Flutter direction. Given Koltin’s position as Google’s strategic language and the current Go boom, it’s worth looking forward to Kotlin in the future. In the short term, however, the Flutter is more promising than Kotlin’s low capacity. Flutter to Web is officially incorporated into Master, which has a big impact on the big front end. It’s an interesting question whether RN’s solution is really on its way out.

A brief description of Flutter design:

Compared with the RN-like framework, only the JavaScript virtual machine extension calls the system components, and the components are rendered by Android and iOS systems. Flutter completes its own loop of component rendering

Embedder is an operating system Embedder layer, which provides the ability to embed platform-related features such as rendering Surface Settings, thread Settings, and platform plug-ins. 2) The Engine layer mainly contains Skia, Dart and Text, which implements the rendering Engine, Text typesetting, event processing and Dart runtime of Flutter. 3) The Framework layer is a UI SDK implemented with Dart, including animation, graphic drawing, gesture recognition and other functions. AOT and JIT are part of the essence of Dart itself, and they’re really awesome.

The design of Flutter also borrows from RN’s componentized approach, and widgets are the building blocks of Flutter! GDD conference Flutter has officially released version 1.9 with the ability to incorporate 2Web. Now that you are checking out the Master version of Flutter, you can experience Flutter 2 Web development. Here is a simple example of a wireless list. As shown in the following two figures, the component is still a DOM node; After compression, the file size is about 1.3m, which is acceptable. As a service backup scheme, it is acceptable. As for the more detailed CSS property conversion, event proxy listening, after the practice, I will share with you in more detail.

The above 2 images are a Demo of building an infinite loop list based on Flutter To Web

The industrialisation of Flutter is still very fast and the development experience is very exciting. However, the Dart language can have some learning costs for front-end development. But teams interested In working on cross-platform development can All In. The big front-end era is full of terminal developers. Whether it is Google’s Kotlin, Apple’s Swift, and now The Flutter, they are all coming at the right time. Terminal developers still want to stand at the top of the wave of the big front-end field, promoting the prosperity of the industry.

The rapid growth of the front end is due in large part to the foundation and standards that Chrome builds on for the front end, but there is currently a lack of a tool that can unlock productivity in the client space. Both Swift and Kotlin are solving one end of the problem, and I have a hunch that the Flutter solution may become the second Chrome ** in the near future! Become the industry’s true “cross-platform solution”! It’s like a small program, but it’s not a small program. That might be an interesting direction. The industry has recently rolled out standards for MiniApp, but it’s been a bit of a struggle.

Trend 3: Accelerated implementation of TensorFlow and ARCore productization

At the conference, Google’s ARCore team introduced didi Taxi to build navigation functions based on ARCore, including motion tracking and environment understanding, and map navigation in complex scenes. Meitu uses the enhanced face API to create a camera function to help users take more fun and interesting pictures. Jingdong has developed an educational software that uses enhanced image API to generate 3D dynamic models through letters to help children learn more concretically. With the arrival of THE 5G era, more scenarios can be found.

I didn’t choose to listen to TensorFlow this year. I heard a lot last year. This little sister’s Chinese doesn’t sound much better than it did last year. But, still can express very clearly, very powerful!

TensorFlow is well known in China, but there are many similar solutions in the industry. If I were to ask you, if you were a front-end developer and didn’t understand machine learning and deep learning, you wouldn’t be able to name a few products in the same category. Theano, Caffe, Keras, etc. These terms aren’t really important, but you probably know TF! To figure out what your team wants to do, try TensorFlow and see if it already has that capability. GDD arranged a Topic for TF for one day, and indeed made great efforts to promote it. Thanks to Google’s powerful technology promotion capabilities, TF has indeed gained popularity in China to a large extent. Therefore, when we want to do technical promotion one day, it is necessary to learn the global promotion plan of a TF.

Trend 4: Segregated cultural and technological boundaries will continue to break down in the future

I was surprised that one Topic even discussed “When Science and Technology meets Art and Culture”. You say a technology company, talk to you about culture, not terrible! Of course, the combination of art and culture is machine learning. Technology can change, influence, and possibly dominate our lives. Embrace him openly, but there is also a looming constraint.

