** Real development work often uses JSON data, so there is a need to see if the JSON data returned by accessing the URL address in Google Chrome can be displayed in JSON format.
For example, go to Google Chrome: jsonview.com/example.jso…
The display effect is as follows:
After installing the JsonView extension, it looks like this:
Obviously, the latter works better. The implementation steps are as follows:
1. Download the JsonView extension package
Download: github.com/gildas-lorm…
Clone or Download — Download Zip
2. Unzip the package
3. Open the Chrome extension
Method 1: Open Google Chrome and enter Chrome ://extensions/ in the address box
Method 2:
4. Load the JsonView extension
Select Developer mode and click load Extension under Development… , select the plugins directory (D: jsonview-for-Chrome-master WebContent)
Click OK and it will be installed. The following interface is displayed after installation:
Install complete, reload (Ctrl+R). **