During the developer conference, I communicated with their technical developers for a long time and found that they did not fully understand Chinese developers. We don’t know exactly what we want. But they love to talk, they love to listen, and they want us to be part of their goal of serving developers around the world. In the future, there will be more and more Chinese developers involved in the process of technology globalization. Last year, I did not have such a strong feeling, but this year when I go again, I have clearly felt that there is such an opportunity, which is not far from the development students of Tencent.

Trend 5: Development trend of front-end technical talent

Type A talent view {technical, product, business}Copy the code

“Type A talent view” is A term I came up with myself. Explain why the concept of type A talent is proposed. Technology on the left, product on the right and business in the middle! Compared with background development, front-end development has more advantages that we can follow up with users and bring products and experiences to users. Even if the intelligent model can realize automatic compilation and generation of code functions in the future, it still needs human to carry out personalized demand development. It is still far away to completely replace human. Although the age of intelligence is coming soon.

Where is the value of front-end development during a technology plateau? This question is actually a bit strange! Maybe the last two years of front-end development can reap the combined technology accumulated by front-end developers over the last 10 years. I’m glad I’ve only been working for three years. The people who accumulated in the industry ten years ago, they caught the dividends of Internet productization, but not the dividends of technology accumulation. The rapid development of the industry is the guarantee of their success. But today, with the relatively stable growth environment of the Internet, with the accumulation of a large number of talents and the emergence of super apps, it is difficult to have so much space for everyone to race around as in the past. Therefore, behind every successful product today, there is much less chance, and more result of necessity and ingenious design. Then, this time, it is really ability and value that are tested, not luck.

Therefore, how to choose in the future and how to improve one’s comprehensive ability is full of challenges and choices for everyone. This is indeed an interesting proposition, and I am also confused. The technical value of a new graduate is going to surpass that of a developer like me who has worked for three years. Especially people who say to me, “I’ve been writing code since I was 13. By the time I graduated from college, I had been writing for 10 years.” There will be more and more students like this in the future, as they grow up, what should we do?

The development and iteration of technology also leads to the backwardness of technology itself! Especially some of the technical debt has been heavy steps, the growth of these development students, may really be a frightening thing. Then we, after many years of work, and what can leave their core values, which has become confusing. Anxiety is not sold, anxiety is not sold, it is to be faced. So, going back to the question, we can see that [technology + industry] can shape a developer’s moat. Of course, other competency models, such as management, public speaking, responsibility, and so on, have nothing to do with technical orientation per se, but reflect a person’s general competence. Therefore, how to face the product iteration in the technological plateau and the crisis of their future growth has become the core problem that the next generation of front-end students need to think about and face.

Standing on your point of view, in the face of “A talent “, how should you choose, how to choose, welcome to leave A message to discuss!

Conclusion outlook

As a Web developer, the technology plateau has arrived, and 2019 is the beginning of a new phase in which we can look ahead to the future of web technology. With the end of demographic dividend, the era of “All In mobile” has gradually come to an end, and the era of multi-terminal parallel has officially begun. Pay more attention to the grinding of actual product experience, focus on detail development.

From a technical point of view, PWA has reached a plateau, followed by the replenishment of basic capabilities such as Push and offline. And the desktop application NW, Electron will gradually erode the traditional client development area, both time and effort saving, and can unify the technology stack. There was no mention of WebAssembly at this year’s Developer conference, but WASM certainly allows WebGl and audio and video to grow in the future. The cross-platform sector is still optimistic about Flutter’s future as it could be the next Chrome, the ultimate cross-platform solution on mobile. Language TS, Dart and Go have also entered the vision of front-end development. Finally, the three major frameworks and applets that have to be mentioned are aligned with standardization and Web Components.

The seemingly prosperous front-end world, with so many dazzling choices, is indeed an interesting thing. Whether this is a golden age, false prosperity, or developer’s own fun, you judge for yourself!

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